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Unidos por Bocas, S.A. y Bocas Recycle Center se unen en agradecimiento al Hotel Divers Paradise y a su dueña Gady Cohen por su valiosa y desprendida contribución hacia la misión y visión de UpB y BRC. Esta acción ayudará a ambas organizaciones a seguir cumpliendo con el objetivo de contribuir, mantener y tener un Distrito y Archipiélago limpio y nuestros ecosistemas sanos, resilientes y sostenibles.
Todo aquel que quiera unirse a ésta causa es bienvenido. Nos pueden escribir a: [email protected]; [email protected]; al whatsapp +507-6687-8349
En la foto de derecha a izquierda: David Gillingham, Laura Kays (directivos de Unidos por Bocas, S.A.), Elena Caron (gerente de Divers Paradise) y Eduardo Nelson (administrador de Bocas Recycle Center).


United for Bocas, S.A. and Bocas Recycle Center join in thanking Divers Paradise Hotel and its owner Gady Cohen for their valuable and generous contribution towards the mission and vision of UpB and BRC. This action will help both organizations to continue fulfilling the objective of contributing, maintaining, and having a clean District and Archipelago and healthy, resilient, and sustainable ecosystems.

Anyone who wants to join this cause is welcome. You can write to us at: [email protected]; [email protected]; to whatsapp 6687-8349
In the photo from right to left: David Gillingham, Laura Kays (directors of Unidos por Bocas, S.A.), Elena Caron (manager of Divers Paradise) and Eduardo Nelson (administrator of Bocas Recycle Center).

Viva Panama'!!

Viva Panama'!!

Somewhere in Bocas....📸

Somewhere in Bocas....


ULTIMA NOTICIASPROTOCOLOS DE SEGURIDAD PARA TU VIAJE A PANAMÁLas fronteras de Panamá estan abiertas para viajeros intern...


Las fronteras de Panamá estan abiertas para viajeros internacionales, manteniendo la seguridad y salud de ambos turistas y locales como prioridad.

Visitantes procedentes de cualquier país podrán visitar Panamá, sin embargo, una prueba negativa de COVID-19 es obligatoria para viajeros no vacunados. Para obtener más información sobre los requisitos de entrada y restricciones por país de procedencia, consulte la sección "Antes de Viajar".

Los viajeros no vacunados provenientes de o que hayan transitado por países considerados de alto riesgo en los últimos 15 días deberán permanecer en cuarentena por 72 horas en un hotel, a costo completo del viajero. Sin embargo, los viajeros provenientes de estos países que sí puedan presentar un esquema de vacunación completo, igual o mayor a 14 días después de la última dosis, serán exonerados de cuarentena. Para más información y lista completa de países, haga click aquí.

Actualmente, existen ciertas restricciones de movilidad y toque de queda en horas de la noche. Consulte la sección "Traslados" para obtener más información. Las playas se encuentran abiertas para visitantes durante horas de movilidad. Para más información sobre playas y atracciones, consulte la sección “Qué Hacer”.

Última actualización el 6 de septiembre de 2021.
Los protocolos serán actualizados según sea necesario.

Quedarán exonerados de presentar una prueba COVID-19 negativa al momento de ingreso los viajeros que puedan presentar una tarjeta o certificación digital de esquema completo de vacunación avalado por OMS, EMA y FDA, igual o mayor a 14 días posterior a su última dosis.
Viajeros no vacunados o con un esquema de vacunación incompleto deberán presentar una prueba negativa de COVID-19 PCR o antígeno de máximo 72 horas al momento de su llegada a Panamá.
De no ser posible presentar una prueba dentro del plazo establecido, deberá realizarse obligatoriamente una prueba rápida de COVID-19 en el aeropuerto, la cual correrá por cuenta del viajero, previo a su paso por migración. (Valor US $50)
Si la prueba da resultado positivo, el Ministerio de Salud asignará la estadía de un Hotel Hospital por un periodo de 14 días. El costo de la estadía deberá ser cubierto en su totalidad por el viajero.
TODOS los viajeros deberán presentar a la aerolínea su Declaración Jurada de Salud completa (en forma física o digital) ANTES de abordar hacia Panamá.
Para registrarte y completar tu Declaración Jurada del Viajero, HAZ CLICK AQUI
PAISES DE ALTO RIESGO: El Reino Unido, India, Suráfrica, Colombia, Brasil, Venezuela, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador, Guyana y Surinam

