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LemonDrops.mobi Where troubles melt like lemondrops Alternative ways to live, a different way of living together in tune with the environment.

In a Europe that is increasingly in the clutches of a financial crisis, where hope has given way to fear …we are looking for alternatives. Our journey will take us to various Eco-villages, Intentional Communities and other forms of mini societies. Places that are often founded on an idealistic idea, attempting to create a form of “heaven on earth” and that sometimes function as a self-sufficient e

ntity separate from the rest of society. We want to find out what life is like in these places, how they are organised and what drives the people who live there. That is why we look forward to starting this journey, an exploration of new ways of life that will take us across South-West Europe in 2.5 months. As we don’t want to keep this experience and our findings to ourselves, we intent to keep a video diary of the places we visit, which we will post on our blog: http://lemondrops.mobi/Blog/

Thank you every one so far !!We are already at €1387!!!

Thank you every one so far !!
We are already at €1387!!!

Dear loved ones, We’re reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea. Our b… Create Your Own Paradise needs your support for The Malama Kids need Your Help!!!

From Garbage to Glory!!Maak een deur van afval!

From Garbage to Glory!!
Maak een deur van afval!

In this video, we show you how we made a sliding barn door from free pallet wood that we found in a garbage container. This is a great way to reuse and recyc...

This is us!Get inspired! Get in touch! ❤️

This is us!

Get inspired! Get in touch! ❤️

Are you interested in a life of freedom, without an alarm clock and bills flooding your mailbox? Maybe you want to get rid of your mailbox altogether and liv...

We moved!!! If you want to know what we are up to at the moment check out http://createyourown.es/ X

We moved!!! If you want to know what we are up to at the moment check out http://createyourown.es/ X

First we tried, digging this this metal pole in.. Pointless with this rocky soil.

Lemondrops is getting to a new stage; Create Your Own

Lemondrops is getting to a new stage; Create Your Own

This will be our guest bathroom for our new project (createyourown.es). Thanks a lot David and Peggy for your help, knowledge and endless energy. Check out their blog at https://2fahraway.wordpress.com/

Blog-post about our piece of land with beautiful pictures, text is in Hungarian:´Where the postman does not come. Ten da...

Blog-post about our piece of land with beautiful pictures, text is in Hungarian:´Where the postman does not come. Ten days above the clouds.

Thanks a lot Norbert and Dora.

– Úristen, hol vagyunk, ez már a világ vége! – már jó ideje kaptattunk felfelé a Sierra Nevada hegység eldugott ormain, a zötyögős úton ide-oda gurgulázott testünk a kocsiban és akkorák…

What happened to the lemondrops?!? Hoe gaat het met de lemondrops?!? (blog only in dutch, sorry)

What happened to the lemondrops?!? Hoe gaat het met de lemondrops?!? (blog only in dutch, sorry)

Je zult maar wakker worden boven het wolkendek en uitkijken op bergen en de zee, die 20 kilometer verderop ligt. Dit is waar Jasper Nuijt zijn dag mee begint en wat voor hem voelt als een vorm van ...

I guess there's been some things on my mind so...F**k president Barack Obama, f**k his office, f**k his Cheshire cat gri...

I guess there's been some things on my mind so...

