Let us raise a toast for a happy and healthy future. 🥂 Wishing you a very blessed Mid-Autumn Festival!
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Inside Domaine:
Created in 1893 by Laurent Delaunay’s Great Grandfather, Edouard Delaunay was a major player in the development of the Burgundian wine region. From the beginning, the pursuit of excellence and ambition are what has established the House’s identity, but was reluctantly sold after illness and hard times struck in the early 1990s.
Bought back in 2017 by Laurent Delaunay, the great grandson of the founder, it strives to regain its place within the inner circle of the great houses of Burgundy through the meticulous and precise vinification and ageing of exceptional wines from some of Burgundy’s finest terroirs.
由Laurent Delaunay的曾祖父於1893年創立,Edouard Delaunay是勃艮第葡萄酒產區發展的主要參與者。在接下來的一個世紀中迅速成為勃艮第葡萄酒釀造的先驅酒莊,享譽國際。但1990年因身體疾病和艱難的時期酒莊被迫出售。
酒庄於2017年由Laurent Delaunay購回,並通過對一些勃艮第最好的風土產生的優質葡萄酒進行精確的釀造和陳釀,力求在勃艮第重回巔峰。
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#wine #winelover #burgundy #burgundywine #pinotnoir #chardonnay #aligote #winegeek #edouarddelaunay
What a great honor to share Krug with you guys 🥰🥰🥰
#champagne #krug #krugchampagne #kruglovers #closdumesnil #krugrose
Inside Domaine:
The interaction between the vines and the terroir is constant and cumulative. Therefore, the older the vines, the more understanding and interaction they accumulate, and naturally, they are better able to achieve a perfect combination with the terroir and the best grapes can be produced.
Domaine Bruno Clair was created in 1979 and currently has 25 hectares of vineyards. The vines are spread over 7 villages and 28 different appellations. In Burgundy, it is rare for a winery to have so many plots and brew so many wines.
The winery insists on 100% manual harvesting in each vineyard, and strict manual selection is directly carried out in the vineyard after harvesting. When arriving at the winery, the grapes are 100% destemmed. Use 20-50% new oak barrels, depending on the grade and year. The average maturation time is 16-22 months, depending on the structure of each wine.
Domaine Bruno Clair目前擁有24公頃的葡萄園釀造24種不同的酒款。在勃艮第,一個酒莊能夠擁有如此多的地塊,釀造如此多的酒款,實屬難得。
酒莊堅持在每一塊葡萄園進行100%手工採收,且採收後直接在葡萄園裡進行嚴格的人工揀選。到酒莊時,葡萄100%去梗。使用 20–50 %不等的新橡木桶,依不同的等級和年份而定。熟成的時間則平均在16-22個月,依每支酒的結構不同而有所增減。
Inside Domaine:
The Girardin family has been making wine as far back as the 17th century. Today, the Girardin estate represents about 22 hectares of vines spread throughout 42 parcels in the Cote de Beaune, including a proportion of the former Domaine Henri Clerc. Vincent insists the principles of integrated and reasoned viticulture, emphasizing the benefits of bio-dynamism in the vineyards while still allowing himself the flexibility to apply a soft treatment to the vineyards should bad meteorological conditions seriously threaten the sanitary condition of the grapes.
The white wines’ quality stems from their finesse and superb aromatic purity, from a balance of richness and smoothness with freshness and liveliness. The red wines are fruity and elegant, with supple tannins.
Vinceng Girardin 家族的釀酒歷史可追溯到17世紀。今天, Girardin酒莊擁有Cote de Beaune的42個地塊中約22公頃的葡萄田,更有一部分是Domaine Henri Clerc之前的葡萄田。 Vincent堅持綜合治理的葡萄田管理原則,在葡萄園中大部分使用生物動力法的前提下,同時在惡劣的氣象條件嚴重威脅葡萄的健康條件時,仍然允許自己靈活地對葡萄園進行一些處理。
Héritiers du Comte Lafon, founded in 1999 by Dominique Lafon, an extraordinary winemaker in Meursault. Héritiers du Comte Lafon is a biodynamic domaine in Mâconnais.
Dominique was the first Cote d’Or producer to invest in the immense potential hidden in those rolling hills by buying higher altitude, old vine parcels with the intent of letting this beautiful terroir. Early on, he strived to preserve the fruit and minerality of the region by using only larger, neutral wood for the aging of the wines.
From the old vines of Viré-Clessé producing floral, expressive wines to the more mineral intensity of Macon-Milly, and the racy and intense en Chatenay Pouilly-Fuissé vineyard of Vergisson.
Héritiersdu Comte Lafon,由Meursault的非凡釀酒師Dominique Lafon於1999年創立,是Mâconnais最早使用生物動力法的酒莊之一。
Dominique Lafon是最早看到高海拔丘陵地帶巨大潛力的生產商,早期投資很多高海拔地區的葡萄園。他使用大的木桶來陳釀葡萄酒以保持葡萄酒的新鮮水果香氣和礦物感。
酒款從花香豐富,表達力十足的Viré-Clessé老藤葡萄酒,到Macon-Milly更具礦物質味的葡萄酒,以及Vergisson的Chatenay Pouilly-Fuissé葡萄酒的活潑與濃郁,選擇多樣。
Inside Domaine:
Established in 1825 in Nuits-Saint-Georges by Pierre Faiveley. Today Erwan Faiveley and his sister Eve represent the seventh generation of the family, moreover, Eve is the first woman to hold this role in over 190 years of activity of this historic domaine.