Los viajeros no vacunados o con un esquema de vacunación incompleto:
Deberán cumplir una cuarentena obligatoria de 72 horas en:
Un hotel autorizado de su elección con una reserva confirmada previo a su llegada que deberá presentar impresa al llegar a Panamá. El costo completo de cada reserva deberá ser cubierto por el viajero. Hoteles Autorizados:
Westin Panama
Westin Playa Bonita
Hotel Bristol
Wyndham Panama Albrook Mall
Hotel Sortis
Hotel Santa Maria
Mio Hotel Group
Holiday Inn Panama Canal
O en su domicilio, únicamente si panameño o residente.
Al finalizar las 72 horas, se efectuará otra prueba:
Si el resultado es negativo, finaliza la cuarentena.
Si la prueba da resultado positivo, el Ministerio de Salud asignará la estadía de un Hotel Hospital por un periodo de 14 días. El costo de la estadía deberá ser cubierto en su totalidad por el viajero.
Quedarán exonerados de la cuarentena de 72 horas los viajeros que puedan presentar su tarjeta física o certificación digital de esquema completo de vacunación avalado por OMS, EMA y FDA, igual o mayor a 14 días posterior a su última dosis.
El IATA Travel Pass NO está siendo aceptado como prueba de requisito en estos momentos.
El seguro médico no es un requisito, pero es altamente recomendado.
No recomendamos el uso o transporte de artículos no esenciales a bordo, como mantas o almohadas, para minimizar el riesgo de contaminación cruzada.
Alentamos a todos los viajeros a verificar las restricciones de viaje de su país de salida y país de ciudadanía.

LATEST NEWS!!!!!!! SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR YOUR NEXT TRIP TO PANAMAPanama is open to international travelers, keeping the ...


Panama is open to international travelers, keeping the safety and health to both tourists and locals our top priority.

Visitors from all countries are welcome to visit Panama, however, a negative COVID-19 test is required for entry for non-vaccinated travelers. For more information on entry requirements as well as per country restrictions, please refer to the “Prior to Traveling” section.

Non-vaccinated travelers arriving from or that have transited through High Risk countries in the last 15 days will be required to quarantine for 72 hours in a hotel, and the cost of the stay must be fully covered by the traveler. However, travelers arriving from these countries that can present a complete vaccination scheme, equal to or greater than 14 days after the last dose, will be exempt from the 72-hour quarantine. For more information on these restrictions and country list, click here.

Currently, mobility restrictions are in place as well as mandatory curfew at night time. Please refer to the “Getting Around” section for more information. Beaches are currently open for visitors during mobility hours. For more details on beaches and attractions, please refer to the “Things to Do" section.

Last updated on September 3, 2021
Protocols will be updated on an as-needed basis.

Travelers will be exempt from presenting a negative COVID-19 test for entry as long as they can provide physical or digital proof of a complete vaccination scheme endorsed by the WHO, EMA and FDA, equal to or greater than 14 days after the last dose.
Non-vaccinated travelers will be required to present a negative COVID-19 PCR or antigen test taken no more than 72 hours prior to their arrival time in Panama.
If a test is not possible within that time frame, a COVID-19 rapid test will be mandated at the airport before customs and the traveler will have to cover the costs of said test (USD $50).
If the results are positive, the traveler will be placed under a mandatory 14-day quarantine in a Hotel Hospital designated by the Ministry of Health. The cost of the stay must be fully covered by the traveler.
ALL travelers are required to present their completed Electronic Health Affidavit (in physical or digital form) to their airline or carrier BEFORE boarding to Panama.
To register and fill out your Health Affidavit, CLICK HERE
HIGH RISK COUNTRIES: The United Kingdom, India, South Africa, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador, Guyana and Surinam

Non-vaccinated travelers or travelers without a complete vaccination scheme:
Will be placed under a mandatory 72-hour quarantine. The passenger can complete the quarantine:
At an authorized hotel of their choosing with a reservation prior to arrival that they will have to present in printed version upon entry. Each reservation cost must be fully covered by the traveler. Authorized Hotels:
Westin Panama
Westin Playa Bonita
Bristol Hotel
Wyndham Panama Albrook Mall
Sortis Hotel
The Santa Maria, a Luxury Collection Hotel
Mio Hotel Group
Holiday Inn at the Panama Canal
At home, if a Panama citizen or resident.
At the end of the 72-hour period another test will be taken.
If the results are negative, the quarantine period will be over.
If the results are positive, the passenger will be placed under a 14-day quarantine in a Hotel Hospital designated by the Ministry of Health. The cost of the stay must be fully covered by the traveler.
Travelers will be exempt from the 72-hour mandatory quarantine provided that they present the following documents in physical card or digital certification of a complete vaccination scheme endorsed by the WHO, EMA and FDA, equal to or greater than 14 days after the last dose.
The IATA Travel Pass is currently NOT being accepted as a proof of testing or vaccination.
Health insurance is not a requirement for entry but is highly recommended.
We do not recommend the use or carrying of non-essential items onboard such as blankets or pillows in order to minimize the risk of cross-contamination.
We encourage all travelers to check travel restrictions from your departure country and country of citizenship.

