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Old Northwest Frontier Tours Old Northwest Frontier Tours publishes unique, inexpensive, and highly participatory, self-guided auto, bicycle and virtual tours in Epub book format.

My artwork, "Best Friends Together At The Powwow," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below ...

My artwork, "Best Friends Together At The Powwow," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Best Friends Together At The Powwow" -- Five friends wait for the judges’ decision telling which of them is the best dancer in the Keshena Powwow dance contest. The Powwow was held on the Menominee Indian Reservation at the Wooden Bowl In Keshena, Wisconsin, in the mid 1980’s, but dancers from all tribes competed in the contest. A group of women dressed in traditional attire stand together outdoors, smiling and conversing while others look on in the background. They appear to be participating in a cultural event or ceremony.

Best Friends Together At The Powwow Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Fall River Journey," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below to go to Fine Art...

My artwork, "Fall River Journey," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Fall River Journey" -- A serene river scene is depicted with lush green and autumn-colored trees reflecting on the calm water. Tall reeds line one side of the river, creating a vibrant and tranquil nature setting. A beautiful fall scene on the river with color in the trees and a large patch of green reeds growing along the shoreline. A beautiful fall day for a journey on the river.

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Fall River Journey Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Be Born Over Again From Above," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the i...

My artwork, "Be Born Over Again From Above," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Be Born Over Again From Above" -- I have used my artwork, “Be Born Over Again From Above,” to illustrate the passage from the Bible, John 3:1-15, about being reborn.

Nicodemus, of the Jewish Council, said to Jesus, “Master, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God, for no one can show the signs that you do, unless God is with him.” Jesus answered, “I tell you, unless a man is born over again from above, he can never see the Kingdom of God.” Nicodemus asked, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter his mother’s womb over again and be born?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, if a man does not owe his birth to water and spirit, he cannot get into the Kingdom of God. Whatever owes its birth to the physical is physical, and whatever owes its birth to the Spirit is spiritual…you must be born over again from above.”

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Be Born Over Again From Above Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Proud Family Portrait," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below to go to Fine ...

My artwork, "Proud Family Portrait," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Proud Family Portrait" -- A family of a mother Canada goose and her goslings swim together on a pond in summer in Wisconsin, posing as if for a portrait. A beautiful scene of family love and togetherness. A mother goose swims gracefully in a pond, followed closely by her six fluffy goslings. The water's surface gently ripples around the small family, reflecting the serene ambiance of the scene.

Proud Family Portrait Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork,"Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the im...

My artwork,"Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more information.

"Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged" -- I have used my artwork, “Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged,” to illustrate the Bible passage from Matthew 7:1-5, when Jesus said: “Pass no more judgments upon other people, so that you may not have judgment passed upon you. For you will be judged by the standard you judge by, and men will pay you back with the same measure you have used with them. Why do you keep looking at the speck in your brother’s eye, and pay no attention to the beam that is in your own? How can you say to your brother, ‘Just let me get that speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a beam in your own? You hypocrite! First get the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see to get the speck out of your brother’s eye.”

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Judge Not Lest You Be Judged Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Friends Sharing A Common Bond," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below to go ...

My artwork, "Friends Sharing A Common Bond," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Friends Sharing A Common Bond" -- A group of ordinary people enjoy a common bond of friendship as they fish on the Fox River shoreline in De Pere, Wisconsin, on a beautiful fall day. We should all exist around the world in a common bond of friendship.

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Friends Sharing A Common Bond Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Render To Caesar, Render To God," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the...

My artwork, "Render To Caesar, Render To God," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art.America for more information.

"Render To Caesar Render To God" -- A church tower rises above lush green trees, accompanied by an American flag fluttering in the breeze. A Bible verse, "Render to Caesar, Render to God," is prominently displayed in the sky above the church.

I have used my artwork, “Render to Caesar, Render to God,” to illustrate the Bible passage from Matthew 22:20-22: “And they brought him a denarius, and He said to them, ‘Whose is this image and superscription?’ And they said to Him, ‘Caesar’s.’
Then he said, ‘Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’ When they had heard these words, they marveled, and left Him and went their way.”

