I’m looking at weather forecast and after the 1st of year it is looking promising as we have some good ice making weather coming and as of this forecast it’s good through middle of month so far. If it stays like that and no more 40 degree BS and rain we could be in business on the Saginaw Bay by end of month January jigging up some Walleye!!
This is the first 2 week forecast I’ve seen all season so far that looks good like this for consistent ice making weather.
Saginaw River will freeze first so I mite get a few trips on it before the bay gets safe.
I’m keeping my eye on 2 week forecast and can only hope it stays the course.
If so If you need to preplan your trip I would do so soon and put a deposit down to hold your date. I’ve already got some days booked up in February already so I’m going to open up taking deposits and booking dates again since it looks promising.
Deposits ARE refundable if we end up getting no ice fyi…. But I like what I’m seeing so far for the extended forecast.
Get ahold of me soon if you want to book your trip.
(Also if you haven’t liked my FB page for walleye king plz do so and when I start posting updates on ice conditions and fishing reports it will show up in your feed)
Capt. Brian 🎣😃