Blue moon in Bocas!!!📸

Blue moon in Bocas!!!


Increible trabajo!!!! Queremos mas de esto en la isla!!!!

Increible trabajo!!!! Queremos mas de esto en la isla!!!!

Good morning!!!!Happy week end!!!!!📸

Good morning!!!!
Happy week end!!!!!

Just a lovely day in Carenero!!!📸

Just a lovely day in Carenero!!!


Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Elettric storm in Bocas del Toro Island!!!!From

Elettric storm in Bocas del Toro Island!!!!


We welcome the new President of Rotary Club of Bocas del Toro Solinge Iglesias. She will be carrying out important assig...

We welcome the new President of Rotary Club of Bocas del Toro Solinge Iglesias. She will be carrying out important assignments for the island.
Rotary International is an international service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service and to advance goodwill and peace around the world.It is a non-political and non-religious organization open to all.
the ceremony took place at the Buena Vista Restaurant this afternoon!
Congratulations again and soon more news!

Bocas around 1920!!!!

Bocas around 1920!!!!

Calle Tercera y el Parque Bolivar - 1920

Esta hermosa fotografía perteneció al gran Luis Russell, pionero del jazz, nacido en Carenero en 1902. La misma es parte de sus archivos y de la colección de fotografías propiedad de su hija Catherine Russell, quien amablemente nos ha autorizado a publicarla.

La foto no posee fecha, pero atendiendo a ciertos detalles hemos logrado fecharla alrededor de 1920.

El primer punto a considerar es que Luis Russell abandonó Panamá en el año 1921, por lo que de haberla llevando consigo a New Orleans, la misma debió ser captada con anterioridad a dicha fecha.

Clyde Stephens, botánico e historiador nos comenta que las palmas reales (Roystonea Regis) que adornan el parque parecen tener entre 10 y 15 años. Si consideramos que fueron plantadas, alrededor de 1908-1910 cuando se inauguró el parque, la fotografía entonces corresponde al periodo 1920-1925.

Lo anterior hace total sentido, ya que también se aprecia en la fotografía, la red de alumbrado en base a faros de acetileno (gas) misma que fue instalada en 1912 y reemplazada en 1926, cuando llegó a Bocas del Toro la primera planta eléctrica.

La fotografía muestra la calle tercera en todo su esplendor, partida por un boulevard peatonal que dotaba de gran dignidad y belleza a la ciudad. Un carruaje demuestra que la vía era también utilizada por este medio de transporte. El hermoso edificio de la gobernación, único inmueble de concreto en la isla, escoltado por hermosas viviendas de arquitectura caribeña, entre las cuales resalta la hermosa iglesia Metodista destruida por un tornado en 1964.




Please help and share thank you!!!!

There is a little bit of traffic out there today!!📸

There is a little bit of traffic out there today!!


Happy earth day!!!!!happy Bocas!!!!!📸 Thank you.for this great shot!!!

Happy earth day!!!!!
happy Bocas!!!!!


Thank you.for this great shot!!!

Hola como estas?????📸              🌍  ❤️

Hola como estas?????


🌍 ❤️

No filter....only waves  📸

No filter....only waves



Paradise y que mas?????
Punts vieja Bastimento.....


NEXT STOP ...Paradise...Playa Estrella....Isla ColonBocas del Toro📸 (thank you!!!!)

Playa Estrella....
Isla Colon
Bocas del Toro

📸 (thank you!!!!)

Book your room soon!!!!

Book your room soon!!!!

Wasteless World in action again!!!!“Our Mission is to create a world where we love more and waste le...

Wasteless World in action again!!!!

“Our Mission is to create a world where we love more and waste less!”

Which phrase is full of energy and full of hope!

This sentence you can find it in a new but not so new for Bocas people, foundation with the vision of to “be an a open-source for positive global change, to inspire sustainable living, personal development, and social consciousness through the rewarding community, and conservation programs just like our unique plastic pollution solution.” It would be a wonderful thing if the world was really so into this! Feeling this phrase from a group of young people, in this world is what we really need right now, is all a perhaps a sense of strength.