F**k president Barack Obama, f**k his office, f**k his Cheshire cat grin, f**k his promise,
f**k all the politicians, f**k congress, f**k every senator that ever turn his back on us,
f**k Dianne Feinstein and f**k Max Baucus, f**k Harry Reid the senate leaders caucus,
but I f**kin loved when the stenographer started talking, I wish that bitch would run for office, for real,
f**k Jay-Z, f**k yeezus, this arrogant mother f**ker actually thinks that he's Jesus,
f**k Rockefeller, both the man and the label, f**k the deal that they made to put some gold on they table,
and f**k rain man, your inspiration is fake so, your nothing but a puppet for the devil to take yo,
and f**k Catholics, you gunna murder um Hove? f**k your bad back, mass whack, Lucifer flow,
and f**k the Luciferian imagery that you show, f**k your money and the scars on your souls,
f**k Ka$ha, f**k Katy Perry, f**k the dark horse that she rode, I see the owl on your album cover, Drake we know!
f**k Moloch, f**k Bohemian Grove, f**k your blood sacrifice rituals, f**k cults,
f**k the Bush's and the Clinton's, f**k Hillary most, f**k don Rahm Emanuel, and f**k George Soros,
f**k GMO's man, f**k Monsanto, f**k the chemtrails and the poisonous airflow,
f**k eating food that the transhumanists grow, and well, f**k you if you don't know, so,
f**k HAARP and f**k weather warfare, f**k a 5 vortex tornado that Joplin had there,
f**k Sandy Hook, f**k the lies, f**k the crisis actors actin at the Boston finish line,
f**k Martial Law, f**k checkpoints s**t, f**k illegal suspension of Posse Comitatus,
I guess just f**k everything that our founders taught us, f**k throwing guns in the garbage,
f**k your roundups, f**k your amendments to the 2nd amendment, f**k NDAA and your government prison,
f**k the Federal Reserve and the money they printin, f**k the monetary slave system, check it
f**k the FBI, Federal Bureau of lies, f**k the NSA, and f**k their spies,
f**k the Pentagon, f**k the CIA from behind, f**k everything that's every been classified, yup!
f**k the IRS, f**k Lois Lerner, f**k Holder and the guns that he's running over the boarder,
f**k drones, f**k torture, f**k waterboarding, f**k the American homeland security disorder,
f**k FEMA camps and the FEMA regional governance, f**k the guillotines they have in storage for us,
f**k BP and their oil exploding, f**k 9/11 and the stories they told us,
f**k building 7 implodin, f**k the militarization of all our police forces,
f**k warrantless door to door searches, f**k the system and f**k how they hurt us, it's like we talking, but they never heard us,
f**k the New World Order, f**k the petrodollar, f**k the UN, f**k NATO, f**k all of it,
f**k the Trilateral Commission larsonists, f**k blaming Al-Qaeda when the; West started um,
f**k false flags, f**k Gulf of Tonkin, what the f**k every happened to talking?
f**k flossin, f**k the superiority complex that we lost in, f**k Miley Cyrus, f**k abortion,
f**k FISA courts, and they closed doors and, f**k the Justice System, f**k lawyers,
f**k Bank of America, f**k J.P. Morgan, f**k Blackwater and their wanna-be soldiers,
f**k black ops, DARPA, and all of they programs, f**k Dick Cheney, and f**k Rumsfield too man,
f**k Chertoff, the TSA scanners and groping, f**k the police they growing here in the homeland,
f**k biochemical experimentation, in other words f**k vaccination!
f**k color of law, f**k implied consent, f**k wherever the Haitian earthquake money went,
f**k the EPA, f**k Fukushima, maybe Edgar Cayce was right, I guess we'll see huh?
f**k Jon Corzine, f**k Wall Street, f**k CNN, Fox, f**k MSNBC,
I guess f**k ambassador Stevens and f**k his embassy, and f**k the Muslim Brotherhood beheading all their enemies,
f**k the American regime change policy, pardon me, I mean f**k our gift of democracy!
f**k order out of chaos, f**k the Freemasonry, f**k Skull and Bones, f**k your secret society,
f**k 322, and your 33 degree wizardry, f**k you for destroying what my ancestors give to me,
f**k a short beat, keep listening, f**k the hormones in the beef, pork and chicken,
