I am very excited to be partnering with the Downtown Raleigh Alliance to bring you the 2024 Illuminate Art Walk Sip n' Stroll tour! ✨
Join us for a fun night of strolling, sipping, and admiring beautiful illuminated art pieces in downtown Raleigh!
As you know, my public tours are usually pay-what-you-want. However, because the Downtown Raleigh Alliance is sponsoring these tours, they are completely FREE to attend! Many thanks to the DRA for its generous support!
The Illuminate tours will run every Friday and Saturday night in December. The final tour will be held on Friday, January 3rd.
Click here to sign up! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/illuminate-art-walk-sip-n-stroll-tour-tickets-1090364482519?aff=oddtdtcreator