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  • YogaCruising Travel for groups and individuall booker around Greek İslands or along Turkish Coast on If in Turkey or Greece, the choice is yours.

Are you looking for a beautiful and extraordinary location for your
Yoga Cruise group travel? Organize and plan your very special
yoga retreat with us

Design your own Yoga Cruise retreat on the sea! Yoga Cruise has the knowledge to bring you to the exquisite purity of nature with lots of space for your yoga, cultural and sport activities, and with an array of nature programs. Contak us!
İ[email protected]
Visit us:

Merry Christmas Yogis!We want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope 2023 has been a year ...

Merry Christmas Yogis!
We want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope 2023 has been a year of growth, happiness, adventure, relaxation and so much more. Please use this time to unwind, treat yourself, indulge in the delicious food and enjoy time with loved ones.
Once again, thank you for being part of our journey and putting your trust in us to provide you with wonderful experiences.
Keep an eye out for us on Boxing Day, as we have some very exciting deals and our Turkey / Greece 2024 early bird will be released!
With love,


İbo TV ZDF 2. Sendung 08.11.2023Program heute in Europa

İbo TV ZDF 2. Sendung
Program heute in Europa

In der Ägäis bietet der Deutsch-Türke Ibrahim Öztop Entspannung an. Mit Yoga-Cruising ist man nicht nur die ganze Zeit in der türkischen Ägäis unterwegs, sondern tut auch aktiv etwas für Seele und Körper.

İbo by TV ZDF 1. Sendung06.11.2023 Programm Mittags magazin

İbo by TV ZDF 1. Sendung
Programm Mittags magazin

Seit 18 Jahren biete Ibrahim "Ibo" Öztep Bootstouren vor der türkischen Küste anzubieten. Dafür ist er aus Deutschland in seine Heimat zurückgekehrt.

ZDF tv  sendung 6.11.2023

ZDF tv sendung 6.11.2023

Seit 18 Jahren biete Ibrahim "Ibo" Öztep Bootstouren vor der türkischen Küste anzubieten. Dafür ist er aus Deutschland in seine Heimat zurückgekehrt.


Yoga Cruise Türkische Lykische Küste


Auf den Spuren der alten Lykier

Die lykische Küste ist ein Traumreservat, laut vielen Segelexperten einer dieser seltenen Flecken auf der Erde.

Die steilen, teilweise mehrere hundert Meter hohen Bergküsten mit schroffen Felsvorsprüngen und wilden Schluchten sind unvergessliche Landschaften. Hinzu kommen die lykischen Felsengräber, die Vielzahl antiker Städte verschiedener Zivilisationen, die weit über 3000 Jahre in der Geschichte zurückreichen.

Bei der versunkenen Stadt Kekova fahren Sie an Ruinen vorbei, die im Meer verschwunden sind, um Ihnen einen Blick auf überschwemmte Überreste antiker Wohnanlagen zu gewähren. Entlang dieses Küstenabschnitts finden wir idyllische Buchten innerhalb eines verschlungenen Archipels, die zahlreiche Ankerplätze von atemberaubender Schönheit bieten.

Delfine, Thunfische und Schildkröten tummeln sich genauso gerne in diesen Gewässern wie wir, also stehen die Chancen gut, dass wir sie tagsüber oder nachts um uns herumschwimmen sehen. Die Strände sind abgelegen und unberührt, es gibt uralte Pinienwälder, Oliven- und Zitrusfruchtplantagen, wir werden in kleinen Fischerdörfern festmachen und all diese Elemente zusammen tragen zum unberührten Charme dieser Region bei.

Erleben Sie einen Urlaub mit Yoga, Entspannung, Genuss und Kulturprogramm!

