What do you Want to do for Your Planet?
Let Jennie take you where you want to go...
It’s as simple as choosing a project...and Jennie will take care of the rest! Jennie will book your flights, take care of all your volunteer fees (which include room, board and meals at the project for the extent of the visit. Conservation projects rely heavily on donations and volunteer fees in order to keep the project going) and make sure you are guided safely to your destination. Jennie will accompany you and volunteer right there with you!
Jennie takes care of everything, so you don't have to...
Jennie makes these life-changing experiences available to and affordable for everyone. As our planet loses critical habitats and species, conservation is more important than ever. Jennie offers payment plan options and finds the most affordable travel options available. She’ll take care of everything, and all you have to do is show up ready to adventure! Jennie knows that you want to have a little fun along the way. Many of our projects allow time for sightseeing and travel to nearby attractions. If you are interested in guided tours, Jennie can can help you with that, too! Whether you end up raising baby cheetahs in Africa, tracking jaguars through the jungles of Brazil, or counting wild macaws at sunrise in Peru, you are guaranteed a magical, life-changing experience. So have a look through the project options on www.jennieofthejungle.com and let Jennie know where you want to go.