Separate church and state, because not all people are Christians, nor do they believe in God, yet they should have equal rights under the law of the land along with everyone else.

Render To Caesar Render To God Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork,"We Should Not Repel Him," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image be...

My artwork,"We Should Not Repel Him," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"We Should Not Repel Him" -- I have used my artwork, “We Should Not Repel Him,” to illustrate the Bible passage from Luke 7:22-23: “Go and report to John what you have seen and heard. The blind are regaining their sight, the lame can walk, the lepers are being cured and the deaf can hear, the dead are being raised and good news is being preached to the poor. And blessed is the man who finds nothing that repels him in me.”
If we are repelled by all of the good things that Jesus did in his short time on earth, we are not thinking clearly about his mission to show us the truth of our lives, or his sacrifice to die for us, and we must change our thinking and love what he did for us.

We Should Not Repel Him Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Freedom In Body And Spirit," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below to go to ...

My artwork, "Freedom In Body And Spirit," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Freedom In Body And Spirit" -- An American flag waves atop a pole, surrounded by lush green trees. A tall church tower with a cross stands in the background under a cloudy sky. I have used my artwork, “Freedom In Body And Spirit,” to show that we must separate church and state, because not all people are Christians, nor do they believe in God, yet they should have equal rights under the law of the land along with everyone else. We must not judge nor discriminate because other people do not believe as we do…that judgement should be left up to God alone.

Freedom In Body And Spirit Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "I Bring You Good News For All People," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America.  Click o...

My artwork, "I Bring You Good News For All People," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more information.

"I Bring You Good News For All People" -- Twin fawns walk peacefully and joyfully with their mother, calm and unafraid in her presence. She is a good and dutiful mother, watching over her young with love and zeal.

My artwork, “I Bring You Good News For All People” is taken from the Bible, Luke 2:10-212, and refers to the birth of Jesus: “There were some shepherds in that neighborhood keeping watch through the night over their flock in the open fields. And an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terribly frightened. The angel said to them: ‘Do not be frightened, for I bring you good news of a great joy that is to be felt by all the people, for today in the town of David, a Savior for you has been born who is your Messiah and Lord. And this will prove it to you. You will find a baby wrapped up and lying in a manger.’”

I Bring You Good News For All People Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "First Day Of School," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below to go to Fine Ar...

My artwork, "First Day Of School," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"First Day Of School" -- A protective mama deer takes her twin fawns to their first day of school. A doe and two fawns are grazing on vibrant green grass in a sunlit, wooded park. The scene captures the tranquility of nature and the bond within the deer family.

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First Day Of School Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "The Rich Mans Gate Is Seldom Open," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on t...

My artwork, "The Rich Mans Gate Is Seldom Open," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"The Rich Mans Gate Is Seldom Open" -- Bible: Luke 16:19-31; “There was a rich man, who lived in luxury. A beggar named Lazarus was put down at his gate covered with sores and eager to satisfy his hunger with what was thrown away from the rich man’s table.

The beggar died and was carried away to the companionship of Abraham, and the rich man died and was buried. And in Hades he looked up, tormented…and saw Abraham with Lazarus and said, ‘Father Abraham! Take pity on me — send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in torment, here in the flames!’

Abraham said, ‘Remember that you received your blessings in your lifetime, and Lazarus had his misfortunes in his; and now he is being comforted here, while you are in anguish. Besides there is a great chasm set between you and us, so that those who want to go over from this side to you cannot, and they cannot cross from your side to us.’ “ (Read More)

My artwork, “The Rich Man’s Gate,” tells us that we must not keep everything for ourselves and ignore the trials of others in this lifetime.

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The Rich Mans Gate Is Seldom Open Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Lock No One Out Of Heaven," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image above to go to F...

My artwork, "Lock No One Out Of Heaven," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image above to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Lock No One Out Of Heaven" -- A lush, green garden pathway leads through an ornate wrought iron gate toward a sunlit house entrance. Vibrant flowers and dense foliage frame the serene and inviting scene. The gate is open to the beautiful mansion that waits beyond, and Heaven should be open to all. We must not keep everything for ourselves and ignore the rights and spiritual being of others in this lifetime.