Von Fethiye nach Kekova TÜRKEI
€ 1.199,- geteilte Kabine
€ 1.799,- Einzelkabine

Von Kekova nach Fethiye TÜRKEI
€ 1.299,- geteilte Kabine
€ 1.899,- Einzelkabine
Yogalehrerin Claudia Neumann

Von Fethiye nach Kekova TÜRKEI (AUSGEBUCHT)
€ 1.399,- geteilte Kabine
€ 1.950,- Einzelkabine

Von Kekova nach Fethiye TÜRKEI (AUSGEBUCHT)
€ 1.399,- geteilte Kabine
€ 1.950,- Einzelkabine

Von Fethiye nach Kekova TÜRKEI
€ 1.399,- geteilte Kabine
€ 2.100,- Einzelkabine

Von Kekova nach Fethiye TÜRKEI
€ 1.399,- geteilte Kabine
€ 2.100,- Einzelkabine

Von Fethiye nach Kekova TÜRKEI
€ 1.299,- geteilte Kabine
€ 2.050,- Einzelkabine

Von Kekova nach Fethiye TÜRKEI
€ 1.199,- geteilte Kabine
€ 1.999,- Einzelkabine

Yoga CruiseGriechische süd Dodekanes İnseln 16-23 September.-RHODOS, DODEKANES-INSELN ÄGÄISCHER OZEAN - 8 TAGE / 7 NÄCHT...

Yoga Cruise
Griechische süd Dodekanes İnseln
16-23 September.
Der südliche Teil des Dodekanes, von Rhodos bis Kos, hat eine enorme Vielfalt an schönen Erlebnissen zu bieten.
Die Vulkaninsel Nisyros, die kulturellen Eindrücke von Kos, die malerischen Häuser in Symi und die Vielfalt der Natur auf den Inseln Tilos und Gyali.
Diese Inseln gehören zu einer Welt voller Mythen und Magie und sind reich an historischen Überresten, die von der Größe der zahlreichen Zivilisationen zeugen, die sich entschieden haben, hier zu leben.
Eine Welt, in der die Sonne als täglicher Landschaftsmaler erscheint und das Meer in unzähligen Schattierungen erstrahlt, um Leben zu gebären.
Höhepunkte Ihrer Yoga-Kreuzfahrt:
Malerische Hafenplätze
Die magische Insel Symi
Die Insel Nisyros und das malerische Bergdorf Nika
Sonnenuntergang und Sonnenaufgang am Meer
Besuchen Sie Vulcano auf der Insel Nisyros
Yoga - Meditation - Massagen unter blauem Himmel
Kulinarisch hochwertige, türkische, mediterrane Küche
Schlafen Sie an Deck unter den Sternen. (Bitte Schlafsack mitbringen)
Viele lustige Aktivitäten: Schnorcheln, etc..

7:00 - Beginnen Sie den Tag mit einem Kräutertee oder heißem Wasser mit frischem Ingwer/Zitrone und genießen Sie den Meerblick.

07:30 – 09:00 Uhr: Yoga-Praxis zum Start in den Tag. Nach dem Yoga das Meer genießen.

09:30-10:30 Uhr: reichhaltiger, genussvoller Frühstücksbrunch.

11:00-17:00 Mittagessen: köstliches Obst aus der Region. Segeln, Schwimmen, Sonnenbaden, Relaxen, Ausflüge.

18:00 zweite Yogastunde. (Die Zeiten variieren je nach Saison).

19:30 Schwimmen im Salzmeer.

20:00 Gemeinsames Abendessen an Bord - liebevoll zubereitet und serviert vom Schiffskoch.

22:00 Lassen Sie den Tag bei mildem Wetter mit einem Blick in den Sternenhimmel ausklingen.

24:00 Schlafen auf dem Deck unter den Sternen. Bringen Sie einen Schlafsack mit, wenn Sie auf dem Deck schlafen möchten.

* Die angegebenen Zeiten sind lehrreich und beispielhaft.

€ 2.290,- Geteilte Kabine
€ 3.495,- Geteilte Kabine alleine nutzen

YogaCruising | Sailing, Yoga and more in Greece, Turkey & Bali...-YogaCruise is certainly one of the most fascinating wa...

