Madu River Safari

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Madu River Safari "Welcome to Madu River Safari! 🌿🚣‍♀️ Join us on an unforgettable journey...

One of the highlights of the Madu River boat safari is the chance to witness traditional fishing practices along the riv...

One of the highlights of the Madu River boat safari is the chance to witness traditional fishing practices along the riverbanks, providing a glimpse into the daily lives of local communities. Additionally, participants may visit ancient temples and vibrant villages, adding a cultural dimension to the journey.

Amidst this natural oasis, Koth Duwa stands as a testament to the region's cultural and ecological richness. This small ...

Amidst this natural oasis, Koth Duwa stands as a testament to the region's cultural and ecological richness. This small island within Madu River adds another layer of charm to the experience. Here, the vibrant colors of local life come to life as floating shops line the riverbanks, offering fresh fruits, snacks, and handmade crafts. Koth Duwa encapsulates the harmonious coexistence of nature and culture, showcasing the resilience of the local communities that thrive along the riverbanks.

The boat safari often includes stops at notable attractions along the riverbanks. Travelers can visit cinnamon plantatio...

The boat safari often includes stops at notable attractions along the riverbanks. Travelers can visit cinnamon plantations to learn about the cultivation and processing of cinnamon, a vital spice in Sri Lanka's history and economy. Additionally, visitors might explore fish therapy centers, where they can experience a unique pedicure by allowing small fish to exfoliate dead skin from their feet.

MAdu River Boat Safari😍🌿🌿🌿

MAdu River Boat Safari😍🌿🌿🌿

මාදු ගඟ ආශ්‍රිත ජීවත්වන සත්ව විශේෂ ගත් විට ක්ෂීරපායී විශේෂ 18ක් පමණ මේ ආශ්‍රිතව ජීවත් වන බවට සොයා ගෙන තිබේ.කළුවදුරන්, වව...

මාදු ගඟ ආශ්‍රිත ජීවත්වන සත්ව විශේෂ ගත් විට ක්ෂීරපායී විශේෂ 18ක් පමණ මේ ආශ්‍රිතව ජීවත් වන බවට සොයා ගෙන තිබේ.කළුවදුරන්, වව්ලන්, මීයන්, දිය බල්ලන්, නරියන්, හදුන් දිවියන් ,ඉත්තෑවන්, මුගටින්, හෝතඹුවන් ,උරුලෑවන්, කලවැද්දන් එම ක්ෂීරපායීන් අතර වේ.එසේම පිඹුරා, ඇහැටුල්ලා, ආහරකුක්කා, නිදිමාපිලා, ගැරඩියා, දිය නයා, තිත් පොළඟා, කුණකටුවා ,ගල් ඉබ්බා, කිරි ඉබ්බා, පළාකටුස්සා, ගරාකටුස්සා, පිනුම්කටුස්සා, කබරගොයා, තලගොයා ආදී උරග හා උභයජීවී සාමාජිකයෝද රැසක් සිටිති. ලෝක සංරක්ෂණ සංගමය සිදුකරන ලද අධ්‍යයනයකදී උරග විශේෂ 28ක් ද උභයජීවී විශේෂ 13ක් ද සිටින බව හෙලි වී තිබේ. එමෙන්ම සමනල විශේෂ 60ක් ද ජලජ ගොළුබෙලි විශේෂ රාශියක් හා කිවුල්දිය හා මිරිදිය මත්ස්‍ය විශේෂ 50ක් පමණද සිටින බව සොයාගෙන ඇත.

The Madu River boat safari not only offers a close-up view of the natural wonders but also provides an opportunity to le...

The Madu River boat safari not only offers a close-up view of the natural wonders but also provides an opportunity to learn about the local culture, traditional practices, and industries tied to the river. Guides often share information about the ecosystem, wildlife, and cultural significance of the river, enriching the experience for visitors.

මාදු ගංඟ 🐊🐍  🐿️  🐒🐠 Madu River 🏝️ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ගාලු දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ බලපිටිය නගරයේ පිහිටා ඇති මාදු ගඟ විවිධ ආකර්ෂණීය ස්ථාන ...