f**k DNA manipulation, f**k leaving trillions in debt to our children,
f**k putting Fluoride in the water we drinkin, f**k the millions of homeless left freezing,
f**k any other option but to feed them! f**k the VA hospital budget restrictions,
f**k Homeowners Association evictions, f**k State and Federal for-profit prisons, f**k the Hollywood Bin-Laden mission,
f**k Madoff and his f**kin investments, f**k f**kin children off ad's on the Craigslist!
f**k Credit Cards and f**k they interest, f**k Morgellons disease symptoms,
f**k the Saudi Arabians for the way they treat women, f**k the Sheiks and f**k they Kingdom,
f**k the deal Henry Kissinger gives them, f**k Henry Kissinger and f**k his wisdom,
f**k Zbigniew Brzezinski and his strategic vision, f**k one world religion, f**k Zionistic Globalism,
f**k the Illuminati, f**k they symbolism, f**k their pop culture mass hypnotism,
f**k Lil Wayne and f**k Cash Money, and f**k every single insurance company,
f**k marketing, f**k poverty, f**k the erosion of our National Sovereignty,
f**k humanities unnatural apathy, f**k Abercrombie, f**k Bircher Hathaway, and f**k you if your mad at me, yup!
f**k implantable RFID chips, f**k human trafficking, f**k sweat shop management,
f**k foxconn, f**k they su***de nets, and f**k Apple for their silent compliance in it,
f**k the suppression of human history, f**k the glaringly obvious contradictory imagery,
f**k NASA and f**k they secrecy, f**k Pfizer, f**k Merck, f**k Patent supremacy,
f**k the exclusion of natural remedies, and the same goes for Tesla's technologies,
f**k the abuse and adolescent Psychology, f**k Ritalin, f**k Adderall, f**k Amphetamines,
f**k the over-prescribing in all of Psychiatry, f**k the paedophilic archdiocese,
f**k symptoms of acquired immune deficiency, f**k Cancer and f**k HIV, f**k me!
f**k the assassination of JFK, f**k anybody that ever got in the way,
f**k Richard M Nixon, and f**k his Watergate, f**k all the Bilderbergers and f**k the G8,
f**k Christine Lagarde, f**k her monetary funding, f**k never standing for something,
f**k abandoning your brethren, f**k Bel Air, f**k the Hamptons,
f**k what happened to Breitbart, f**k accidents happen! f**k burning Chris Dorner alive in the cabin,
f**k the Albuquerque police murdering people for Camden, and f**k the Albuquerque police captain for backin um,
and f**k his retraction, f**k his words, men speak with they actions!
f**k the corporations illegally purses, f**k feeling totally worthless,
f**k planned obsolescence with everything that you purchase, f**k empty wallets, and f**k empty purses
f**k no jobs in the cities for workers, f**k the local political circus, its not workin!
f**k Halliburton, f**k preferential Government contract distribution, and f**k ethical confusion, f**k that they know what they doin,
f**k class its cool to be stupid, f**k the Common Core Curriculum movement,
f**k budget cuts to arts and music, f**k not knowing words or how to use them,
f**k passively ignorant students, f**k parents to busy to tutor um,
f**k the collapse of the family unit, f**k the Aurora Colorado shooting,
f**k the Global Warming myth, f**k the Inconvenient Truth surrounding it, f**k the companies that positioned themselves to make money off of it,
f**k carbon offsets for profit, f**k Al Gores obnoxious, f**k the Matrix and f**k being lost in it,
f**k Heroine, f**k Oxycotton, f**k Dennis Rodman and f**k Michele Bachmann, f**k Google glass for always watchin,
f**k schemin and plottin, f**k dying old, alone and forgotten, bone growin mold in the coffin,
f**k being too hard or soft and, f**k being to cold to blossom,
f**k the Californication of Austin, and f**k the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman!
f**k what they did to Michael Jackson, f**k predatory Scientology brainwashing,
f**k being still over in Afghanistan, and f**k the UN Agenda 21 plan,
f**k not learning from our mistakes when we make um, f**k kicking the same damn can down the same road again,
f**k being cattle, f**k our controllers, f**k letting these mother f**kers control us, f**k dying young, but f**k getting older!

