Rent a Local Friend

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Rent a Local Friend Your Smart Travel Assistant!

Rent a Local Friend is a global platform that connects people who love to travel with those who are passionate about where they live and have a great story to tell. More than just an outing, we aspire the sharing of local tips and contents, information that will be revealed in no travel book or guide and last but certainly not least the essence of each local culture and spirit. All of this is done

in a spontaneous, genuine, collaborative, and interest based way allowing people to connect with those that posess similarities or own characteristics that will allow a full immersion in the visiting destination. Local Friends are journalists, photographers, chefs, designers...from all over the world, who like to receive foreign visitors and show them their favorite local spots in the city. For people who want to explore different cities as a traveler, not as a tourist, this is a fun alternative way of exploring a different city.

Today, november 19th, is the World Day for Female Entrepreneurship, created by the United Nations (UN) in 2014, celebrat...

Today, november 19th, is the World Day for Female Entrepreneurship, created by the United Nations (UN) in 2014, celebrates women entrepreneurs and their impact on the economy.
We have separated a post with some facts about female entrepreneurship in the world and how important it is for society to win women in business.
Check out!!

How about we get to know a little more about the Czech Republic?Check out what we have prepared for you !!1 - Olomouc - ...

How about we get to know a little more about the Czech Republic?
Check out what we have prepared for you !!
1 - Olomouc - The city offers a unique and magical atmosphere, full of beautiful monuments and many Baroque masterpieces. Just two hours by train from the capital Prague, you can enjoy the delights of this city without a large crowd.
2 - The Estates Theatre - The Estates Theatre is one of the most beautiful historical theatre buildings in Europe. It has been part of the National Theatre since 1920. The Opera, Drama and Ballet ensembles give repertory performances at the Estates Theatre.
3 - Svičková - The dish takes good quality beef, a consistent sauce of vegetables and knedlíky (A typical bread from the country), to complete the dish, a little bit of red fruit jam.

Thinking of becoming a Local Friend?See what .localfriend our Local Friend in São Paulo has to say about this incredible...

Thinking of becoming a Local Friend?
See what .localfriend our Local Friend in São Paulo has to say about this incredible experience!
"I love to travel, I know Brazil and some Latin American countries very well. But my most profound and incredible experience was living in San Diego/California. There, working in a hostel, I discovered the pleasure and know-how in guiding tours.
I am passionate about meeting people, cultures, having deep conversations and being with friends at shows, bars, galleries ...
Then I thought: Why not bring this experience of being a "local friend" who guides experiences to São Paulo?
I promote a form of creative tourism, because I believe that providing contact with people and the local spirit creates a unique and memorable travel experience.
In these 2 years that I work with this, I met incredible people and made friends for life.
I usually say that I have intensified the natural law of encounters, where I give and receive somewhat back."

Want to make your instagram more attractive? Today we have separated some tips on how to publicize your work on instagra...

Want to make your instagram more attractive? Today we have separated some tips on how to publicize your work on instagram and improve your image on social networks.
Swipe left and enjoy!!

Channels, windmills and lots of bikes ... Guess what? That's right, today we are going to talk a little more about the N...

Channels, windmills and lots of bikes ... Guess what? That's right, today we are going to talk a little more about the Netherlands, and separated some interesting things about the country:

1 - Dordrecht - Fleeing the popular Amsterdam we find Dordrecht, surrounded by rivers, the city has more than a thousand historic monuments and ports and is also one of the oldest in the country.

2 - EYE - Located in Amsterdam, Eye is the only museum in the country dedicated exclusively to films and cinematography. The museum also has a vast daily program of films and exhibitions from the cinematographic universe.

3 - Bitterballen - This cookie is perhaps the most famous Dutch snack. It is a croquette with a round shape, stuffed with a ragout of meat and served with mustard.

Being a Local Friend is in a way being an entrepreneur, and as in any business there are always ways to improve. We know...

Being a Local Friend is in a way being an entrepreneur, and as in any business there are always ways to improve. We know that in a world as competitive as this, it is not always easy to stand out or even maintain a business, and thinking about it we have separated 3 special tips for you.
Swipe left and enjoy!!

