ETP is a new form of networks designed to actively transform the users’ ideas into projects that benefit the wellbeing of the planet. ETP aligns the collaborative efforts of its members and users in a structured and systematic way, enhancing the quality of their proposed ideas and eventually the success rate of their projects. Through Earth Tipping Point, you can share your ideas, develop teams, c
reate plans, assign responsibilities, acquire funds for your project and more all for free. It aims to empower individuals interested in fighting a good cause by structuring their ideas and aligning their efforts. It enables you to anonymously report on community and environmental problems in accordance to their geographic location, write articles, adopt funded ideas, propose contracts, build teams and network with individuals that share your beliefs in a better planet. What ETP offers
• Open collaboration
• Company Engagement features
• Anonymous Problem Reporting
• Disaster Instant Notification System
• Fundraising and Crowd Sourcing
• Contracts, Proposals, Requesting Proposals and more
• Adoption of Ideas
• Networking
Open Collaboration
After you announce your idea, you can collaborate with other users on developing the building blocks of your idea, elaborating your idea and transforming it into an achievable campaigns, project, concept or invention. The collaboration phase starts after you successfully announce your idea and ends when the idea is successfully locked. This phase, Open Collaboration, is a vital phase for your idea if you need help in developing it. During this phase, you can elect Leaders to help you process the suggested additions to your idea, detail the objectives, the action plans, the risks, requirements, needs, benefits and other aspects of your idea. You can add customizable sections (normal or split sections) and enable your team develop the components of these sections by adding bullet points (titles) in each section and their corresponding description (explanation of the title). This approach (sections with bullet points/titles and corresponding description/explanation) categorizes the information easily and makes it readily understandable. Further features and tools will be add to the existing layout and design, providing brain mapping, geographic action maps, logistics, monitoring your team on the ground and more. All these tools will aid you in carrying your idea from conceptualization and brainstorming to implementation and ultimately the success story, all done with the aid of your team. Engage
The engage is a tool provided for company profiles only. You can select the categories of problems that your company would be interested in knowing about and allow any member to report ANONYMOUSLY to your company. If the category of the problem was not in the list, you can add your own categories. The system will suggest to the reporters your company name when they report on a problem within your company’s country and with the category your company is interested in. if the Reporter chose your company name, the report will be sent to your company and the administrators of your company will process it. Some examples of Geo-Reports could be Hazardous buildings in your country, open sewages, deforestation, open mining pits, pollution, whaling and so on. This is only the very beginning; this system will include many more features as we roll out new tools and integrate new systems. So, set your engage system today and collect these vital pieces of information from your community and country, because in the future, they will be extremely valuable. Anonymous problem reporting
Anyone can report on community or environmental problems according to their specific geographic locations. These reports are anonymous in nature; the system will not register the reporter’s name, a measure taken to protect your identity and any repercussions caused by such a report. Anonymous problem reporting is linked to the Engage system in Company Profiles. Any company can indicate the categories of problems it is interested in collecting within its country. When a company within the country of the Geo-Report is found with the same categories of problems being reported, the system will suggest to the reporter reporting the problem to the company. Anonymous problem reporting and the Engage system could be extremely useful to companies, NGOs and government agencies interested in increasing their corporate social responsibility, tracking the adverse impact of their operations and collecting information from the citizens of their country about common or specific problems. This system will also be available on our phone application in the second phase of development. Disaster Instant Notification System
We need to inform NGOs, Gov. agencies, companies, communities and individuals whenever a natural or man-made disaster occurs, where it occurred and how to mobilize volunteers and activists to aid in responding efficiently, effectively and cohesively to these disasters. The Engage system provides satellite imagery, notifications and emails to the companies established within the country of the disaster. This information is provided to company profiles on ETP and is disseminated through their team, groups and social media. To activate your Disaster Instant Notification System, please access the Engage section in your company profile and simply click on the checkbox and enter the email address you wish to receive the mail on. We HIGHLY advise you use social media email addresses such as Facebook Groups and Google groups. A Disaster Rapid Response Planning System (DRRPS) will be rolled out in the coming months, enabling your companies to develop arbitrary plans that will be automatically articulated by the system upon detection of a disaster within your country. Fundraising and Crowd Sourcing