මාදු ගංඟ 🐊🐍 🐿️ 🐒🐠 Madu River 🏝️
ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ගාලු දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ බලපිටිය නගරයේ පිහිටා ඇති මාදු ගඟ විවිධ ආකර්ෂණීය ස්ථාන නිසා බෝට්ටු සෆාරි ( boat safari) සඳහා වැඩි වැඩියෙන් ජනප්‍රිය ගමනාන්තයක් බවට පත්ව ඇත. "මාදු ගඟ" යන අර්ථය ඇති "මාදු ගඟ" යන නම "මාදුගඟ" හෝ "මාදු ගඟ" ලෙසද උච්චාරණය කර ඇත.
මඩුගඟේ උභයජීවී භූ දර්ශනය ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ඉතිරිව ඇති විශාලතම කඩොලාන වගුරු බිම වන අතර එය මත්ස්‍ය හා උරග විශේෂ කිහිපයකට නිවහන වේ. එය ද අපූරු කුරුළු භූමියකි. කුඩා රන්දොඹේ වැව, සාගරයට සමීපව පිහිටා ඇති නමුත් දකුණු දෙසින්, ස්වාභාවික මාර්ග දෙකකින් මාදු ගඟ හා සම්බන්ධ වී, එය ශාක විශේෂ 300 කට වැඩි ප්‍රමාණයක් සහ පෘෂ්ඨවංශී විශේෂ 250 කට ආසන්න සංඛ්‍යාවක් වාසය කරන මාදු ගඟ තෙත් බිම සාදයි. සතුන්. එහි පොහොසත් ජෛව විවිධත්වය හේතුවෙන්, මාදු ගඟ තෙත්බිම් සංරක්ෂණය සහ තිරසාර භාවිතය සඳහා වන ජාත්‍යන්තර ගිවිසුමක් වන තෙත්බිම් පිළිබඳ ජාත්‍යන්තර රැම්සා සම්මුතිය යටතේ ලැයිස්තුගත කර ඇත. තෙත්බිම් පිළිබඳ සම්මුතිය 1971 දී අත්සන් කරන ලද ඉරානයේ රැම්සා නගරය අනුව නම් කර ඇත.

Madu River, located in the southern part of Sri Lanka, is a serene water body renowned for its breathtaking beauty and e...

Madu River, located in the southern part of Sri Lanka, is a serene water body renowned for its breathtaking beauty and ecological significance. This enchanting river meanders through verdant mangrove forests and spreads its charm across the lush landscapes of the region. Visitors can embark on a memorable boat ride along the river, immersing themselves in the tranquil surroundings while observing diverse flora and fauna. The riverbanks host a variety of avian species, adding melody to the picturesque scenery. The boat journey often includes stops at enchanting islets, each offering unique attractions such as cinnamon cultivation, traditional fishing techniques, and the famed Madu River fish massage. This natural wonder presents an unforgettable experience, blending the allure of nature with the cultural richness of the area, making it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking both relaxation and adventure in Sri Lanka.

Nestled along the banks of the serene Madu River lies an enchanting experience unlike any other - the fish therapy. This...

Nestled along the banks of the serene Madu River lies an enchanting experience unlike any other - the fish therapy. This therapeutic practice involves small fish nibbling at your feet, providing a unique sensation and leaving your skin feeling refreshed.

One of the highlights of the Madu River Safari is a visit to the small islands scattered throughout the river. Here, you...

One of the highlights of the Madu River Safari is a visit to the small islands scattered throughout the river. Here, you can explore cinnamon plantations, where you'll learn about the traditional methods of harvesting this prized spice. You might also visit a Buddhist temple nestled on an island, offering a glimpse into the spiritual heritage of Sri Lanka.

The Madu River Safari is a popular eco-tourism activity located in the southern part of Sri Lanka, near the coastal town...

The Madu River Safari is a popular eco-tourism activity located in the southern part of Sri Lanka, near the coastal town of Balapitiya. This scenic river safari offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore the lush mangrove forests and diverse wildlife of the Madu River Estuary.

During the safari, visitors typically embark on a boat ride along the tranquil waters of the Madu River, guided by experienced local boat operators. The journey takes you through a maze of mangrove-lined waterways, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape and abundant flora and fauna.

One of the highlights of the Madu River Safari is the chance to observe a wide variety of bird species in their natural habitat. Birdwatchers will delight in spotting kingfishers, herons, egrets, and other avian species soaring above the mangroves or perched on tree branches.

In addition to birdlife, the Madu River Estuary is also home to diverse marine life, including colorful fish, crabs, and water monitor lizards. Keep your eyes peeled, as your knowledgeable guide may point out these fascinating creatures along the way.

As you glide through the serene waters, you'll also have the opportunity to visit several small islands dotting the river. These islands are often adorned with Buddhist temples and rustic villages, offering a glimpse into the local way of life.

Furthermore, the Madu River Safari isn't just about sightseeing – it's also a chance to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Sri Lanka and support local conservation efforts. Many tour operators emphasize the importance of preserving the delicate ecosystem of the Madu River Estuary and educate visitors about the significance of mangrove conservation.