Mexico is a country rich in culture, history, gastronomy, beautiful beaches and landscapes.We separated a top 3 between ...

Mexico is a country rich in culture, history, gastronomy, beautiful beaches and landscapes.
We separated a top 3 between tourist point, typical dish and entertainment.
1 - Palenque - Considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, Palenque is an archaeological site and one of the best examples of Mayan architecture in Mexico.
2 - Chilaquiles - Broken tortillas and fries, served with salsa, traditionally eaten as breakfast.
3 - Palacio de Bellas Artes - Inaugurated in 1934, in mexico city, with its beautiful beaux arts architecture, it is the city's main opera house.

On your next trip, don't forget to rent your local friend!!

.Do you like England? Today we go a little beyond the traditional: more precisely about 170 km from London, is Bournemou...

Do you like England? Today we go a little beyond the traditional: more precisely about 170 km from London, is Bournemouth, with 7 miles of beaches, Victorian architecture, it is the ideal destination for those who love the beach and want to go to England.
Drag to the side to see some of the beauty of this place.
1 - Bournemouth beach pier
2 - Lower Garden
3 - Alum Chine Beach

🇺🇸 Going to England and looking for some entertainment? We help you! We have separated three options for all tastes:1 - ...

🇺🇸 Going to England and looking for some entertainment? We help you! We have separated three options for all tastes:
1 - The russell cotes museum: Since 1922, one of the main attractions of the city of Bournemouth, it is considered one of the last Victorian houses built in England.
2 - The royal exchange theater - One of the main sights in Manchester, since 1976 the theater has received internationally famous actors, with plays that are quite entertaining.
3 - 100 Club - Located in London, with live music since the 1940s, it has played host to important bands in the history of music, including Rolling Stones, S*x Pistols, Oasis, among others.
🇧🇷 Vai pra Inglaterra e está buscando um pouco de entretenimento? A gente te ajuda! Separamos três opções pra todos os gostos:
1 - The russell cotes museum: Desde 1922, uma das principais atrações da cidade de Bournemouth, é considerada uma das últimas casas vitorianas construídas na Inglaterra.
2 - The royal exchange theatre – Um dos principais pontos turísticos em Manchester, desde 1976 o teatro recebe atores famosos internacionalmente, com peças em cartaz que são bastante divertidas.
3 - 100 Club – Localizado em Londres, com música ao vivo desde os anos 40, já foi palco de importantes bandas da história da música, entre elas Rolling Stones, S*x Pistols, Oasis, entre outros.
🇪🇸 ¿Vas a Inglaterra y buscas entretenimiento? ¡Te ayudamos! Hemos separado tres opciones para todos los gustos:
1 - El museo russell cotes: desde 1922, uno de los principales atractivos de la ciudad de Bournemouth, se considera una de las últimas casas victorianas construidas en Inglaterra.
2 - El teatro de intercambio real: uno de los principales lugares de interés de Manchester, desde 1976 el teatro ha recibido a actores de fama internacional, con obras bastante entretenidas.
3 - 100 Club - Ubicado en Londres, con música en vivo desde la década de 1940, ha sido sede de importantes bandas en la historia de la música, como Rolling Stones, S*x Pistols, Oasis, entre otras.

🇺🇸With dishes that call attention, German cuisine is rich in striking flavors, and today we bring you 3 options that you...

🇺🇸With dishes that call attention, German cuisine is rich in striking flavors, and today we bring you 3 options that you cannot miss on your next trip to Germany.
Schweinshaxe: The famous pig's knee. Very typical dish in Germany, with a well-seasoned, tender meat and a crunchy crust, usually accompanied with sauerkraut and potatoes.
Currywurst: A classic and typical option that is part of German street food which is basically sausage with tomato sauce in curry, which comes with french fries.
Ofenschlupfer: A delicious dessert made with pieces of sliced ​​bread interspersed with apples and nuts, can be accompanied with vanilla cream.
Did you like it? Follow us to know more about different countries !!

