Sacred Sites Ireland Tours with Maria

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  • Sacred Sites Ireland Tours with Maria

Sacred Sites Ireland Tours with Maria O'Farrell Tours offers sacred sites of Ireland tours since 2012. Reg and Bonded Small Group Tours We do offer custom groups of different sizes too.

Ireland Sacred Tours Est. 2012

We offer specially guided adventures as:
Ireland Holiday Tours
Ireland Sacred Tours
Ireland St Patrick's Week Holiday tour
Sacred Tour to Hawaii
Irish Gardens and Sacred sites Tour
Kryon Ireland Tours
Celtic Angels Ireland Tours
Circle Dance Ireland Tours
Yoga Ireland Tours

For more details please contact us

BC Registration #2776-4.

Our escorted tours by Maria are limited in size for a more personal and intimate experience. Everyone Welcome! Come on your own or bring a friend or the whole family. Tours on average are 9 - 14 days

All tours, flights and insurance are provided by our group travel agent
All tours are personall guided by Irish Born / Canadian Maria Carr

Ask for our testimonials from past tour guests

Each tour has liminted space so book early
Contact us to-day for full details

Currently showing on 'Love Nature' tv channell is the most amazing documentary called ' Ireland's Wild Islands'.   Irish...

Currently showing on 'Love Nature' tv channell is the most amazing documentary called ' Ireland's Wild Islands'. Irish man Eoin Warner sails a 140-year-old Galway Ho**er out into the Atlantic to showcase the extraordinary wild magic of Ireland's western islands, from Basking Sharks off Inishtrahull, to White Tailed Eagle off the Cork coast. A must see.


This is lads from The Rising, who often play in Killarney when we are there on tour. They are such fun. Hope to see them play in April.


Looking forward to Scotland and the music in Sept.

This is a lovely Winter Solstice event in Ireland and you can watch it live on Dec 21st at 12:40 PM BC Canada Time.

This is a lovely Winter Solstice event in Ireland and you can watch it live on Dec 21st at 12:40 PM BC Canada Time.

Announcing the return of the Winter Solstice LIVE STREAM!

See the rising sun light up the chamber at Newgrange as we broadcast LIVE from inside the chamber itself on December 21st, 2023. We are inviting people from all over Ireland and the world to experience this extraordinary phenomenon as it happens.

Get the full details below and mark your calendar for an unforgettable experience!


📣 Be sure to follow us for updates on the live broadcast link.

Irish Foreign Ministry RTÉ News Brú na Bóinne - Newgrange and Knowth Heritage Ireland National Monuments Service - Archaeology Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage Malcolm Noonan T.D. Patrick O'Donovan National Geographic National Museum of Ireland Archaeology Ireland Archaeology Magazine Discover Ireland Fáilte Ireland The Irish Times Irish Independent Irish Examiner RTÉ 2fm Newstalk UNESCO BBC News CNN Sky News CBC News Fox News ABC News Virgin Media Ireland


Dancing on the hills of Leitrim

If you are not in the Christmas spirit yet, I encourage you to listen to Christmas FM Ireland. A charity Irish radio sta...

If you are not in the Christmas spirit yet, I encourage you to listen to Christmas FM Ireland. A charity Irish radio station comes on every year around this time. If you have a Google Home speaker, you can also ask it to play the station. It grows yearly, and all texts cost a small fee donated to charities that need them. This is not sponsored; I just love the radio station. Enjoy 🎅🎄

Listen Live to Christmas FM - Ireland's Christmas station.

Looking forward to visiting Skara Brae on our Scotland Tour in Sept 2024.

Looking forward to visiting Skara Brae on our Scotland Tour in Sept 2024.

🔸Skara Brae - The Scottish Pompeii :

Skara Brae, one of the most perfectly preserved Stone Age (Neolithic) villages in Europe, which was covered for hundreds of years by a sand dune on the shore of the Bay of Skaill, Mainland, Orkney Islands, Scotland.

This prehistoric village was discovered during a great storm in 1850, four buildings were excavated during the 1860s by William Watt. After another storm in 1926, further excavations were undertaken by the Ancient Monuments branch of the British Ministry of Works. During 1970s radiocarbon dating established that the settlement was inhabited from about 3200-2200 BC. No one knows why village life seems to have ended around 2200 BC. Some argue that a huge sandstorm covered the houses. Others believe it was a more gradual process. As village life was ending, new monuments were starting to appear on mainland Orkney. The most important of these are Maeshowe Chambered Cairn, and impressive Ring of Brodgar Stone Circle and Henge and Stones of Stenness Circle and Henge. Due to all these rich archaeological heritage left in this prehistoric site, in 1999, the site become as part of the Heart of Neolithic Orkney, Skara Brae was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, along with Maes Howe, a large chambered tomb, as well as two ceremonial stone circles, the Stones of Stenness and the Ring of Brodgar.

