Over 20 birds-of-paradise possible on the standard circuit including Blue Bird-of-paradise, Ribbon-tailed Astrapia, Raggiana, Greater, Lesser, King, Twelve-wired, King-of-Saxony, Magnificent and Superb Birds-of-paradise, Black and Brown Sicklebills, Princess Stephanie's Astrapia, Carola's and Lawes's Parotias, Magnificent (and Eastern/Growling) Riflebird(s), Short-tailed Paradigalla, Lesser Melampitta, manucodes, Crested and Loria's Satinbirds, bowerbirds including Flame, Palm Cockatoo, Southern and Victoria Crowned Pigeons, Rufous-naped Whistler (now Rufous-naped Bellbird, in the Australian-Papuan Bellbird family with Crested Pitohui which also occurs in Papua New Guinea and Crested Bellbird of Australia), Blyth's Hornbill, Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Wattled Ploughbill, Painted Quail Thrush, Torrent Lark, Lesser Frigatebird and White-bellied Sea Eagle, as well as Salvadori's Teal, Oriental Darter, Pied Heron, Brahminy Kite, New Guinea Eagle, Black-mantled Goshawk, Masked Lapwing, Comb-crested Jacana, Australian Pratincole, cuckoo doves, fruit doves, imperial pigeons, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, lories, lorikeets, pygmy parrots, tiger parrots, Eclectus, Papuan King and Pesquet's Parrots, Channel-billed Cuckoo, Australasian Grass Owl, Greater Sooty Owl, owlet nightjars, Marbled and Papuan Frogmouths, Moustached Treeswift, Blue-winged and Shovel-billed Kookaburras, Yellow-billed Kingfisher, paradise kingfishers, Rainbow Bee-eater, Dollarbird, Hooded and Red-bellied Pittas, fairywrens, honeyeaters, New Guinea Logrunner, Fan-tailed, Tit and Crested Berrypeckers, Black-breasted and Yellow-breasted Boatbills, Great Woodswallow, Lowland and Mountain Peltops, butcherbirds, cuckoo shrikes including Golden, Black Sittella, whistlers including Dwarf and Regent, pitohuis including Hooded, fantails, monarchs including Frilled and Golden, Blue-capped Ifrita, robins including Garnet and Grey-headed (Ashy), Torrent Flycatcher, Island Thrush, Golden and Yellow-faced Mynas, Blue-faced and Papuan Parrotfinches, and munias. Also a chance of Buff-tailed Sicklebill, Greater Melampitta, Blue, Chestnut-backed and Spotted Jewel Babblers, Black-billed Brush Turkey, Spotted Whistling Duck, Great-billed Heron, Chestnut and Forbes's Forest Rails, White-browed Crake, Dusky Woodcock, Pheasant Pigeon, Mountain Kingfisher, Papuan Whipbird, and Spotted and White-eared Catbirds. Also present, off the usual circuit, at Bensbach in the Trans-Fly region, are Brolga Crane, Black-necked Stork, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Australasian Bustard and Spangled Kookaburra, while seabirds present around New Ireland include White-tailed Tropicbird, White Tern and Red-footed B***y.
Varirata National Park:
Raggiana Bird-of-paradise (display site), Magnificent Riflebird, Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Painted Quail Thrush, Barred Owlet Nightjar, Marbled Frogmouth, Yellow-billed Kingfisher, Brown-headed Paradise Kingfisher, Red-bellied Pitta, Yellow-breasted Boatbill and Frilled Monarch. Also a chance of Crinkle-collared Manucode, Black-billed Brush Turkey, Pheasant Pigeon, Chestnut-backed Jewel Babbler, Dwarf Whistler, White-eared Catbird and Wallace's Fairywren.
KM 27 out of Kiunga Greater and Raggiana Birds-of-paradise (both at display site), Trumpet Manucode and Rufous-bellied Kookaburra. Also a chance of Blue Jewel Babbler.