🇧🇷Com pratos que chamam atenção, a culináriaa alemã é rica em sabores marcantes, e hoje trouxemos 3 opções que não podem faltar na sua próxima ida a Alemanha.
Schweinshaxe: O famoso Joelho de porco. Prato bem típico na Alemanha, com uma carne bem temperada, macia e casquinha crocante, geralmente vem acompanhado com chucrute e batata.
Currywurst: Uma opção classica e típica que faz parte da comida de rua alemã qe é basicamente salsicha com molho de tomate ao curry, que vem acompanhada com batata frita.
Ofenschlupfer: Uma sobremesa deliciosa feita com pedaços de pão cortado intercalado com maçãs e nozes, pode ser acompanhada com creme de baunilha.
Gostou? Nos acompanhe para conhecer mais sobre diversos países!!

🇪🇸Con platos que llaman la atención, la cocina alemana es rica en sabores llamativos, y hoy te traemos 3 opciones que no te puedes perder en tu próximo viaje a Alemania.
Schweinshaxe: La famosa rodilla de cerdo. Plato muy típico de Alemania, con una carne tierna y bien condimentada y una costra crujiente, generalmente acompañado de chucrut y patatas.
Currywurst: Una opción clásica y típica que forma parte de la comida callejera alemana que es básicamente salchicha con salsa de tomate al curry, que viene con patatas fritas.
Ofenschlupfer: Un delicioso postre elaborado con trozos de pan de molde intercalados con manzanas y nueces, se puede acompañar con crema de vainilla.
¿Te gustó? ¡Síguenos para saber más sobre diferentes países!

🇺🇸How about getting to know some attractions in Germany?Berliner Philharmonie: Located in Kulturforum, it has been the h...

🇺🇸How about getting to know some attractions in Germany?
Berliner Philharmonie: Located in Kulturforum, it has been the headquarters of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra since 1963. It is possible to take a 1 hour guided tour, held daily in English and German.
Frühlingsfest Munich: Traditional spring festival in Munich for 50 years. Held in the same location as Oktoberfest, it is a popular party in the city, where you can enjoy and enjoy the music, the amusement park and the beer tents.
JazzFest Berlin: Founded in 1964 in West Berlin, the festival is considered one of the most important Jazz Festivals in the world. Held annually in Berlin, it is ideal for jazz lovers.
🇧🇷Que tal conhecer algumas atrações da Alemanha?
Berliner Philharmonie: Localizada em Kulturforum, é sede da Orquestra Filarmônica de Berlim desde 1963. É possível fazer um passeio guiado de 1h, realizado diariamente em inglês e alemão.
Frühlingsfest Munich: Tradicional festa da primavera em Munique há 50 anos. Realizado no mesmo local que a Oktoberfest, é uma festa muito querida pela cidade, onde é possível curtir e aproveitar a música, o parque de diversões e as tendas de cerveja.
JazzFest Berlin: Fundado em 1964 em Berlim Ocidental, o festival é considerado um dos Festivais de Jazz mais importantes do mundo. Realizado anualmente em Berlin, é ideal para os amantes de jazz.
🇪🇸¿Qué tal conocer algunas atracciones en Alemania?
Filarmónica de Berlín: Ubicada en Kulturforum, ha sido la sede de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Berlín desde 1963. Es posible realizar una visita guiada de 1 hora, que se realiza diariamente en inglés y alemán.
Frühlingsfest Munich: tradicional festival de primavera en Munich durante 50 años. Celebrada en el mismo lugar que el Oktoberfest, es una fiesta popular en la ciudad, donde puedes disfrutar y disfrutar de la música, el parque de atracciones y las carpas de cerveza.
JazzFest Berlin: fundado en 1964 en Berlín Occidental, el festival está considerado como uno de los festivales de jazz más importantes del mundo. Se celebra anualmente en Berlín y es ideal para los amantes del jazz.

🇺🇸Today we will introduce you to the city of Trier in Germany, taking 55 minutes from Luxembourg it is the oldest city i...

