Tudtad, hogy a Garden - Region of tiny wonders projektben létrehozták a négy elemre (🔴tűz, 🔵víz, 🟢föld és ⚪️levegő) épülő, 80 km-es körútvonalat, amelyet gyalogosan vagy kerékpárral végigjárva felfedezheted a szlovén-magyar határtérséget?
Fedezd fel a Garden-régiót! 🌳🚴🚶🚴♀️
🗺Known/less known projects and locations of InterregSIHU🇸🇮🇭🇺
The GardEN energy path - which was created in the frame of the Garden - Region of tiny wonders project - is the path of the four elements (🔴fire, 🔵water, 🟢earth and ⚪️air), an approximately 8️⃣0️⃣-kilometre ring road which connects the Slovenian-Hungarian border region, which is ideal for hikers and cyclists, as well, moreover, it is rich in energy lines.
🔵The GardEN energy path's second stop is on Lake Bukovnica (Bukovniško jezero)🇸🇮. Explore the more than 50 healing energy points near the St Vid Chapel and Vid Spring.
ℹ️ https://garden-regio.eu/