Moira Darling is a gifted, highly developed and natural intuitive from Scotland. Her connection to Universal Energies along with her presence, compassion and wisdom creates the perfect environment to achieve powerful results in quantum healing. Moira’s unique gifts and guidance helps people worldwide transform their lives and empowers them to move forward with more certainty, clarity and self-awar
eness; thus, bringing more peace, health and well-being on all levels. Moira travels the world to study with some of the great teachers of our time. She works with shamans from both the Native American Indian and West Africa culture, world renowned speakers, doctors and spiritual leaders. Moira has gained a lot of insight from working with these great people; however, she will question anything that is not energetically aligned. Her intention is to search for truth and clarity. She encourages people who attend her workshops to do the same. A highly sought after speaker and facilitator of healing workshops, she customizes and designs workshops for a whole range of businesses and organizations. She works with both the public sector (municipal and federal governments around the world) and the private sector (major corporations to start up businesses and anything in between). She also has experience working with Aboriginal communities around the world. Her commitment to serve, support and inspire others to achieve their highest potential has gained world-wide respect and recognition. Moira is also available for personal individual healing consults and coaching sessions either by telephone, face to face or skype.