Most people are more Loving than they are Aware of. They are not Aware of how Love is expressed through the infinite ways you experience Love in the world. For example, when you clean the stove and the chrome around the burner, Love is caring that not only is the chrome clean, but you give that extra energy to express Love. So, you get out the steel wool and you give more of yourself so that the stove shines with Love.
Love takes many forms, duty, commitment, caringness about everything. Loving the body, caring for it, making sure that it is well fed, fit, strong, caring for how it looks, not as vanity, but as a caringness, reflecting how much you value the body. You Love the body, so you take care of the body in every way.
Love has many, many expressions as forms of caringness. We often look at Love as an advanced state of being, yet it is the essence of what you are, so it’s always present. Love is constant in your life, it’s what you are. No one is completely at one set level of Consciousness. Your overall development my come from a lower energy field, yet, Love is always accessible, because Love is the underlying truth of what you are. It is when you let go of minding life, coming from lower levels of the mind, even if just for a few moments, that you experience Love. It’s like most of your life you stand in the shade. When you let go of choosing the shade, the experience of lower levels of being, that you choose to step into tout of the shade, into the sunshine, which is always there, always available for you to Be, it’s your innate nature.
Certain aspects of your life may be Loving, and other aspects you are in the shade of the ego. So, out of Love for what you are, you begin to nurture those aspects of life that are limited by the shade of the ego. The more Love you give those aspects of life, the brighter your experience Is. It is the shade, the chill of being in the shade that stimulates you to choose to move out of the shade, give those aspects of life Love, and live a brighter, shinning warm life experience.
Love often is labelled something that is not understood to be Love. In the world, you are conditioned through songs, books, movies, television, to believe that Love is something you give and take from each other. It’s not really Love, it’s conditional, it’s limited, it’s conditional. Love can Be lost in that context. Thus, it’s not really Love, its attachment, romance, here and there. It’s a me Loving you and you loving me. That attachment can be won, gained and thus, it can be lost or taken away. Yet, that is not Love at all, only an undeveloped understanding of the nature of Love.
Love is Awareness of the reality that is always within you.
Love is a way of being in the world. Love is a style, a way of being, of holding yourself and how you are being in connection with each aspect of life within an overall context. That overall context gives Love its true meaning, significance, and appearance.
It is just as important to polish the chrome as it is to help someone struggling on the side of the road. That capacity takes this form here, turning over the beetle that’s on its back, or saving someone dying on the side of the street, or holding the door so another can get through, it’s a way of being in the world that expresses caringness. Love is the capacity and willingness to care about each aspect of life you experience within the world.