YogaCruising | Sailing, Yoga and more in Greece, Turkey & Bali...
YogaCruise is certainly one of the most fascinating ways to travel the Greek Aegean Islands, the Turkish Mediterranean Aegean Coast, and the Exotic Coasts and Cities of Bali.
Most of our YogaCruises & Retreats last 7 nights (8 days), but for 2023 we have introduced special 3 nights (4 days) and 4 nights (5 days) options for our Lycian Coast Cruises on the Mediterranean Ocean.
About Us
Yoga Cruising is a small family run business that operates since June 6th, 2006. Over the years we have acquired valuable skills and experience in all the fields of our operations with focus on yacht charters, excursions, hiking tours and trips for research and study purposes. We treat all our customers with utmost care regarding all details of trip planning and special interests or purposes. This careful, individual planning of each tour is highly appreciated by our returning customers. More about us..
Our “Gulet Yachts” and “Bali phinisi Boats” and are traditionally crafted wooden sailing boats, of a length ranging from 25 to 45 meters, with 2 or 3 masts.. The YogaBoats provide 6-12 cabins (12 to 24 people) with twin beds or double beds. Have a look at Our YogaCruise Boats.
Besides “Sailing & Yoga” Cruises in Greece, Turkey and Bali, we also have 2 Special Bali Yoga Retreats in the spiritual city of Ubud, and in the best coral coast of Amed, where you will have a chance to visit touristic landmarks and go underwater snorkeling (instead of sailing).
Yoga Sessions
In all our tours Yoga Sessions will be given by experienced Yoga Teachers from Germany, Switzerland and other European Countries. Twice daily (mornings and evenings 2x90 minutes) you can enjoy our modern yoga sessions giving you physical exercise, and deep relaxation. If you book a yacht lessons will mostly be given on the Sun Deck, at some occasions on the Beach. There are special Yoga Platforms for the Ubud and Amed Retreats in Bali.
Yoga Holidays for Individually Booking Travelers
In all of our listed tours (All Tour Dates and Prices) you and your friend(s) or partner(s) will join a mixed group on board, or in a Hotel (Bali Retreats).

Book a Yacht or Plan a Private Retreat
For yoga teachers, but also if you want to book a YogaYacht or YogaHotel for your family or group of friends we can organize and design a custom YogaCruise or YogaRetreat in Greek Islands, along the Turkish Mediterranean/Aegean Sea, or at Bali Cities, Coasts and Islands. To privately book such a Cruise please contact us via WhatsApp or send us an e-mail.
Meals on board (or at Retreat Hotels) are always freshly cooked. We serve of locally Organic produced high quality ingredients and a diverse selection of light and tasty meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, also plenty of Vegetarian alternatives for our Yogis. In our Greece and Turkey Routes you will have a chance to taste our healthy Mediterranean Cuisine. Also in Bali healthy, fresh, and tasty meals will be served.
A choice of excursions on land will give you plenty of opportunities to get to know the nature, the culture and the history of this region. Exquisite jaunts to historical archeological sites, herb hiking tours, visit to a nomadic village, or a traditional Turkish bath – a Hamam. They all share enriching insights into the wealth of the Mediterranean, and Indonesian culture.
General Information
Please have a look at our General Information Page. Many questions about airport transfers, accommodation, crew, yoga, and activities have already been answered on this page. www.Yogacruising.Com
Final Words
Your floating hotel, with a view that changes every day, guarantees an unforgettable holiday. Exotic Bali Retreats is another way to practice yoga and increase your cultural experiences. We will organize your Yoga Sailing Cruises and Retreats with utmost care, offering you the flexibility of a personalized service and individual pricing conditions – please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

We usually respond you messages instantly, in any case as soon as possible!
You can send us a message through WhatsApp, send an e-mail, or fill out our Booking Form on our Contact Page.
Enjoy a holiday for body, mind and soul – we are awaiting you!