Boystown Road near Kiunga Flame Bowerbird and Palm Cockatoo. Also a chance of Blue Jewel Babbler.
Fly and Elevala Rivers out of Kiunga King and Twelve-wired Birds-of-paradise (both at display sites), Glossy-mantled Manucode, Palm Cockatoo, Southern Crowned Pigeon, Blyth's Hornbill, Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, White-bellied Sea Eagle, Channel-billed Cuckoo, Common and Little Paradise Kingfishers, and Hooded and Red-bellied Pittas. Also a chance of Flame Bowerbird (at bowers), Forest Bittern, Black-billed Brush Turkey, Great-billed Heron, Pesquet's Parrot, Spangled/Starry (Kwatu) and Wallace's (Kwatu) Owlet Nightjars, Blue Jewel Babbler, Spotted Catbird and Emperor Fairywren.
Dablin Creek, Tabubil Magnificent Bird-of-paradise, Carola's Parotia, Dwarf Whistler and Obscure Berrypecker. Also a chance of Torrent Lark.
Ok Ma Road, Tabubil Magnificent Riflebird, Crinkle-collared Manucode, Palm Cockatoo and Shovel-billed Kookaburra. Also a chance of Greater Melampitta and Chestnut-backed Jewel Babbler.
Ok Menga, Tabubil Salvadori's Teal and Torrent Flycatcher. Also a chance of Torrent Lark.
A fantastic male Ribbon-tailed Astrapia in the Tari Valley above Ambua by Mark Harper. There are still, relatively, quite a lot of Ribbon-tailed Astrapias in the Tari Valley but adult males with full tails like this are few and far between.
Tari Valley cater for Blue, King-of-Saxony and Superb Birds-of-paradise, Ribbon-tailed and Princess Stephanie's Astrapias, Black and Brown Sicklebills, Lawes's Parotia, Short-tailed Paradigalla, Loria's Satinbird, Lesser Melampitta, Wattled Ploughbill, Papuan King Parrot, Australasian Grass and Greater Sooty Owls, New Guinea Logrunner, Fan-tailed, Tit and Crested Berrypeckers, Black-breasted Boatbill, Great Woodswallow, Regent Whistler and Blue-capped Ifrita. Also a chance of Buff-tailed Sicklebill, Torrent Lark, New Guinea Eagle, Chestnut and Forbes's Forest Rails, Feline Owlet Nightjar, Papuan Whipbird, Spotted Jewel Babbler, Garnet and Grey-headed Robins, Spotted Berrypecker and Hercules Moth, as well as Striped Possum, Coppery Ringtail and Long-fingered Triok.
Kumul and Area Blue (at Tonga, 30 minutes away by road), King-of-Saxony, Lesser (display site at K**a, Minamba Valley, 1.5 hours away by road) and Superb Birds-of-paradise, Ribbon-tailed Astrapia, Brown Sicklebill (males are rare but sometimes visit the bird table), Crested and Loria's Satinbirds, Lesser Melampitta, Sanford's and Yellow-breasted (Minamba Valley) Bowerbirds, Wattled Ploughbill, Blue-capped Ifrita, Torrent Lark (Lai River near Lesser Bird-of-paradise site), Brehm's Tiger Parrot, Mountain Owlet Nightjar, Fan-tailed, Tit and Crested Berrypeckers, Black-breasted Boatbill, Regent Whistler, Torrent Flycatcher (Lai River) and Island Thrush. Also a chance of Chestnut Forest Rail and Dusky Woodcock.
Rondon Ridge King-of-Saxony and Superb Birds-of-paradise, Princess Stephanie's Astrapia, Black and Brown Sicklebills, MacGregor's and Yellow-breasted Bowerbirds, Lesser Melampitta, Wattled Ploughbill and Blue-capped Ifrita. Also a chance of Orange-crowned Fairywren, Loria's Satinbird, Blue Bird-of-paradise, Papuan Parrotfinch and Silky Cuscus