Mo and Manaskin enjoying the snow 🌨 today .
Mo and Maneskin thinks this is fun.
We now have a stream running across our lane from the water coming off the fields and back onto the paddock.
It's back to square one again with all this ☔
Just as the land was drying up, now a wet sodden mess again.
The cattle are starting to tread the fields now and it is too warm to bring them in as the calves may get pneumonia and so we are now letting Oliver group come into the yard for ad-lib feed during the day and freddy Flintoffs group will feed at night.
There are still fields and fields of maze which hasn't been got in yet and it is starting to turn yellow.
Goodness knows when the wheat 🌾 will be planted as this is going to make straw prices very expensive.
Just had this balloon fly over our farm very very low with its burners on.
Cattle and dogs are petrified.
All systems go again after the delay yesterday.
This is the last of this year's silage coming home for the winter.
The days are now very short with heavy dews in the mornings and so any other baling has to be done in the afternoons when it has a chance to dry.
This is a very busy time of year on the fsrm as baling and hedgecutting work all come at once.
Our young cattle having high jinx tonight whilst checking them.
You know that winter is approaching when we get out our hedgecutter.
We have started cutting our hedges now around the farm and cottages.
Autumn is arriving and maneskin is bringing wood home 🏡 for the winter.
A very determined young lady.
It is 25 degrees here this morning and a height of activity down at our farm cottages with 🐲 dragonflies, 🦋 butterflies and bird 🐦 song.
This may be our last day of summer weather wise.
Hoping our straw will be combined today and so we can bale it tomorrow as heavy rain forecasted for Sunday.
This is the time of year when our cattle get lung worm and so all our cattle are wormed which means taking them back to the farm from their fields for their treatment.
Bringing home our hay and storing them in the barn this morning.
We usually square bale our hay and then you will have to bring them in straight away as they will not stand any rain on them but this year we round baled it thus these can stay out as they can take the rain.
Less pressure when we are busy else where