An early morning walk on the beach…cool sand beneath your feet, quiet waves lapping at the shore, and the warm sun upon your face when it starts to rise. Yeah, I could use some of this right about now. 😍
@etfamilytravel #beachvacation #bestoflongisland #canwinterbeover #planavacation #caribbeanvacation #letsgetyouthere #workwiththebest #familyvacation #makethememories #relax
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💫 Today kicks off the 2024 Disney EarMarked Summit. Each year we see friendly faces, make new connections, and get inspired by the content provided by our number one sales partner, Disney Destinations.
🌟 We can’t wait to bring back the excitement to our amazing team and continue to plan magical vacations for our clients.
#earmarkedsummit #disneyearmarkedsummit #2024 #disneyowner #travelagency #authorizeddisneyvacationplanner #platinumearmarkedagency #disney
#Repost @etfamilytravel with @use.repost
🧳 It’s that time again…
🏰 We are headed back to our home away from home tomorrow!
👀 Follow along as we attend the 2024 Disney EarMarked Summit!
#iamreadytogohome #homeawayfromhome #waltdisneyworld #disneyearmarkedsummit #2024disneyearmarkedsummit #disneyaddict #disneytravel #platinumearmarkedagency #authorizeddisneyvacationplanner #trending #disneygram #disneyplanning #disneyworld
Always practicing 🔥⚽️🥅
#soccer #backyardsoccer #soccerlife #soccermom #alwayspracticing
#Repost @etfamilytravel with @use.repost
👩⚖️ ET Family Travel is guilty as charged… on the following counts:
1️⃣ The advisors that make up ET Family Travel truly are the BEST. They go above and beyond for their clients, but they also work as a team with their fellow agents. We support one another, share ideas, and provide insight on firsthand experiences.
2️⃣ In addition to having the best team, we are also guilty of being experts. We are hitting the pavement, exploring new destinations, and doing the research to ensure that our clients have the best vacations possible!
3️⃣ Lastly, we have formed so many amazing relationships over the years with one another, as well as suppliers who we truly love working with. Knowing that we are sending clients to destinations where we have people looking out for our clients and knowing they will be taken care of is a phenomenal feeling.
So… don’t be guilty of booking a vacation on your own. Use our complimentary services for any and all of your upcoming travel needs!
#guilty #bestteam #etfamilytravel #bookwiththebest #platinumearmarkedagency #disneyplanning #trending #disneyaddict #disneyfamily #reputable #travel #authorizeddisneyvacationplanner #travelagency #takethetrip #makememories
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Bless our Souls 💪
The Disney Destiny is now open for general bookings from November 2025 through May 2026.
The theme for this ship is heroes & villans, so its only fitting that some of our favorite action-packed films are featured in the staterooms onboard.
We’ve compiled this quick visual guide to help you select the perfect stateroom when you sail onboard this brand new ship. Our experienced agents are standing by to help secure your booking - visit the link in our bio to get started.
If you’ve already booked, what could your stateroom theme be?
If you haven’t booked yet, which theme would you choose?
#disneydestiny #dcl #disneycruise #travelagent #disneycruiseline #disneycruiseship #hercules #mulan #brave #raya #bighero6 #incredibles #incredisuite #fantasia #familycruise #familytravel #etfamilytravel
Good luck to all the students and teachers heading into a new school year tomorrow. Sky’s the limit for goals and feeling successful! If you can dream it you can do it! Let’s go! 💪💪💪
Standing by at Brixton for anyone looking to jump up and down over a quiet house. 🤣🎉
#Repost @etfamilytravel with @use.repost
Today is the last day to receive our exclusive onboard credit for new Disney Cruise Line bookings! Not sure if it’s worth it? Check out these breathtaking views from a Navigator’s Verandah on the Disney Wonder. This stateroom type sleeps 3 guests, is located in the aft of the ship, and can be a less expensive option for those still seeking the verandah life. We loved having our coffee here while taking in the stunning Alaska scenery. ☕️⛰️
#disneycruiseline #dcl #dcllife #disneycruiselife #onboardcredit #disneywonder #navigatorsverandah #etftatsea
I’m not a sit at a desk kinda gal and love the flexibility this job allows for my energetic self. I can work from anywhere and so can our amazing team of dedicated agents. Clients are our number one priority. 🤩
#authorizeddisneyvacationplanner #platinumearmarkedagency #alwaysbeworking #workwiththebest #legittravelagency #whatyouseeiswhatyouget #knowwhoyouareworkingwith #travelagentlife #familyvacation #joinourteam #workfromanywhere #takethetrip #honestowners #disneyadult
Apple trees don’t make oranges.
#shesallmine #mommydaughter #summernights #frontporch @tiaalbig