Herkese selam! 🌟 Yıldız göndererek bana destek olabilirsiniz. Yıldızlar sayesinde sevdiğin içerikleri üretmeye devam etmek için para kazanabilirim.

Yıldızlar simgesini gördüğünde bana Yıldız gönderebilirsin!


Explore Yoga, Sailing & Culture

➡️Visit with yogacruise along Turkish Lycian Coast, Greek İsland and Bali.
✅Learn traditional Culture
✅Practice Yoga
✅Eat healty fresh food
✅Enjoy Massage
✅Swimm in clear & salty Ocean
✅Sunbed on the Sundeck on the boat
✅Many funy activities

Enjoy the fantastic cruise
Yoga, Sailing and more…
Learn more and sign up:

Yogacruise camp date, fiat and tour programs can be found at this linkTüm tarih ve fiatlarıLinkten takip edebilirsinizht...

Yogacruise camp date, fiat and tour programs can be found at this link

Tüm tarih ve fiatları
Linkten takip edebilirsiniz

Yogacruise Travel dates in Turkey and Greece 2023 Yoga Cruise holidays for individually booking travelers: BALİ - TURKEY - GREECE This holiday is designed for individually booking travelers. Which means that you will join a mixed group of people on board. With you on the boat there

Yogacruise kamp tarih, fiat ve tur programları bu linkten ulaşabilirsiniz

Yogacruise kamp tarih, fiat ve tur programları bu linkten ulaşabilirsiniz

2023 Yogacruising Seyahat tarihleri ​​Türkiye ve Yunan Adaları Bireysel rezervasyon yapan gezginler için yoga tatili: BALİ - TÜRKİYE - YUNANİSTANBu tatil, bireysel rezervasyon yapan gezginler için tasarlanmıştır. Bu, gemide karışık bir insan grubuna katılacağınız anlamına geli...

Enjoy the fantastic cruiseYoga, Sailing and more…Learn more and sign up:                     ...

Enjoy the fantastic cruise
Yoga, Sailing and more…

Learn more and sign up:

#йога life

Yogacruise Turkey-Greece-BaliEarly booking 40% Discount.

Yogacruise Turkey-Greece-Bali
Early booking 40% Discount.

2023 Yogacruise dates for groups✅Please contact us for the conditions and prices.

2023 Yogacruise dates for groups Available.

✅Please contact us for the conditions and prices.


Yoga & more 2023…
🧘🏼‍♂️ Are you Yoga Teacher?
⛵️ Organise your own Retreat on ouer Yoga boats.
🕉 2023 Available Dates for groups

8 Days 7 Nights 2023 booking are open
🧘🏼‍♂️ Fullboard Vegeterian Meals
🧘🏼‍♂️ Airport Transfer
🧘🏼‍♂️ Yoga Session on the Sunndeck
🧘🏼‍♂️ Yoga mat & material on board
🤸🏿‍♂️🏝 and more funny activities...

🙏 www.yogacruislng.Com



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Our Story

Sun, Sea, Yoga, Sailing and More...Greek İsland & Turkish Coast!

YogaCruising is certainly one of the most enticing ways to travel the Greek islands, and the Turkish Coast.

Our yachts provide from 6 – 12 cabins with twin beds or 2 single beds. Each cabin is equipped with WC, shower, air condition and a hair dryer. These yachts are “Gulets”. Traditionally crafted wooden sailing boats, of a length ranging from 25 to 50 meters, with 2 or 3 masts.

Each meal is freshly cooked on our YogaCruising tours and we serve a healthy, vegetarian, Mediterranean cuisine. Already the traditional Mediterranean Brunch breakfast consists of a plethora of locally Organic produced, high quality ingredients from the honey to the cheeses and vegetables. For dinner the meals are composed out of a variety of traditional vegetable dishes and salads, accompanied by bulgur, rice or potatoes. We always serve fresh fruit of the season as a dessert or as a snack for in between meals.