Vendor Spotlight:
Welcome to 4 Rivers Woodworx! We strive to produce the finest artisan products while sourcing the highest quality of materials available from the 4 Rivers region of Western Kentucky. We hope that you can enjoy these creations in your own home just as much as we have enjoyed creating them! We would love to see you at our booth at the Vintage Road Market.
Vern has been passionate about woodworking for nearly 50 years. As a child, he became fascinated watching the intricate designs of the woodcarvers in the jungles of Thailand, where his father was a missionary. Carvings of teak were everywhere from architectural to temple scenes and artwork. He was very fortunate to work as an apprentice for master carvers, carving deep reliefs for temples.
We believe that the tree is a living thing and any part of it will speak to you if you are patient. If you listen not with your ears but with your heart and passion; then see what's hidden in the wood and labor to liberate it from its confines, a creation that reflects your passion will emerge. What we hold in our hands can be older in its formation than any man alive and is due respect. Using methods that use the materials with the least waste is our constant consideration to preserve the limited treasure of wood!
A person who works with their hands, albeit skilled, is a laborer - but when they add their mind, they become a solid craftsperson. When they use their hands and mind adding their heart, they become an artist. Now retired, he is free to work with the beauty of wood full-time as God created it, to produce what is inside to do and allow passion for woodcraft to continue to grow and liberate what he sees in the material.