🇺🇸Today we will introduce you to the city of Trier in Germany, taking 55 minutes from Luxembourg it is the oldest city in the country and also the birthplace of Karl Marx. It was founded by the Roman emperor Augustus in the 1st century BC, was the capital of the Roman Empire in the West, serving as a residence for six emperors.
1: View of the city
2: Porta Nigra, postcard from Trier
3:The Cathedral of Trier, is recognized as a UNESCO Heritage Site
4: kaiserthermen trier, is one of the largest Roman thermal baths in the world. Built in the early 4th century. It was possible to take hot and cold baths and swim. The building is listed by UNESCO and considered the best preserved Roman construction in existence.
🇧🇷Hoje iremos apresentar a vocês a cidade de Trier na Alemanha, a 55 minutos de Luxemburgo, é a mais antiga do país e também cidade natal de Karl Marx. Foi fundada pelo imperador romano Augusto no século I a.C., foi a capital do Império Romano no Ocidente, servindo de residência para seis imperadores.
1: Vista da cidade
2: Porta Nigra, cartão postal de Trier
3: A Catedral de Trier, é reconhecida como Patrimônio da UNESCO
4: kaiserthermen trier, é um dos maiores banhos termais romanos do mundo. Construídas no início do século IV. Era possível tomar banhos quentes e frios e nadar. O edifício é tombado pela UNESCO e considerado a construção romana mais bem preservada existente.
🇪🇸Hoy te presentamos la ciudad de Trier en Alemania, a 55 minutos de Luxemburgo, es la ciudad más antigua del país y también el lugar de nacimiento de Karl Marx. Fue fundada por el emperador romano Augusto en el siglo I a.C., fue la capital del Imperio Romano en Occidente, sirviendo como residencia de seis emperadores.
1: Vista de la ciudad
2: Porta Nigra, postal de Trier
3: La Catedral de Trier, es reconocida como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO
4: kaiserthermen trier, es uno de los baños termales romanos más grandes del mundo. Construido a principios del siglo IV. Era posible tomar duchas frías y calientes y nadar. El edificio está catalogado por la UNESCO y se considera la construcción romana mejor conservada que existe.

🇺🇸 Today we separated some places of music, art and culture in Uruguay:Teatro Solis: Since 1856, in Montevideo, Teatro S...

🇺🇸 Today we separated some places of music, art and culture in Uruguay:
Teatro Solis: Since 1856, in Montevideo, Teatro Solis is the main theater in the city. With a guided tour in several languages, Theater also offers beautiful attractions and shows.
Baar Fun Fun: The place can be a great place to get a little bit of Uruguayan culture. It is one of the oldest bars in Montevideo (1895). Baar fun fun has presentations of popular Uruguayan music, such as tango and candombe.
Museo del Carnaval: The Uruguayan Carnival is the largest festival in Uruguay, lasting 40 days between the months of February and March, and to honor this important event for the country, the Carnival Museum was created in 2006.

🇧🇷 Hoje separamos alguns locais de música, arte e cultura no Uruguai:
Teatro Solis: Desde 1856, em Montevidéu, o Teatro Solis é a principal casa de espetáculos da cidade. Com visita guiada em diversas linguas, o Teatro também oferece atrações e espetáculos de tirar o folego.
Baar Fun Fun: O local pode ser um ótimo lugar para se adentrar um pouco a cultura Uruguaia. É um dos bares mais antigos de Montevidéu (1895). O Baar fun fun conta com apresentações de música popular uruguaia, como tango e candombe.
Museo del Carnaval: O Carnaval uruguaio é o maior festival do Uruguai, com duração de 40 dias entre os meses de fevereiro e março, e para homenagear esse evento importante, foi criado em 2006 o Museu do Carnaval.

🇪🇸 Hoy separamos algunos lugares de la música, el arte y la cultura:
Teatro Solís: Desde 1856, en Montevideo, el Teatro Solís es el principal teatro de la ciudad. Con una visita guiada en varios idiomas, el Teatro también ofrece hermosas atracciones y espectáculos.
Baar Fun Fun: El lugar puede ser un gran lugar para conocer un poco de la cultura uruguaya. Es uno de los bares más antiguos de Montevideo (1895). Baar Fun Fun cuenta con presentaciones de música popular uruguaya, como tango y candombe.
Museo del Carnaval: El Carnaval de Uruguay es la fiesta más grande de Uruguay, con una duración de 40 días entre los meses de febrero y marzo, y para honrar este evento importante para el país, se creó el Museo del Carnaval en 2006.

