Hilarious; and accurate 🤣
If you live here you’ve learned to love the rain, and the weird quirks that come with life in Juneau ♥️
Sound on 🔊
The video starts off with a faint feeding call from the boat’s hydrophone; then you see the bubble net feeding whales erupt through the surface of the water & hear all the ‘ooos’ & ‘ahhhs’ 😃😃😃
Hearing our passengers reactions to seeing whales is just the best 🥰🥰
Video July 2023
-Our vessel adheres to NOAA Fisheries Alaska Humpback Whale Approach Regulations and does not intentionally approach whales within 100 yards.
-As a proud member of Whale SENSE (whalesense.org), we are committed to responsible whale watching practices. All photos were taken in compliance with established guidelines and regulations.
Sound on 🔊
What does it sound like to be on one of your tours? Well it often sounds like whale breathe & radio chatter 😅 we do our best to keep the radio turned down but sometimes that background noise is there too 🥰
Loved this shot too because of the Pt Retreat Lighthouse & Chilkat mountain range in the visual background 🤩
Video taken June 2023
#alaska #alaskalife #juneaualaska #juneau #juneaulife #whales #humpbackwhale #humpback #insidepassage #mountains #custom #private #captainalaska #pacificocean #blue #mountain #ocean #jayleensalaska #captainjayleen #heralaskalife #heralaskaadventure #storiessawitfirst #yestraveljuneau
As Shania said, that don’t impress me much 🐻😅
Don’t worry! We cleaned up the mess and reinforced our shed so it wouldn’t happen again. 🤩
#alaska #justanotherday #heralaskalife
Another great question that we get asked a lot: Will we get seasick on board your smaller boats?
It’s a great question and it really depends on each individual person, on each individual tour. We find that most days in the Juneau area are relatively calm, with the largest waves that we encounter being the wake of other vessels that are also out on the water. Sometimes it will get a little choppy out there and the boat will move with the motion of the ocean, if you are at all concerned about sea sickness, we do recommend maybe taking an anti-nausea medication before our tour. Just to ensure that you will enjoy our tour to its fullest. Since 2015 we’ve only had less than a handful of people actually get physically sick while on board our tours, it’s not a common occurrence. If you are on our tours and you do start to feel sick, please let your Captain know, we have some tricks up our sleeve to help!
If you have any other questions about our tours, feel free to reach out to us! If your question gets asked enough, it may even end up as a video! 🤩
This year I will celebrate 10 years of living the dream ♥️ What started as a love of the water & wanting to share that with others has turned into a business that is actually a career, my full time job with no plans of changing! Literally would not have been possible without each of you who has adventured with us & my like minded captains who share my vision & contagious love of the water; with a need to share it with other people!
Sound on 🔊
Momma & baby breach one right after another; very rare to see!! Have you ever HEARD a whale breach? It blows my mind every time how LOUD it actually is 🥰
Sound on 🔊😆 These sea lions were talking up a storm - I can just imagine what they were saying! 😂
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We do our best to help you get that dream photo of a Humpback Whales tail (aka Fluke) by letting you know when we think that whale is going down for a terminal dive; by the end of our tours you’ll probably be able to predict a dive for yourself but our captains are happy to help in the meantime 😃 🐋 📷
The family that watches wildlife together smiles all day long 😆😃😃😃
With our 6 passenger boats we specialize in experiences for the whole family ♥️
The Sea Lions aren’t often pulled up on shore…but when they are it’s usually a pretty LOUD experience 😅
Video taken September 2024