Medusa and fish
#medusa #jellyfish #bbcblueplanet #bbcplanetblue #uwvideo #indonesia #natgeoanimal #underwater #calm #blue #blueplanet #sábado
Blue ring feeding.
#bluering #blueringged #pulpodeanillosazules #octopus #octopusaremybestfriend #uwvideo #uw #macro
These baby siamang gibbons were rescued two from poachers by @wildlifeaidnetwork aka wildlife branch of @jakartaanimalaidnetwork . The hunters killed their mother to get them and you can clearly see the trauma and pain in their actions and eyes. In their facilities in Java this NGO were treating and rehabilitating them.
Wildlife trafficking is a worldwide multi million business with all countries involved. From suppliers of wildlife to consumers. Everywhere there are zoo and aquariums there is demand for wildlife, some will be obtain "legaly" by breeding the animals and some will be come from poaching in the wild. But all of it is just pure cruelty.
Now with COVID 19 in all countries forcing people to stay indoors, zoos are in trouble. Some will be rescued with public funding, others threatened to feed some animals to the others and some ask NGOs and sanctuaries for help. Lets help these NGOs rescue for once and for all these animals. Please donate to @sponsorjaan
#wildliferescue #wildlife #natgeo #closeallzoos #emptythecages #jaan #gibbon #rescuecenter #covid #covid19 #vidasalvaje #traficodevidasalvaje #animalessalvajes #animalbehaviour #hunters #banwildlifemarkets #banwildlifetrade #indonesia #jungle #bbcplanetearth
These beautiful fishes are mandarins. They come out at dusk to pair. Its an amazing sight.
#mandarinfish #leavethefishinthewater #nomoreaquariums #uw #uwmacrovideography #uwmacro #scubashooters #scubadive #indonesia #bandaislands #aqua #aquamagazine #divemag #macro #travelanddive #diveindonesia #divermagazine #getwet #cantwaittogetbacktothewater #coral#coraltriangle #pezmandarin #buceo #buceoenespañol #buceoenindonesia
#turtle #wetdream #tortuga
Whitetip reef sharks snuggling.
#whitetipreefshark #shark #reefshark #tiburon #reefshark #sharks #eatyourf**kingfin #eatyourfin #sharksarefriends #savethesharks #ocean #divermagazine #diveindonesia #scubagram #scubawoman #sharkdive #reefdive #saveouroceans #bansharkfishing #bansharkfinning #tiburondearrecife #natgeoanimals #blueplanet #planetblue
#Repost @femkemonita
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While people are worldwide in lockdown and suffering due to the result of the #Covid19 outbreak ~ the source of this pandemic, animal markets are still operating as usual. This has been filmed today. All animals are sold here on Jati Negara Market, all cramped inside tiny cages, animal cries are all around. Animals are also killed on the spot, or die inside the cages. These are wild caught animals. If we leave wildlife in the wild no disaster outbreaks like #covid would happen. #jatinegara #jakarta #tutuppasarburung
Mientras la humanidad esta encerrada, mercados insalubres de animales siguen operando. Hay que cerrar todos los mercados de animales salvajes.
#covid19 #cerremoslosmercados #noalcomerciodevidasalvaje #emptythecages #closewildlifemarkets #indonesia
#Repost @femkemonita
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While people are worldwide in lockdown and suffering due to the result of the #Covid19 outbreak ~ the source of this pandemic, animal markets are still operating as usual. This has been filmed today. All animals are sold here on Jati Negara Market, all cramped inside tiny cages, animal cries are all around. Animals are also killed on the spot, or die inside the cages. These are wild caught animals. If we leave wildlife in the wild no disaster outbreaks like #covid would happen. #jatinegara #jakarta #tutuppasarburung
Whitetip reef sharks swimming in a cave.
#whitetipreefshark #shark #reefshark #tiburon #reefshark #sharks #eatyourf**kingfin #eatyourfin #sharksarefriends #savethesharks #ocean #divermagazine #diveindonesia #scubagram #scubawoman #sharkdive #reefdive #saveouroceans #bansharkfishing #bansharkfinning #tiburondearrecife #natgeoanimals #blueplanet #planetblue #cave #cavediving #swimminginacave #sharksaremybestfriend #sharksinacave
Whitetip reef sharks snuggling.
#whitetipreefshark #shark #reefshark #tiburon #reefshark #sharks #eatyourf**kingfin #eatyourfin #sharksarefriends #savethesharks #ocean #divermagazine #diveindonesia #scubagram #scubawoman #sharkdive #reefdive #saveouroceans #bansharkfishing #bansharkfinning #tiburondearrecife #natgeoanimals #blueplanet #planetblue