🇺🇸If you like music and art, Buenos Aires is sure to please you (A lot!)We have separated 3 places that can be included ...

🇺🇸If you like music and art, Buenos Aires is sure to please you (A lot!)
We have separated 3 places that can be included in your itinerary on your next trip to Argentina:
1- El Viejo Almacén - located in the traditional neighborhood of San Telmo, since 1969. In the place, you can enjoy a very traditional tango, with breathtaking music and choreography.
2- Ciudad Cultural Konex - Considered a cultural reference in Buenos Aires, Konex offers a range of cultural programs: From theater and photographic exhibitions, to concerts and parties.
3- Thelonious Club - Named by DownBeat magazine as one of the best jazz places in the world, it is the perfect tour for lovers of musical style.
🇧🇷Se você gosta de música e arte, Buenos Aires com certeza irá te agradar (E muito!)
Separamos 3 lugares que podem ser incluidos no seu roteiro em sua próxima viagem para a Argentina:
1- El Viejo Almacén - localizado no bairro de San Telmo, desde 1969. No local é possível apreciar um tango bem tradicional, com música e coreografias de tirar o folego.
2- Ciudad Cultural Konex - Considerado uma referencia cultural de Buenos Aires, o Konex oferece uma gama de programação cultural: De teatro e exposições fotográficas, a shows e festas.
3- Thelonious Club - Nomeado pela revista DownBeat como um dos melhores lugares de jazz do mundo, é o passeio perfeito para os amantes do estilo musícal.
🇪🇸Si te gusta la musica y el arte, seguro que Buenos Aires te complacerá (¡y mucho!)
Hemos separado 3 lugares que se pueden incluir en su itinerario en su próximo viaje a Argentina:
1- El Viejo Almacén - ubicada en el barrio de San Telmo, desde 1969. En el lugar se puede disfrutar de un tango muy tradicional, con una música y una coreografía impresionantes.
2- Ciudad Cultural Konex - Considerada un referente cultural en Buenos Aires, Konex ofrece una gama de programas culturales: Desde teatro y exposiciones fotográficas, hasta conciertos y fiestas.
3- Thelonious Club - Nombrado por la revista DownBeat como uno de los mejores lugares de jazz del mundo, es el recorrido perfecto para los amantes del estilo musical.

🇧🇷 Você sabia?O Partenon é um templo localizado em Atenas, capital da Grécia, dedicado à deusa grega Atena. Ele é um dos...

🇧🇷 Você sabia?
O Partenon é um templo localizado em Atenas, capital da Grécia, dedicado à deusa grega Atena. Ele é um dos edifícios mais importante da cidade.
Fundada a 6 mil anos atrás, Atenas é também a maior cidade do país, e uma das poucas cidades antigas do mundo ainda habitadas.

🇺🇸 Did you know?
The Parthenon is a temple located in Athens, capital of Greece, dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena. It is one of the most important buildings in the city.
Founded 6,000 years ago, Athens is also the country's largest city, and one of the few ancient cities in the world still inhabited.

🇪🇸 ¿Tu sabia?
El Partenón es un templo ubicado en Atenas, capital de Grecia, dedicado a la diosa griega Atenea. Es uno de los edificios más importantes de la ciudad.
Fundada hace 6.000 años, Atenas es también la ciudad más grande del país y una de las pocas ciudades antiguas del mundo aún habitadas.

Our local friend  who lives in SP is on the coast to relax. São Sebastião is on the north coast of São Paulo and has bea...

Our local friend who lives in SP is on the coast to relax.

São Sebastião is on the north coast of São Paulo and has beautiful beaches.

This beach is called Guaecá, it is very popular to surf.

In the north corner of the beach, the hill of Sete Voltas is used as a "takeoff point" for fans of Asa Delta and Paraglider. 🌊🐠🌴

Soon we'll be able to see those places that so many of us love In Miami they are already starting with phase 1 of the ec...