Don't click;

Looking forward to visiting her castle in Ireland, this April 2024.

Looking forward to visiting her castle in Ireland, this April 2024.

Grace O'Malley was born in Co. Mayo in 1530 and would come to be strongly linked with Connemara, as well as neighbouring Co. Mayo, due to her many bold and brave deeds.

Grace was said to have been given the nickname Gráinne Mhaol or Granuaile (Bald Grace) as a child after she cut her own hair short so as to resemble a boy and join her father’s seafaring expeditions which did not allow girls.

Her ploy was successful and she proved herself an adept sailor who travelled all over Europe.

Aged just 16, she married Donal of the O’Flaherty tribe of Connemara which had previously been sworn enemies of the O’Malleys.

She moved to her husband’s home at Bunowen Castle, near Ballyconneely in Co. Galway and lived there with Donal. The pair eventually had three children.

The marriage eased tensions between the two clans and added to Grace's wealth and status.

When her father died, she assumed control of his whole fleet which was able to control much of Ireland’s west coast.

She continued to sail to many countries, trading all sorts of goods. Many of the tactics used to gain control of the sea were not strictly legal and Grace soon earned another nickname: the Pirate Queen.

Donal O'Flaherty was killed in battle in 1565 and after this, Grace married another powerful chieftain, Richard Bourke.

She continued to prosper, dividing her time between the sea and her several castles, including at Bunowen and Renvyle in Connemara.

She fought many battles against neighbouring tribes, especially the Joyces, and proved a fierce opponent.

The west coast of Ireland had always proven difficult to control from an English perspective, largely due to the O’Malleys, and presidents of the provinces were appointed from 1569 onwards in an attempt to make maintaining control easier.

Richard Bingham was appointed president in 1584 and was nicknamed ‘The Flail of Connacht,’ due to his violent methods of controlling the region. At one session in Galway in 1586, he put seventy people to death. He was also a sworn enemy of Gráinne Mhaol.

She requested and was granted a meeting with Queen Elizabeth I to complain about his arrest of her family members.

It is said that Granuaile refused to bow to Elizabeth as she was herself a Queen and thus an equal. The pair communicated in Latin as Grace spoke no English and Elizabeth no Irish.

Queen Elizabeth must have been impressed by her visitor as she agreed to return many of Grace’s titles and some of her land.

Grace continued her life at sea until an old age, before she died in 1603.

To this day, she is remembered fondly all along the western seaboard as having stood firm against British attempts to control the seas around Counties Mayo and Galway.

As Irish star Pierce Brosnan says – what's not to love about Ireland!? Watch as the A-list actor and former James Bond talks passionately about his homeland....


So excited for this new tour of Northern Ireland and along the west coast of Ireland. New places such as Achill Island, Donegal's Slieve League cliffs and Cliff of Mohar, Derry, Belfast, Giant Causeway, Lahinch, Doolin and more new adventures for us all. Early-bird prices still available. contact us for more details before this tour sells out.

"Spotted Lake, just south of me, in Osoyoos, BC, in Canada. It is a sacred place of healing for the Syilx people, the Fi...

"Spotted Lake, just south of me, in Osoyoos, BC, in Canada. It is a sacred place of healing for the Syilx people, the First Nations of the Okanagan. Its hundreds of separate pools contain one of the world’s highest concentrations of Epsom salts, calcium, sodium sulphates, and other minerals.". We visited here in 2015 with my Tour Group.

Photo from our 2013 Ireland Tour

Photo from our 2013 Ireland Tour

I took this photo in 2009 of Man and his horse in Co. Clare, Ireland.

I took this photo in 2009 of Man and his horse in Co. Clare, Ireland.

After listening to Nancy Rebecca's video this morning about The Blue Light Surge happening tomorrow ( Nov 18), I came ac...

After listening to Nancy Rebecca's video this morning about The Blue Light Surge happening tomorrow ( Nov 18), I came across this lovely photo of Nancy on one of our Sacred Sites of Ireland Tours ( I think it was the 2014 Tour ), surrounded by a blue white light, while she was inside one of the ancient stone bee-hive huts in Di**le. To listen more about this? go to Nancy's group blue light movement FB page at I have my blue top/shirt ready to wear for tomorrow's blue light surge.