Overall, the Madu River Safari promises a memorable and immersive experience for nature lovers and adventurers alike, showcasing the rich biodiversity and scenic wonders of Sri Lanka's southern coast.

Madu River Boat Safari 😍😍😍

Madu River Boat Safari 😍😍😍

The wow-factors of Madu Ganga are found everywhere from its origin near Uragasmanhandiya to the point where it drains in...

The wow-factors of Madu Ganga are found everywhere from its origin near Uragasmanhandiya to the point where it drains into the Indian Ocean. The river itself is rich in biodiversity. The Madu Lagoon to which the river flows on its way to the estuary is home to a plethora of unique attractions that are explored with a boat ride across the Madu Ganga. It is Lanka's largest natural lake and measures 5 km from north to south, covering an area of almost 10 square kilometers.

Madu Ganga (River) is located between Balapitiya and Karandeniya in Galle district, which is a famous tourist event in d...

Madu Ganga (River) is located between Balapitiya and Karandeniya in Galle district, which is a famous tourist event in down south of the country. Full of biodiversity and beauty, Balapitiya Madu River is known as the third Ramsar wetland in South Asia. The Madu River, with a heritage of most valuable mangrove ecosystem in Sri Lanka, was called an ecological creation consisting of 64 islands in the past. But nowadays we cannot see 64 islands of it. It can be concluded that the number of islands may have decreased due to reasons such as rising water level, submergence of small islands in water or connecting to land, merging the small islands and soil erosion. At present it is limited to 44 islands and some of them are Koth Duva, Ma Duva, Muvan Duva, Naidu, Satapaha Duva, Gona Duva, Mirala Duva, Appala Duva, Galman Duva, and Meda Duva etc, which have the natural beauty.

The Madu River is rich in mangrove plants such as Berry, Ratumilla, Gourd, Cow mangrove, Thelakiria and Flower mangrove....

The Madu River is rich in mangrove plants such as Berry, Ratumilla, Gourd, Cow mangrove, Thelakiria and Flower mangrove. The mangrove plant called Ratumilla can be seen only in the vicinity of the Madu River in this country. It is said that there are 28 species of reptiles, 13 species of amphibians, 18 species of mammals, 60 species of butterflies and 50 species of fish. About 100 species of birds can be seen near the Madu River, About 100 species of birds can be seen near the Madu River, which is a paradise for birds. Due to all these Madu River is very popular among local and foreign tourists.

Madu river is most popular among tourists for boating and it spans over a large area. The boat service provides an oppor...

Madu river is most popular among tourists for boating and it spans over a large area. The boat service provides an opportunity for local and foreign tourists who come to experience the beauty of the Madu River to enjoy its beauty for themselves. The Madu River tour can be tailored to suit your needs and you can choose to visit the mangroves or choose a full river tour or a short tour. These three packages are known as madu ganga trip package. But, to see all the beauty of the Madu Ganga requires a full trip.

One of the unique experiences you can have in the Madu Ganga river is a foot massage from hundreds of Doctor Fishes. Bot...

One of the unique experiences you can have in the Madu Ganga river is a foot massage from hundreds of Doctor Fishes. Both the local and foreign travelers are attracted to fish therapy whenever they are visiting the Madu Ganga and every time a unique experience.

The Madu Ganga River is the basis for a sprawling ecosystem that is bursting with biodiversity and abundance. Found in t...

The Madu Ganga River is the basis for a sprawling ecosystem that is bursting with biodiversity and abundance. Found in the southern reaches of Sri Lanka – around an hours’ drive away from Galle – a tour along this amazing river is sure to net you some amazing sights and lasting memories. As your boat begins its journey along the river, the first thing you’ll notice is just how beautiful and serene the surrounding landscape is. The mangrove swamps and lush wetlands that draw life from the river have a special atmosphere for them – one that is a mix of wonder and tranquillity. If you make your trip during the early hours of the morning, you’ll even be treated to the sight of morning mists forming up over the waters, it can be a truly angelic way to start your journey.

Madu Ganga, a serene river in Sri Lanka's southern region, offers a unique ecological experience. Navigate through mangr...

Madu Ganga, a serene river in Sri Lanka's southern region, offers a unique ecological experience. Navigate through mangrove-lined waterways on a boat safari, witnessing diverse flora and fauna. Visit Cinnamon Island, explore a fish therapy foot spa, and marvel at the tranquility of this enchanting river ecosystem.

There are over 111 bird species identified to inhabit the region. There are 31 types of reptiles, namely snakes, lizards...