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Lock No One Out Of Heaven Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, with added text, "Be As Unassuming As Children," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the im...

My artwork, with added text, "Be As Unassuming As Children," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Be As Unassuming As Children" -- Bible, Jesus, Matthew 18:1 — “I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven at all. Anyone, therefore, who is as unassuming as this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, and anyone who welcomes one child like this on my account welcomes me.”

My artwork, “Be As Unassuming As Children,” tells us that we must not be evil, arrogant, or aggressive in this world, but as unassuming as children in order to follow the teachings of Jesus and live in the spiritual world.

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Be As Unassuming As Children Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Boys Will Be Boys," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below to go to Fine Art ...

My artwork, "Boys Will Be Boys," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Boys Will Be Boys" -- Two boys are playing and throwing rocks into the water from the shoreline on Sturgeon Bay at Potawatomi State Park, Door County, Wisconsin. It is a brilliant summer afternoon, and the scene is pleasant and family oriented.

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Boys Will Be Boys Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Become As Little Children," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image...

My artwork, "Become As Little Children," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Become As Little Children" -- Bible, Jesus, Matthew 18:1 — “I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven at all. Anyone, therefore, who is as unassuming as this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, and anyone who welcomes one child like this on my account welcomes me.”

My artwork, “Become As Little Children,” tells us that we must not be evil, arrogant, or aggressive in this world, but as unassuming as children in order to follow the teachings of Jesus and live in the spiritual world.

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Become As Little Children Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Childhood Memories, Rock Island, Wisconsin," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image...

My artwork, "Childhood Memories, Rock Island, Wisconsin," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Childhood Memories Rock Island Wisconsin" -- Two little girls playing on the shoreline at Rock Island, Wisconsin, on a warm summer day. A beautiful scene that brings back childhood memories of fun on the beach on warm summer days. Two children play along the shore with waves gently lapping at the pebbled beach. The surrounding area is covered with golden vegetation creating a vibrant scene of nature and childhood.

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Childhood Memories Rock Island Wisconsin Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "My Father's House Has Many Mansions," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on...

My artwork, "My Father's House Has Many Mansions," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"My Fathers House Has Many Mansions" -- From the Bible, John: 14:2-6. “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.”

“My Father’s House Has Many Mansions,” tells us that if we follow what Jesus taught and how he lived, there will always be a place for us in the spiritual realm. We are spiritual people, and our home is always with our creator and he loves us!

My Fathers House Has Many Mansions Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Avian Hotel," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below to go to Fine Art Americ...

My artwork, "Avian Hotel," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Avian Hotel" -- The scene is of a building surrounded by plants to feed visiting birds during the summer months. It is a beautiful scene of nature and someone who cares for birds and animals in the city and helps to feed them. A small house with a rusted metal roof is surrounded by lush greenery and overgrown plants. The vibrant green lawn contrasts with the aged appearance of the structure, while blue skies and trees enhance the serene scenery.

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Avian Hotel Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "God So Beautifully Dresses The Wild Grass," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America.  Cl...

My artwork, "God So Beautifully Dresses The Wild Grass," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"God So Beautifully Dresses The Wild Grass" -- Bible: Matthew 6:27-31 “But which of you with all his worry can add a single hour to his life? Why should you worry about clothing? See how the wild flowers grow. They do not toil or spin and yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his splendor was never dressed like one of them. But if God so beautifully dresses the wild grass, which is alive today and is thrown into the furnace tomorrow, will he not much more surely clothe you, you who have so little faith?”

The Bible passage tells us not to worry about our lives, or about what clothes we have to wear. The spiritual self doesn’t require clothing, and our spiritual life is more important than the clothes we have to wear to cover our bodies.

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God So Beautifully Dresses The Wild Grass Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Graceful Beauty In The Wind," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below to go to...

