Andrea Rose’s mission for the ARStyle™ Institute is to teach women that they can "Become a Star in Their Own Life™." She believes that all they need are the right tools and information to empower themselves to become their own fashion and beauty consultant. Andrea believes if women realized that being "IN" fashion may mean being totally "OUT" of touch with what enhances their unique and individual
appearance, they would have less stress and anxiety in their lives, save themselves time and money, and feel better about who they are. Andrea Rose® believes that no matter how much you might love a new trend, your body type only looks good, in most cases, in six different styles. Fashion as we know it has reached a point where it has become archaic. Andrea Rose's newly revised book Secrets of a Fashion Designer: How To Be Your Own Fashion Consultant offers women another way of looking at fashion, revealing a revolutionary alternative to the way we think of fashion. In her book, Andrea shares her twenty-five years of experience as a fashion designer on Seventh Avenue in New York City to shed new light on the behind-the-scenes mystique of the fashion industry. Andrea Rose® believes "As times have changed, so has the need to take another look at fashion as we know it." The days of shopping endlessly and spending considerable amounts of money to be considered "IN" is an outdated concept. Women's lives are more complex than ever before, and time is a precious commodity. If women would take the time to learn more about themselves and which styles enhance their unique body type, they would be able to manage their fashion life much more easily and reduce the stress and frustration they experience on a daily basis. The goal of the ARStyle™ Institute is to help women "Become a Star in Their Own Life™...Become Empowered by Learning the Secrets of the Fashion and Beauty Industry...and Become Their Own Fashion and Beauty Experts".