The conventional way of fund raising seems to have taken a rather abstract form, whereas anyone can start an Idea (like Stop Wildfire in Country X) and link their NGO’s bank account to the Idea. Whether the NGO actually “Stopped Wildfire in Country X” with the funds collected or not, is not the case for these platforms. We do not support, allow or believe in raising funds through Ideas on behalf of an NGO without having achievable objectives and holding the NGOs accountable for implementing the needed work. We want to move beyond the hype and self promotion created by many NGO for the sole purpose of collecting donations from impulsive people. In this regard, the funds raised to ideas on Earth Tipping Point can only be acquired by a company that is capable of implementing the work and agreed upon by the announcers and collaborators of the idea. This process is called adoption; a company requests adopting an idea to collect the funds and implement the work detailed in the idea profile. Funding Ideas on Earth Tipping Point is done by allocating Votes onto the ideas. The monetary value of the Vote is marked on the Idea, this procedure enables the Voters to retract their votes if the Idea spirals beyond its original purpose during the collaborative development phase. After the Ideas is adopted by a company, NGO, Agency or other company form, the Idea can be Locked to signal the end of funding and planning and the release of funds to the adopting company. Locking an Idea signals the end of collaborative planning and the readiness for implementation. When the lock is triggered, a three day cool down is initiated, allowing the Voters to conduct final revision of the Idea and decide whether they will keep their Votes onto the Idea or retract their Votes. If the Idea lost Votes (Budget Votes does not match Earned Votes), the Lock is terminated and the Idea is reopened. If all the voters maintain their votes (with a degree of tolerance), the funds can be released to the adopting company by milestones, percentages and lump sums. If the Idea was terminated, the votes and their monetary value will be returned to the Voters. Additionally, after the Idea is locked, a three day cool down is triggered,
Contractual Ideas
When announcing an Idea, you can specify in the Funding Source section that the Idea is contractual. By labeling your idea as contractual, you will be able to propose it to companies and apply to requests for proposals. You will not be able to raise funds on the network for your idea. These features are under development and will be rolled out in phases. Contractual ideas are now available, but the process for proposing an Idea to companies and requesting proposals is yet to be integrated. Adopting Ideas
Only Ideas that have been funded online (crowd sourced) can be adopted by companies. Ideas that are labeled as Contractual cannot be funded online and cannot be adopted by companies; however, they can be proposed to companies or requested by companies. This transforms the network into an Idea market place, where you can propose contractual ideas to companies, request proposals and adopt funded ideas to acquire the funds raised. Adopting an Idea is successfully accomplished upon the mutual consent of the idea administrators and the company administrators. The monetary value of the Votes allocated on the “Ideas” will be sent to the adopting company and it is the company’s responsibility to ensure that the Idea was implemented successfully. Only ideas that have been adopted by companies, and have raised the budgeted Votes, can be locked. These are the two prerequisites for locking an idea.
1. Idea was adopted by a company
2. Amount of Votes Earned = Budget in terms of Votes. Only after these two have been completed will the administrators of the idea be able to lock the idea. Locking an Idea signal that the brainstorming and planning phase have been finalized, the funds have been collected, the company that will receive the funds has been chosen, and the idea can now be implemented. A three day Cool Down is initiated by the system and the Voters will be notified during this phase. It is advised that every Voter reviews the Idea profile and decide whether to keep his/her votes or retract them. Adopted ideas that have been completed will be marketed as success stories. To mark an idea as completed after implementation, you have to provide proof or evidence through pictures or movies. We highly value the success stories of the change makers and grant them higher privileges. The system is designed to empower people and companies that can make changes in their communities and world, increasing their visibility and providing them with continuous support and marketing. Networking
This is NOT Facebook, google+ or myspace! We are not attempting to reinvent the wheel. We want to provide you with a unique network for other purposes, but still include some selected social application interfaces. The network (friend list) you build on ETP should be used to elect Idea leaders and ultimately the idea collaborators. Having too many friends that are idol is not advised; propose them as leaders in ideas and allow them to process input by the team. Choose your leaders based on their educational background, experience level and their personal traits. Linkedin could be a good medium to do a quick check on your elected idea leaders; later on, we will integrate Linkedin APIs to help you quickly determine who should be elected as a leader and for which Idea. Do not add people randomly to check their updates. My ETP provides you with updates on all activities within your country, within your idea and from around the world.