The Scottish countryside is a tapestry of natural wonders, from the brooding beauty of the Glen Coe valley to the tranqu...

The Scottish countryside is a tapestry of natural wonders, from the brooding beauty of the Glen Coe valley to the tranquil shores of Loch Ness, where the mysterious depths beckon both adventurer and dreamer alike. From the moment you set foot on Scottish soil, you are greeted by a landscape that seems like it was plucked straight from the pages of a fairy tale, with its majestic highland mountains that pierce the sky, their peaks often shrouded in mist, and the rolling hills that stretch as far as the eye can see, covered in a patchwork quilt of lush green fields, where sheep graze peacefully.

We still have a few places left at the early-bird rate.

We still have a few places left at the early-bird rate.

This post gives a good sense of timeline and lovely picture of Drombeg Stone circle in Cork, from the Facebook Celts pag...

This post gives a good sense of timeline and lovely picture of Drombeg Stone circle in Cork, from the Facebook Celts page.

Celtic Ireland refers to the period in Ireland's history when Celtic culture and influences dominated the island. This era is typically associated with the Iron Age and the arrival of the Celts in Ireland, which is believed to have occurred around 500 BCE. It's important to note that the term "Celtic" is a broad and sometimes controversial term, as it encompasses a diverse group of peoples who shared certain cultural and linguistic features.
Key aspects of Celtic Ireland include:
1. Celtic People: The Celts were an Indo-European group of people who spread across Europe during the Iron Age. In Ireland, they brought their own language, customs, and social structures. The Celtic language spoken in Ireland is known as Old Irish.
2. Society and Economy: Celtic society in Ireland was organized into a hierarchical structure with kings or chieftains at the top. The economy was primarily based on agriculture, with cattle farming being particularly important. The Celts in Ireland practiced a form of pastoral nomadism, moving their herds seasonally to find suitable grazing land.
3. Religion and Mythology: Celtic Ireland had a rich religious and mythological tradition. The Druids, a class of priests, played a significant role in religious practices and were responsible for preserving the oral traditions and laws. The Celtic pantheon included deities associated with nature, fertility, and war.
4. Art and Symbolism: Celtic art is known for its intricate designs, often seen in metalwork, jewelry, and illuminated manuscripts. The use of intricate knotwork and stylized animal forms is characteristic of Celtic artistic expression.
5. Law and Brehon System: Celtic Ireland operated under a legal system known as the Brehon Laws. These laws were based on precedent and were administered by professional jurists called Brehons. The Brehon Laws covered a wide range of issues, including marriage, property, and social responsibilities.
6. Christianity and Syncretism: Christianity arrived in Ireland in the 5th century, and over time, it became the dominant religion. The process of Christianization in Ireland was unique, with some aspects of Celtic pagan traditions blending with Christian practices.
7. Viking Invasions: In the 8th and 9th centuries, Viking raids and invasions began, marking the beginning of a new phase in Ireland's history. The interactions between the Celtic and Viking cultures would have a lasting impact on the development of medieval Ireland.
The Celtic period in Ireland laid the foundation for the medieval and later history of the island. It left a lasting impact on Irish culture, language, and traditions, and elements of Celtic heritage are still evident in contemporary Ireland.

Early bird rates end Nov 15th.   Six places still left.  New places to visit and two Island visits.Come join us in North...

Early bird rates end Nov 15th.
Six places still left. New places to visit and two Island visits.
Come join us in Northern Ireland and Ireland in April 2024.

Lough Tay is, along with Glendalough, one of the most photographed location in Wicklow, my home county in Ireland.  The ...

Lough Tay is, along with Glendalough, one of the most photographed location in Wicklow, my home county in Ireland. The stunning scenery of the Lake surrounded by the mountains makes it one of the most iconic location in Ireland.
It is fed by the Cloghoge River and then drains into Lough Dan, located to the south. The beach on the northern side is bright white sand. It was imported by the Guinness family who’s estate runs through part of the Lough Tay area. The shape of the lake with the white sand at the top makes it look like a Pint of Guinness!. Lough Tay is the setting for the fictional village of Kattegat in the television historical drama series Vikings.!

This Hamish " The Hairy Coo", who I  hope to meet next September on our Ancient Sacred Sites Scotland Tour with Maria.

This Hamish " The Hairy Coo", who I hope to meet next September on our Ancient Sacred Sites Scotland Tour with Maria.

We have started a wait-list for our Tour to Scotland Sacred Sites. Group is limited to 14 guests. Please contact Maria b...

