Leptin Green Coffee 1000 Formula is a “drug-free” coffee based beverage developed from a blend of herbal extracts. When used with a healthy diet plan, Green Coffee 1000, assists to crub the appetite and stimulates the body in readiness to burn fat and calories.The herbal extracts and minerals used in this product have been gathered from all over the world. Leptin is the KING of HORMONES in our bod
y, the commander and chief of virtually everything that takes place in your body. This is especially true regarding issues of weight management, thyroid function, stress, mental capability, inflammation, immunity, reproduction.. Leptin uses the bloodstream to travel into the brain. From there, it is able to work on specific neurons within the hypothalamus to aid in appetite
suppression. The stimulation of the hypothalamus by Leptin usually results in sending out signals that let the body know there is currently no hunger, and it is time to refrain from the consumption of food. Because the hormone acts to
control the rate and degree of hunger that the body experiences, it plays a valuable role in helping to minimize the physical desire for food, although Leptin has no impact on the emotional craving for sweets and other forms of food. When used with a healthy diet plan, Green coffee800 helps your body to burn fat and calories. The herbal extracts and minerals used in this product were gathered around the world to make this diet supplement natural. Green coffee 1000 contains anti-oxidant qualities necessary to cause thermo genesis that increases metabolism of fat. Chromium and Vanadium increase the burning of carbohydrates and metabolic rate. Panax Ginseng helps maintain energy levels while dieting. Another ingredient, Heartleaf, starts the process of burning fat while maintaining your appetite. Tubuh Anda Seimbang? Apakah ukuran tubuh badan anda sekarang cukup seimbang? Atau mungkin badan anda terlalu kurus atau gemuk. Bagi anda yang mempunyai selera makan tinggi hendaklah berhati-hati dan mengamalkan petua kuruskan badan yang berkesan. Sampai satu peringkat tubuh anda yang sihat itu akan mengundang banyak penyakit. Untuk mengetahui ukuran tubuh yang ideal ialah melalui formula Body Mass Index (BMI). Berdasarkan hal itu kebanyakkan penyelidikan menjadikan BMI sebagai petunjuk dalam kesihatan. WHO telah menyarankan bahawa kadar BMI 25 sebagai tahap normal. Manakala BMI yang melebihi 30 dianggap sebagai petanda obesiti atau kelebihan berat badan. Cara Pengiraan BMI
Berat badan (KG) bahagi ketinggian (m)2 = BMI
Contohnya :
Jika berat badan anda 60 kg manakala tinggi 1.65m.
60 kg bahagi (1.65m x 1.65m) = 22.03 BMI. Ini bermakna BMI anda sebanyak 22 dan ia berada pada paras normal. Formula bagi pengukuran BMI ialah :
BMI = Berat (kg) ____________
Tinggi x Tinggi (Meter)
Body Mass Index
Menurut Standard Panel Tenaga, Kegemukan dan Berat Badan yang dikeluarkan oleh American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, Kategori anda adalah:
Panduan pengiraan BMI:
Kurang dari < 20 = Kurang berat badan
20 hingga 25 = Berat ideal / unggul
25 hingga 30 = Berlebihan berat badan
Lebih dari > 30 = Obesiti
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