Soon we'll be able to see those places that so many of us love

In Miami they are already starting with phase 1 of the economic reopening that includes some establishments, parks and restaurants

If you are in Miami and want to know unique places (places already open), do not hesitate to contact our local friend @.o.v.e.project


Our adversities, our difficult moments are the best fuel to be unstoppable 💪

Our adversities, our difficult moments are the best fuel to be unstoppable 💪

Uludağ the ancient Mysian Olympus is a mountain in Bursa Province, Turkey, with an elevation of 2,543 mIt’s the highest ...

Uludağ the ancient Mysian Olympus is a mountain in Bursa Province, Turkey, with an elevation of 2,543 m

It’s the highest mountain of the Marmara region.

The area is a popular center for winter sports and a national park of rich flora and fauna

When we are able to transit again, take advantage and visit places outdoors, you can visit Uludağ with our local friend

La Vigna di Leonardo, has been opened to the public in 2015. The opening to the public of the Vineyard was possible than...

La Vigna di Leonardo, has been opened to the public in 2015. The opening to the public of the Vineyard was possible thanks to the good will of the Portaluppi Foundation and that of the current owners of the Atellani House

It is possible to access Leonardo's vineyard through limited number records, which last 30 minutes

Soon you will be able to enter the world of Leonardo da Vinci with our local friend

Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder is a 17th-century canal house, house church, and museum in the city center of Amsterdam. The C...

Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder is a 17th-century canal house, house church, and museum in the city center of Amsterdam. The Catholic Church was built on the top three floors of the canal house during the 1660s

The Museum is the oldest museum in the city, second only to the Rijksmuseum. It receives more than 100,000 visitors every year

We count the days so that our local friend can show you all that Amsterdam can offer

The Mateo Salado monumental archaeological complex is located in Lima. It is made up of five stepped and truncated pyram...

The Mateo Salado monumental archaeological complex is located in Lima. It is made up of five stepped and truncated pyramids that make it up

It is one of the most representative expressions of the pre-Hispanic architecture of the Peruvian capital, also having the particularity of being located in the middle of the city. If you are a local or a visitor you cannot miss this complex

Soon we will be able to visit monuments like this and if you are in Peru you can do it with our local friend


Española Way is a historic street between 14th and 15th streets in Miami Beach. It’s a picturesque Spanish-inspired vill...

Española Way is a historic street between 14th and 15th streets in Miami Beach. It’s a picturesque Spanish-inspired village inspiration designed in a Mediterranean style

Home to more than a dozen restaurants and cafes, this is the perfect place to enjoy delicious cocktails and tasty dishes in some of the most delicious restaurants in Miami Beaches

It’s a place where locals and travelers will soon be able to visit to create and celebrate

Soon we can walk through these streets and if you are in Miami you can do it with our local friend .o.v.e.project


Like you, we would love to be able to travel and meet new placesWhile we can't do it we want to share some of the places...

Like you, we would love to be able to travel and meet new places

While we can't do it we want to share some of the places that you can visit with our Local Friends

This is Beco Do batman is an open-air graffiti gallery. Our local friend .localfriend knows the place very well and can be your guide


The Woolworth Building is is located in Manhattan's Tribeca neighborhood. Is an early American skyscraper designed by ar...

The Woolworth Building is is located in Manhattan's Tribeca neighborhood. Is an early American skyscraper designed by architect Cass Gilbert. It was the tallest building in the world from 1913 to 1930.

The Woolworth Building has been a National Historic Landmark since 1966, and a New York City designated landmark since 1983

Learn more about New York culture with our Local Friend
📸: .nyc



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Our Story

Rent a Local Friend is a global platform that connects people who love to travel with those who are passionate about where they live and have a great story to tell. More than just an outing, we support the sharing of local tips, information that will be revealed in no travel book or guide and last but certainly not least the essence of each local culture and spirit. All of this is done in a spontaneous, genuine, collaborative, and interest based way allowing people to connect with those with which they share similarities or own characteristics that will allow a full immersion in the visiting destination.

Local Friends are journalists, photographers, chefs, designers...from all over the world, who like to host foreign visitors and show them their favorite local spots in the city.

For people who want to explore different cities as a traveler, not as a tourist, this is a fun alternative way of exploring a new place.