Highlighting the history of Northern New Mexico, with a touch of mysticism. Narrative-driven, puzzle-based, site-specific, fun.
A group of children accidentally exploded a time machine—known as the Eye—at the Abiquiu Inn. This explosion made a hole in local history, a wound in our Continuum that we must heal before it contaminates all time. To complete this task, you will need to find the Map of Time, a prophetic document that predicted the machine’s destruction, and which provides the only roadmap for shutting down this Eye.
Endless Autumn—Ghost Ranch
Siegfried, who masterminded the recent time explosion, first learned to time-travel at fifteen during a ‘Teen Time Force’ camp at Ghost Ranch. This also happened to be the first time he fell in love—with Lyra. In their long-passed, yet eternal romance we may find some clues about his motivations for destroying our Continuum. Follow the clues to discover the relics of their relationship, and the mysterious ‘special spot’ which—they had thought—could let them stay in love forever.
Agent Recovery—Albuquerque
The agents who tried to enact repairs upon our Continuum have gone missing in Albuquerque’s history. Can they be recovered? Visit the “HQI” website to learn more.