When they took over in 2005, with Jerome Flous’s help, Erwan Faiveley immediately changed the style of the family production. They respect the environment which means they try to intervene as little as possible in the vineyards and currently 75% of the owned land has an organic certification.
October 2013, Domaine Faiveley reported it had acquired 50 acres of vines previously owned by Domaine Dupont-Tisserandot of Gevrey-Chambertin, including parts of the Grands Crus Charmes-Chambertin, Mazis-Chambertin.
Faiveley’s wine, quite perfumed, showing both violets and rose florals, red cherries, raspberries and red plums. On palate, Complex, multi-layered. Succulent, juicy fruit. Palate staining, dense and very powerful yet elegant and refined. Excellent line and length.
Pierre Faiveley於1825年在Nuits-Saint-Georges建立。如今,Erwan Faiveley和他的妹妹Eve是家族的第七代傳人。同時,Eve也是190年以來第一位參與酒莊事宜的女性。
2005年,在Jerome Flous的幫助下,Erwan Faiveley著手改變酒莊的風格。他們尊重環境,盡量減少人工對葡萄園的干預,目前有75%的地塊已獲得有機認證。
2013年,Domaine Faiveley收購了Domaine Dupont-Tisserandot 先前擁有的50英畝葡萄田,包括部分特級葡萄園如Charmes-Chambertin,Mazis-Chambertin等。
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本週四我們很高興有來自Vosne-Romanee,Domaine Arnoux Lachaux的莊主- Charles Lachaux跟我們分享他的釀酒哲學
Inside Domaine:
Established in 1858, the Domaine changed the name from Domaine Robert Arnoux to Domaine Arnoux-Lachaux in 2008. Charles Lachaux, as the sixth generation of the family took over the domaine from his father in 2012.
Being mentored by Lalou Bize-Leroy(Domaine Leroy), Charles Lachaux has managed to turn the style of the domaine around with amazing speed and is now producing a style of Pinot Noir that is as contemporary as it is firmly rooted in older styles of non-intervention viticulture.
Domaine Arnoux-Lachaux has 14.5 hectares of the most prized vineyards in Vosne-Romanée and equally high-quality vineyards in Nuits-Saint-Georges. The vines average fifty years old and the oldest. Getting closer to nature, fully showing the charm of the terroir, come and share the magic of "rising star" in burgundy with us!
Domaine Robert Arnoux成立於1858年,2008年酒莊更名為 Domaine Arnoux-Lachaux。 目前由家族的第六代人 Charles Lachaux經營。
在Lalou Bize-Leroy(Domaine Leroy)的指導下,Charles Lachaux以驚人的速度轉變了酒莊的風格。專注於葡萄田的管理,整串發酵,精準控制橡木桶的使用。敢於挑戰傳統風格的他,現釀造更優雅細膩,迸發著活力的葡萄酒。
Domaine Arnoux-Lachaux擁有Vosne-Romanée中14.5公頃最珍貴的葡萄園,以及Nuits-Saint-Georges中同樣優質的葡萄園。大多數葡萄藤都已經有50年的歷史了。回歸自然,充分展現土地的魅力,快來和我們一起感受“後起之秀”的釀酒魔力吧!
#avoyagetoburgundy #burgundyetc #etcwineshops #domainearnouxlachaux
#wine #winelover #winetasting #winetime #burgundywine #burgundy #wineoclock #winestagram #winelife #meursault #vosneromanee #NSG #chambollemusigny
On the occasion of our grand opening, we received many warm congratulations from our partner wineries. With their supports, we’re very glad to take this opportunity to present you our partners from North to South in Burgundy.
We are delighted to start with Jeremy Seysses from Domaine Dujac in Morey-Saint-Denis as the first site of our journey in 2020.
在隆重開幕之際,我們的合作夥伴紛紛向burgundy etc致以熱烈的祝賀。 藉此機會,在接下來的數週,我們將從北至南帶您認識我們在勃根地的一些朋友們。 今天,我們很高興有來自Morey-Saint-Denis,Domaine Dujac的莊主- Jeremy Seysses作為勃根地之旅的第一站。
Inside Domaine:
Jacques Seysses, who established Domaine Dujac in 1968, had apprenticed with Gérard Potel at Domaine de la Pousse d’Or and with advices of Charles Rousseau, Bernard Clair-Dau, also Aubert de Villaine during his winemaking life.
Domaine Dujac has expanded over the years, from 5 ha to 17.5 ha, including 7 Grand Cru vineyards as Chamebrtin, Clos de la Roche, Clos St. Denis, etc. Jacques Seysse leaded the domaine to organic farming from 2001, with experiments along biodynamic lines nowadays.
Jeremy Seysses joined the estate in 1998, he was followed by his wife and his brother in the earlier 21 centuries; we consider that it is a sight of new generation at the domaine.
Over the years, Dujac is today one of the Burgundy’s leading domaines. The estate has thus extended beyond the historic establishment of Morey-Saint-Denis and produces wines both in Côte de Nuits and in Côte de Beaune. Dujac wines are noted for their extraordinary elegance, structure and longevity.
Jeremy 的父親Jacques Seysses於1968年創立了Domaine Dujac。從Gérard Potel (Domaine de la Pousse d’Or)學習釀酒,幾十年的釀酒生涯中,多次受到Charles Rousseau (Armand Rousseau),Aubert de Villaine(Domaine de la Romanée Conti)的建議與幫助。
Ulysse Collin Quintet case tasting part 3
Ulysse Collin Quintet case tasting part 2
Ulysse Collin Quintet case tasting