My artwork, "Graceful Beauty In The Wind," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Graceful Beauty In The Wind" -- Graceful purple fountain grass, or rubric, in the garden, sways in a gentle summer breeze, showing off its beauty to the world! Purple and white feathery grass plumes arch gracefully against a background of greenery. Light filters through their delicate, bristly structures, highlighting their soft textures and gentle colors.

Graceful Beauty In The Wind Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Think On All Things Good And Lovely," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on...

My artwork, "Think On All Things Good And Lovely," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

My artwork, “Think On All Things Good And Lovely,” reminds you of the Bible quotation from St. Paul’s Letter To The Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

We are what we think about all day long, so why not think on good things?

Think On All Things Good And Lovely Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Reflecting On One's Self," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below to go to Fi...

My artwork, "Reflecting On One's Self," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Reflecting On Ones SelfOverhanging branches festooned with green leaves dip gently towards the tranquil surface of water, creating intricate reflections that dance and distort on the rippling surface. The play of light and shadow, along with the varying shades of blue, evoke a serene and picturesque setting. My artwork, “Reflecting On One’s Self,” is a spring scene of a tree branch with new leaves growing on the river shoreline and reflecting on the water below. It tells us to be aware of ourselves and to see and know ourselves as we really are, lovable and true reflections of our spiritual being; we should not fool ourselves into thinking we are something that we are not!

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Reflecting On Ones Self Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Indians Paradise Door County Wisconsin," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image bel...

My artwork, "Indians Paradise Door County Wisconsin," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Indian's Paradise, Door County Wisconsin" -- A flock of birds is flying in a V-formation over a lush, green forest that stretches towards the blue waters of Green Bay There is a small ferry boat visible on the water, and cliffs can be seen in the distance on the right side of the frame. A high view of the Bay of Green Bay shoreline in Door County, Wisconsin. Jesuit Missionaries described Door County as the “Paradise of the Indians,” and many people come to visit and vacation in beautiful Door County. The ancient Niagara Escarpment runs through Door County, and is visible in many areas of the Door Peninsula. Door County was originally called the “Door of Death” by the Indians because of the dangerous waters; the French translated this into “Porte des Morts,” or “Death’s Door,” and that was later shortened to “Door County” by early settlers.

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Indians Paradise Door County Wisconsin Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Monogram OnThe Water," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below to go to Fine A...

My artwork, "Monogram OnThe Water," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Monogram On The Water" -- A symmetrical composition presents a mirror-like reflection that creates an abstract design in nature's setting. Elements such as trees, water, and foliage are duplicated and altered to form a kaleidoscopic pattern, giving a sense of balance and intrigue to the viewer. Gentle waves roll in to the river shoreline under the overhanging branches of a tree with new green leaves emerging in spring. It is a peaceful and inspiring scene of beauty. I have flipped and joined the image four times at the center to create a kaleidoscope effect of the letter ”M” monogram on the water.

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Monogram On The Water Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "Lacy Patterns On The Water," is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the image below to go to ...

My artwork, "Lacy Patterns On The Water," is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

"Lacy Patterns On The Water" -- A symmetrical mirrored effect has been applied to a natural scene, possibly a river landscape, creating a visually intriguing kaleidoscopic pattern. Trees, water reflections, and foliage blend into an abstract design that is both organic and harmonious. Gentle waves roll in to the river shoreline under the overhanging branches of a tree with new green leaves emerging in spring. It is a peaceful and inspiring scene of beauty. I have flipped and joined the image four times at the center to create a kaleidoscope effect of a lacy pattern on the water.

Digital artistic filters have been added to enhance the image.

Lacy Patterns On The Water Photograph by Barbara Smits

My artwork, "The Greatest Of These Is Love," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America.  Click on the i...

My artwork, "The Greatest Of These Is Love," with added text, is now available through Fine Art America. Click on the image below to go to Fine Art America for more details.

The Greatest Of These Is Lovehave used my artwork, “The Greatest Of These Is Love,” to illustrate the passage from the Bible in First Corinthians, 13:13, when Paul says: “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

Digital artistic filters have been added to enhance the image.

The Greatest Of These Is Love Photograph by Barbara Smits



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