There are over 111 bird species identified to inhabit the region. There are 31 types of reptiles, namely snakes, lizards, and crocodiles. There are also over 50 kinds of butterflies and 25 kinds of mollusks found in the Madu River zone.

The Madu River Safari typically involves guided boat tours conducted by experienced local guides. Visitors embark on sma...

The Madu River Safari typically involves guided boat tours conducted by experienced local guides. Visitors embark on small, motorized boats that navigate through the river's intricate network of channels, allowing them to discover hidden lagoons, islands, and natural habitats along the way.

The safari typically begins from Balapitiya, where you board a comfortable boat and set off on your adventure. As you na...

The safari typically begins from Balapitiya, where you board a comfortable boat and set off on your adventure. As you navigate through the winding channels of the river, your knowledgeable guide will point out various points of interest, including mangrove tunnels, vibrant bird sanctuaries, and traditional fishing villages.

The Madu River boat safari offers an enchanting journey through one of Sri Lanka's most biodiverse wetland ecosystems. A...

The Madu River boat safari offers an enchanting journey through one of Sri Lanka's most biodiverse wetland ecosystems. As you glide along the tranquil waters of the Madu River, you'll be immersed in a world of lush mangrove forests, vibrant birdlife, and local village life.

Madu river is most popular among tourists for boating and it spans over a large area. The boat service provides an oppor...

Madu river is most popular among tourists for boating and it spans over a large area. The boat service provides an opportunity for local and foreign tourists who come to experience the beauty of the Madu River to enjoy its beauty for themselves. The Madu River tour can be tailored to suit your needs and you can choose to visit the mangroves or choose a full river tour or a short tour. These three packages are known as madu ganga trip package. But, to see all the beauty of the Madu Ganga requires a full trip. Madu river boat safari sri lanka price varies by season and service providers.

Madu River is a well-known tourist attraction in Sri Lanka and you can explore this massive wetland eco system on a boat...

Madu River is a well-known tourist attraction in Sri Lanka and you can explore this massive wetland eco system on a boat trip called “Madu River Boat Safari”

මාදු ගඟ කියන්නේ දකුණු පලාතේ බලපිටියේ තියෙන හැමෝගෙම සිත් වසඟයට ගත් හරි අපූරු ස්තානයක්. දූපත් 64 කින් සමන්විත මාදුගඟ, කොත්...

මාදු ගඟ කියන්නේ දකුණු පලාතේ බලපිටියේ තියෙන හැමෝගෙම සිත් වසඟයට ගත් හරි අපූරු ස්තානයක්. දූපත් 64 කින් සමන්විත මාදුගඟ, කොත්දූව පන්සල , නුරුගල පන්සල වගේම , සත පහ දූව , නයි දූව , මාදූව , ගල්මන් දූව වැනි දුපත් එකතුවකින් සැදි ජෛව විවිදත්වයෙන් අනූන කඩොලාන තෙත් පරිසර පද්ධතියක්.ඉතින් පරිසරයට ආදරය කරන නිදහසේ හොඳ හුස්ම ටිකක් ගන්න කැමති හැමෝම ඇවිත් යන්නම ඕන තැනක් තමයි මාදු ගඟ කියන්නේ.....

Journey through the melodious, bird-colonised mangrove forests of Madu River, quivering with communities of land-dwellin...

Journey through the melodious, bird-colonised mangrove forests of Madu River, quivering with communities of land-dwelling molluscs, river monsters, and wild butterflies in Balapitiya.

Sri Lanka is a real paradise for all nature lovers. Yet some places are especially beautiful and draw hundreds of touris...

Sri Lanka is a real paradise for all nature lovers. Yet some places are especially beautiful and draw hundreds of tourists with enchanting sceneries and serene atmosphere. Madu River is located in the south of Sri Lanka near Galle.Take a magical speed-boat ride down the beautiful Madu River, a wetland estuary spreading over 900 hectares of which 770 hectares is covered with water and inhabited with 64 islands. The boat ride is a wonderful way to take a closer look at this complex wetland ecosystem; a world heritage site protected by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands being one of the last wetlands in Sri Lanka to contain a pristine mangrove forest.Journey past massive mangrove forests, glide under the canopy of the forest tunnels as they curve playfully towards the watercourse. Take in the unique biodiversity of the Madu River and its surrounding islands that boasts of hundreds of birds, plants, fish and animals.

The Madu River plays a significant role in the local economy, supporting fishing communities and providing opportunities...

The Madu River plays a significant role in the local economy, supporting fishing communities and providing opportunities for eco-tourism. It is an important habitat for many species of flora and fauna, contributing to the biodiversity of the region.




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