We have started a wait-list for our Tour to Scotland Sacred Sites. Group is limited to 14 guests. Please contact Maria by email if interested.

Early-bird price coming to an end. Come join us for an adventure of a lifetime in Ireland.

Early-bird price coming to an end. Come join us for an adventure of a lifetime in Ireland.

Happy Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced “sow-win”) is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spir...

Happy Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced “sow-win”) is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. It is usually celebrated from October 31 to November 1 to welcome in the harvest and usher in “the dark half of the year.” Celebrants believe that the barriers between the physical world and the spirit world break down during Samhain, allowing more interaction between humans and denizens of the Otherworld. Ancient Celts marked Samhain as the most significant of the four quarterly fire festivals, taking place at the midpoint between the fall equinox and the winter solstice. During this time of year, hearth fires in family homes were left to burn out while the harvest was gathered. After the harvest work was complete, celebrants joined with Druid priests to light a community fire. The fire was considered a representation of the sun and used along with prayers. Then participants took a flame from the communal bonfire back to their home to relight the hearth.

Join us in Ireland in April 2024. Early-bird discount ends November 1st.

Join us in Ireland in April 2024. Early-bird discount ends November 1st.


An original Jack O'Lantern c.1850 on display at the Museum of Country Life in Mayo.

History of the Jack O'Lantern.

According to Irish folklore, a man called Stingy Jack was sentenced to roam the earth for eternity by the devil. A ghostly figure of the night, Jack walks with a burning coal inside of a carved out turnip to light his way. Irish folklore began to refer to this spooky figure as 'Jack of the Lantern' which then became 'Jack O’Lantern.'

We all know that Halloween started with the Irish festival of Samhain or 'All Hallows Eve', which then became known as Halloween. This was a time of year when the veil between this world and the next was at its weakest and spirits roamed the world. This legend is why people in Ireland began to make their own versions of Jack’s lantern by carving grotesque faces into turnips, potatoes and beets, placing them by their homes to frighten away Stingy Jack and other wandering evil spirits and travelers.

Irish migrants in the 19th century brought this legend across the Atlantic,, where they discovered that Pumpkins were easier to carve than Turnips. So, it’s to an Irish character named Stingy Jack that we owe the origins of the modern Jack O'Lanterns.



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Our Story

Maria’s Irish Tours started in 2012. Since then we have offered specially guided adventures such as: Ireland Holiday Tours, Ireland Sacred Tours, Ireland St Patrick's Week Holiday tour... Celtic Angels Ireland Tours Sacred Tour to Hawaii Irish Gardens and Sacred sites Tour Kryon Ireland Tours Circle Dance Ireland Tours Yoga Ireland Tours For more details please contact us BC Registration #2776-4. We also offer custom groups of different sizes too. Our escorted tours by Maria are limited in size for a more personal and intimate experience. Everyone Welcome! Come on your own or bring a friend or the whole family. Tours on average are 9 - 14 days All tours, flights and insurance are provided by our group travel agent All tours are personall guided by Irish Born / Canadian Maria Carr Ask for our testimonials from past tour guests Each tour has liminted space so book early Contact us to-day for full details

Previous Tours with Maria 2019 Sept - Greek Islands Tour with Maria (Sold Out). 2019 March - Ireland Sacred Sites Tour with Angela Blaha (Sold out) 2018 Sept - Ireland Tour with Michelle Karen and Maria (Sold out early) 2018 June - NYC Holistic University Ireland Tour (Private) 2018 May - Ireland Gaia Tour (Sold out early) 2018 April - Celtic Angels Ireland Tour (Sold out) 2017 Sept - In Spirit by Day & Spirits by Night - Ireland Tour (Sold out) 2017 Aug - Summer Fun Holiday Ireland Tour 2017 April - Spring Fun Holiday Tour (with Scotland Option). 2017 April - Kryon Ireland Tour with Lee Carroll) 2017 May 1st - Excursion to Glendalough with Kryon 2017 May/June - Irish Gardens and Sacred Sites Ireland Tour 2016 September - Kryon Ireland Tour 2016 Sept- Circle Dance International Ireland Tour 2016 March - Celtic Angels Ireland Tour 2015 September - Mystical Ireland Land Tour 2015 June - Okanagan BC Sacred Energy Tour & Festival 2015 March - Celtic Angels Ireland Tour 2014 November - Sacred Tour to Hawaii 2014 September - Magical Holiday Ireland Tour 2014 March - Celtic Angels Ireland Tour 2013 March - Celtic Angels Ireland Tour 2000 to 2012 Event planning