But there's a lot to love ...

But there's a lot to love (Music Change)
But there's a lot to love
But there's a lot to love
But there's a lot to love

I love the innocence in a newborns laugh
love the thought of being a newborns dad
love every baseball game I ever had
love the gravel and the grass
love the strawberry shasta that my grandmother had
I love the old cowboy hat on my gramps
I loved hearing him when I was at bat
I love the wrinkles on the back of his hands
And I love that I was there on the day that he passed
I love the freedom in women when women dance
I love optimistic romance
the magic it captures when you live in the moment
I love thanking the soldiers
welcoming them home again
I love the smell in the air when the rainstorm coming
love playing with my sister and her easy bake oven
I love shrinkie d***s, I love to color 'em
I love the tender touch of my mothers skin
I love that she stayed when my dad was a runner
love having a younger brother
love building forts out of leaver, out of lumber
love learning how to be men together
love the bond that we built forever
love playing the games on the Sega
but we were Super Mario Brothers when we got the nintendo
I love to think that we are still
I love stillness speaks by Echart Tolle
I love the way the pages made my eyes so open
I love the kindness of strangers when their hearts open
I love never stopping hoping
I love the thought of where we go when it's over
I love honoring another's culture
I love sponsoring the notion that there's honor-in-culture
I love to make fun of Ann Coulter
I love lemongrass soup when the weather gets colder
I love the view of the lake from my porches
I love being okay that I don't drive porsches
and I love that my baby also knows what's important
See It's important that I love and support her
and I love that-we-fell-in love when we were poor as a pauper
I mean we couldn't be broker
no joke, and I love that it never broke her
I love that we still grow closer
and I thank God everyday for the opportunity he made for me to know her
I love music
I love the symphony that plays in your brain when you listen to it
I love the effect that it has on a Human
love that it heals us better then drugs do
love the rhythm a heartbeat beats to
I love being in audiences that Jeff Tweedy sings too
and I love Jack White without the raconteurs
I'd love to see Garth Brooks go back on tour
he's been a friend when I've been in low places before
I love the thunder rolls but I love the river more
I love the architecture of the hollywood biltmore
I love buildings that were built back when we built more
I love waking up each day to find out what I'm still here for
I love the comedy in tragedy
and I love that when I point it out everybody gets mad at me
like I love wilford brimley before diabetes
but I hope his infomercials help him pay for his surgeries
I love getting harassed by the target security
I love that my jacket make them follow me
I love hearing my description on there walkie-talkies
I love letting them search me while the manager watches
I love hearing them say pardon me, please accept my apology
I love the vulnerability in Humanity honestly
I love using my TV to argue with sean hannity
I love fantasizing about back smacking him hard handedly
I love the blessing of the food in my pantry
I love finding a begging veteran and handing him twenty
I love that he was really ready to go die for my country
I love the feeling inside when he cried and he hugged me
I love the angels among me and I love that they love me
I love the conversations, I love the company
and especially
I love it when they come say whats up to me
I love Archangel Michael and I love what he's done for me
I love doing theater in college (music start over)
I love the energy created in a building of knowledge
I love the lessons in the building of knowledge
I love that you could live forever and never know all of it
I love Halibut. I love smoked salmon fish
I love that people emphasize the L when they sounding it
I love hide and go seek and I love when I found it
I love when the Los Angeles police department had me surrounded
I love paying my bail with 10% and a promise
to appear before the Judge and be honest
let's be honest, I forgot all about it
I love that I prioritize that s**t way down at the bottom
I love smoking ma*****na in autumn
I love Paramahansa Yogananda
I love to believe that we get to do this again
I love the Akashic Records, I'd love to read them
I love multidemtional theoretical theorems
I love redundancy I love redundancy
I love Los Angeles but I don't love what she done to me
I love that I left and I don't have a day of regret
It wasn't meant to be but I love the memories yup
And I love my enemies don't have my new Chicago address yet
I love the first amendment
I love the second
I love the third, fourth, fifth
I love the seventh
I love the sixth, eighth, ninth
I love the tehth-ith
I worship the church of the constitutional ten commandments
I love the rest of them too but they weren't as dramatic
I love Minneapolis.
I love it.
I gotta have it.
I love Chicago too but its second on my love list
Aw, forget this
I love all the midwest
I love the to***co smell when the splif lit
I love the music that second city audio machine did
I love nachos and cheese dip
I love knocking back a few double bottles of sharp cheddar cheese wiz
I love that its been 11 years since my last sip
I love that my sobriety's lasted
I love that my old friends think that I am less of a bastard
now that I put down the Jack and put down the Captain
I love laughing
love that I was sober at my little sisters wedding
love that the details aren't hard for me to remember
love the way the wind blew in from the harbor
I love that me and my brother proudly walked her up to the alter
I cant recall having ever felt such a swelling of honor
like the building of a chorus on the grandest piano
and I love that I felt sad for her father
I love that he didn't come ever though we invited him and we tried to surprise her.
I love David Copperfield
I love magic
i love the mystery in the supernatural
I love the first bite of a crisp red apple
I love gatorade
I love snapple
I love when the test results say that its NOT cancer
I love the first breath of air right after
I love to often question the answer
I love my elementary pastor
he was responsible for me leaving the church faster
I love rocks and crystals
I love g***k pistols
I love knock knock jokes
I love riddles
I love my wizard staff that I whittled
I love the first light of the sunrise when it crawls in my windows
I love going back to the dream world
I love leaving my body behind on my pillow
and flying over the top of a forrest of willows
I'm a master at astral-projecting. Love its potential.
I love exploring the metaphysical
Love the theories composing its principles
I love the subconscious and love the subliminal
I love the bible and I love that its biblical
I love to get analytical on whether its literal
or is its messages more metaphorically poetical
I love atheists
I love that they're cynically critical
I love the right to think that what each other is thinking is pitiful
and II love to dance when nobody is watching
I love when my fiance dance. I love to watch it.
I love the soft skin on the side of her stomach (pause)
I love to love her and I love being lovers
I love pancakes smothered in butter
I love the last day of school and I love the first day of summer
I love that there is still so much more for all of us to discover
but the most important thing to love is love one another.
For real.

Artist: Tiller Wills Song: 11:11 Album: 11:11 https://soundcloud.com/tiller_wills/08-11-11a F**k President Barack Obama, f**k his office, f**k his cheshire c...



Judge convinced by evidence presented about the threats to honey production

thumps up for GMO Free Zones

thumps up for GMO Free Zones

The German state of Bavaria has just banned the cultivation of GMOs and is the 62nd region to join the European GMO Free Farming Network. This is a bold, big move for Germany as Bavaria is its biggest state with a heavy population and capital city Munich. Neighboring state, Hessen, also recently applied to join the GMO-free network. GMO Free Jackson County, GMO-Free Josephine County and GMO Free Humboldt - you're in good company!




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