You know that winter is approaching when we get out our hedgecutter.
We have started cutting our hedges now around the farm and cottages.
Autumn is arriving and maneskin is bringing wood home 🏡 for the winter.
A very determined young lady.
It is 25 degrees here this morning and a height of activity down at our farm cottages with 🐲 dragonflies, 🦋 butterflies and bird 🐦 song.
This may be our last day of summer weather wise.
Hoping our straw will be combined today and so we can bale it tomorrow as heavy rain forecasted for Sunday.
This is the time of year when our cattle get lung worm and so all our cattle are wormed which means taking them back to the farm from their fields for their treatment.
Bringing home our hay and storing them in the barn this morning.
We usually square bale our hay and then you will have to bring them in straight away as they will not stand any rain on them but this year we round baled it thus these can stay out as they can take the rain.
Less pressure when we are busy else where
Huge dragonflies flying around the pond at the farm cottages today.
Beautiful colours.
Would any guests who are booked in for the next few weeks would like some icecream , please let me know as I will be ordering from Anna today.
Thank you.
Busy tedding out the hay today.
This will be baled later on and hopefully bale our organic hay on Wednesday.
We cut the grass on Thursday and Friday for our hay.
Tedding it out today as it is 20 degrees here today and this will be done twice today and then again tomorrow and Tuesday.
Hoping it will be ready by Wednesday as rain forecast early hour's of Thursday.
This field is still wet but the guvnor are thankful as it cools then off after walking 🚶 around this 35 acre field.
The organic meadows are next to Ted and really hoping to make some small bale haylage for the horses around the outsides of these meadows . This grass is softer fir them to eat.
Some of our woodland field is still very wet as maneskin found the part where she enjoyed a drink to cool her down on last night's walk.
This was the same field we cut for silage in May and had to abandon the bales for a few days due to the tractors and trailers sinking into the ground .
The crows had a feast though .
This lovely film was taken by our fantastic guests who stayed in Oakpond Cottage this year.
Just love this video of all the wildlife and birds which Oakpond is home to.
Brown Moss Nature Reserve is also featured and is only 10 minutes away.
We have very limited availability for Oakpond and Oaktree for summer until October 12th.
August 23rd-30th
August 30th-september 6th
September 6th-13th
September 13th-16th (3 nights)
Monday and Friday starts.
This plane flew over oakwood Cottage this afternoon whilst I was cleaning.
Does anyone know what type of plane it is.
I think it may of been going to sleap airport as it is their 1940 weekend.
Lovely sound.
We just wanted another extra day to make this into hay as it still has green in it and so we have had to wrap it today as rain forecast for tomorrow .
It will make lovely haylage and so at least bug and nell will be 😊 happy.
There may be a weeks window starting from next weekend fingers crossed.
As usual, operations were watched by the 2 guvnor.
Maneskin cooling off in the hay shed this afternoon.
This is Oliver who will be holidaying with our heifer group.
Oliver has kept up his appearance unlike freddy .
Well Freddy, I would of thought you would of have had a wash before meeting the ladies for the summer , what must they think of you . Andrex comes to mind.
Just put the washing out and within 10 minutes we had a hail stone storm with thunder ⚡ and lightning 🌩.
The force of the Hailstones was like bricks being thrown at you.
Never experienced this before.
A lovely note left for us by our guests who left this morning who stayed in our cottage for two people Oaktree.
Very much appreciated.
Late night last night baling and wrapping whilst the boss looks on.