Gday peeps. Hip op number 2 done. Phisio has already had me on my feet. Had a lasagna for dinner. Its going well.
Crossroads. ...
I could cycle the world, l could do this forever gaining happiness, insights, wisdom, positive energy, clarity, and ideas,
but no actual creations.
But will this actually fulfill me.
The me thats inside.... you know the one. The me that has the my utopia all mapped out with possible diversion and adjustments all catered for. It won't matter.
I actually know what the road looks like. Its kind of like all the possible roads have been bend from the sides around to the front like they have been given a big hug. They actually weave in and out and cross, they merge, and they all seem to be close enough to jump even if they aren't touching.
One has a house. Another mountains and bikes and guitars, campsites after snowfall, beaches and hammocks and working with the tools of my trade.
All great experiences.
But experiences are just the soup. People are the herbs spices veggies meat and gristle. The stuff that makes it worth while.
So one has a community, with a self sustainable lifestyle,
Where l can grow in creativity, together with other people,
The land will vibrate like music in harmony so beautifully meshed that it writes itself. powerful spirits. To be needed and give care. Not to a loved one or a child, but to a worldly community of mutual interests.
I copy pasted some of this. As soon as I read it l knew l would. Because it resonated. And wrote itself.