Our Colombian-American founder, Katalina Mayorga, has lived, worked, and traveled her whole life through Colombia and Latin America. Every trip is curated by Katalina and her handpicked team.
Katalina uses her experiences and connections to find locals who make a destination stand out. She and the El Camino team constantly immerse themselves into the creative economies of emerging destinations. Then they share these cultural treasures with you.
Read more about our Travel Philosophy here.
Get the most out of your trip with highly curated itineraries.
You can’t even find a lot of our recommendations in the travel roundups of prestigious media outlets. Katalina and our network of local tastemakers, artisans, and innovators stay ahead of them and, thus, so do you.
We keep tabs on everything hip, interesting, and up-and-coming for all of our destinations.
No more guessing or dumping hours into research.
The average traveler visits 78+ websites and spends 10 to 35 hours planning. We cut out endless hours sifting through unreliable Trip Advisor and Yelp reviews by putting together itineraries that show off the best of our destinations. We take you straight to the heart of these regions. You get to know the real place.
Be independent, but don’t travel solo.
Explore the exciting aspects of a new culture with others who actually appreciate it. This is the #elcaminotravel style.
Meet awesome new people and become fast friends. Don't get lonely. Don’t sit feeling ripped off on an overstuffed tour bus.
We used to be hesitant about group travel too, but we’ve seen firsthand that it enhances the experience. Now it’s core to the El Camino Travel ethos.
Our small group travel allows elevated travel you could never get on your own and creates lasting bonds with fellow travelers. We create an environment for solo female travelers to explore freely with the safety of a group.
You get your own photographer.
Leave your phone in your pocket and live in the moment. A handful of our trips each year include a professional travel photographer. They creatively capture highlights and beautiful moments, and you get 20+ compelling images every morning to share on social media.
Completely immerse yourself in the experience instead of taking 30 selfies trying to get a good one.
Support local vendors and businesses.
Curating our trips with authentic local interaction also means your tourism dollars go right back to the people who make the #elcaminotravel experience what it is. This contributes to a thriving, sustainable local economy.
Want to understand how we believe in making a difference in the world through tourism? You can read this blog post to learn what responsible and sustainable travel means to us.
Leave with a completely new perception of travel
With us, you avoid pitfalls and uncover experiences that normally take years to find.
When you see these destinations as they really are, you leave as an ambassador. This helps to break down negative stereotypes that have plagued these destinations Narcos for decades.
The more people are inspired to visit these spectacular locales, the more economies thrive with thoughtful and responsible tourism.
You will walk away from this experience inspired by everything you saw, smelled, tasted, heard, and felt in our destinations.
Is El Camino travel for you?
Here’s a checklist for an El Camino traveler:
An adventurous spirit
Love for discovering new countries
Ready to embrace new cultures
A thrill of joy in stepping out of their comfort zones
Interest in making the world a better place through responsible and sustainable travel
If this sounds like you, you might just be an El Camino Traveler. While we and hundreds of travelers love going deep with highly tailored experiences, we realize it’s not for everyone. Read through our itineraries to ensure we are the right fit for your style.