Are you ready to find out Sugbo's top pick Humba?!
Not just yet our top pick team is now accepting nominations and suggestions in search for the island's best humba ever cooked. Just a single info you need to be aware of, the humba should be served in a carenderia or in any restaurant within cebu island/s. That is the only qualifier.
Should you happen to have your favorite humba recognized globally kindly copy paste and provide the details needed and sent it to us in a private message (use top pick official fb page)..
1. Name of establishment
2. Complete address (to include landmark)
3. Owner's full name
4. Fb page or other social media accounts that is actively use if applicable.
5.Contact number and email address (if applicable) of the nominated carenderia or restaurant
6. What makes their humba worth nominated?
7. Full name of the person nominating the establishment.
8. Email add of the person nominating.
9. Contact number of the person nominating the establishment.
Help us uncover more of Cebu and to truly recognize those who are deserving.
Please don't forget to like and follow the following fb pages: TopPick, inews.ph, guru AMC.
Are you ready to find out Sugbo's top pick Humba?!
Not just yet our top pick team is now accepting nominations and suggestions in search for the island's best humba ever cooked. Just a single info you need to be aware of, the humba should be served in a carenderia or in any restaurant within cebu island/s. That is the only qualifier.
Should you happen to have your favorite humba recognized globally kindly copy paste and provide the details needed and sent it to us in a private message..
1. Name of establishment
2. Complete address (to include landmark)
3. Owner's full name
4. Fb page or other social media accounts that is actively use if applicable.
5.Contact number and email address (if applicable) of the nominated carenderia or restaurant
6. What makes their humba worth nominated?
7. Full name of the person nominating the establishment.
8. Email add of the person nominating.
9. Contact number of the person nominating the establishment.
Help us uncover more of Cebu and to truly recognize those who are deserving.
Please don't forget to like and follow the following fb pages: TopPick, inews.ph, guru AMC. Sharing this post is highly appreciated.
Take your pick, Sugbo!