For months, we have been reading your comments in your page (, watching your video in youtube and we were following you to try to learn more from you and your ideas!!

As you know Bocas needs a lot of work and so much recycling, we will never be tired of saying that Bocas is perhaps one of the first islands ever where the concept of recycling is well accepted and well interpreted. The protagonist of many projects (Plastic Village, the cancellation of plastic shopping bags etc.), so the fact that Tom, one of the founders, was stuck in Panama for the pandemic, will he be a sign of destiny?

BDT: we are here chatting with co-founder Sebastian Mendoza, who’s currently working on the next event, the Wasteless World Machines Presentation that will be held in Bocas next 3rd and 4th of April at SELINA – Isla Colon starting at noon; where they will present the recycling machines, perhaps we also want to say historical, since Bocas has wanted something like this for many years. I think it’s a very important moment for you and the island. What do you think Sebastian? And what do these machines consist of recycling?? And what do we have to do?

SEBASTIAN: We are part of a group of people that for a year have fallen in love with the islands of Bocas del Toro. Now we feel like we can give something back by contributing to the solution of one of its main problems, which is plastic waste management and education. I would definitely say it’s a very important step, not only for us, but for Bocas and its community, since we are going to be able to recycle used plastic by transforming it into new products. This first set of machines that come from an open source “Precious Plastic”, shred, melt and inject the plastic into molds creating new products. There are many ways to contribute, starting by reducing plastic consumption, and then following the guides that we are going to publish on how to manage the plastic we have. Other ways is following us on youtube, facebook, instagram, where we publish events that we’re gonna run helping the environment. As well we receive donations directly at the WastelessWorldWarehouse, or through our gofundme campaign. Our end goal is buying the machines required to produce plastic lumber, or “plastic wood”, which can be used for construction and would a higher environmental and social impact.

BDT: Yours, is a very hard job because it is also a job where you will have to change the local culture and even those who decide to come and live here. How did Bocas reply to this call? How has the local Government and the local businesses helped you with these projects?

SEBASTIAN: The community is having an incredible response by supporting the project and actively participating. For example, many local businesses donated prizes for the “RifaRaffle’ that we did to buy the machines, many people bought tickets to support the project, and the local government has helped us during the “SatudayCleanups”, collecting the bags full of trash.

BDT: I have read that you have already realized events and art classes to involve local people and raise awareness, but don’t think that when all this will end and we will return to normality, there will also be a need to educate tourists who come to our archipelago? Maybe trying to create a law that helps the island with the authorities to track down all of the pollution, and to also to educate the tourists to respect the law?

SEBASTIAN: The events we run bring awareness, but we’re working on creating an educational system where people can learn and understand the situation of the islands that we’re living in. We feel that the first communities that need to understand these problems are Bocas inhabitants. The ones that have a close relationship with the island they call home, understanding the importance of its diversity and the consequences on how plastic can affect a fragile ecosystem that they’re dependent on.

BDT: We could say that the plastic is our biggest condemnation …. but also, what about the masks that we have been using every day now for more than a year, are they difficult to sort. What do you think of this? What could we do?

SEBASTIAN: This is the new plastic problem that we’re facing worldwide. We’ve been studying the materials of the “pharmaceutical masks” or “blue masks” to understand how to recycle them. Through a partnership we did with “Botellas de Amor”, we’re collecting them so they can help us with its recycling.

BDT: Tomorrow you will present this new program, and we imagine that it is too long to explain in a simple interview, but we can go through the main points to those who read the article, and point out what we can do to inform the people that are far away from Bocas?

SEBASTIAN:This project is about having an efficient waste management system and plastic recycling process, and to do so, is very important to understand the community and its members to deliver good educational information. The end goal is making it succeed in order to establish it in other parts of the world, knowing that this is a worldwide problem. It has been a great learn-by-doing experience where people can see, participate and have access to all our experiments and ideas on how to make this project happen. We’re going the right way and we’re looking to establish this project anywhere needed, but we still need support from volunteers or donations to make it work all the way.

Don’t forget about the other members of the group:

Melisa Garce

Emilio Acin

Tom Wright

Carolina Castañeda

Andres Carvajal

Sebastian Mendoza

Always say thank you to the people that are trying to make the world a better place.

For sure we will be talking more about WasteLessWorld, and thank you Sebastian and all the members for your time!

Please support Wastelessworld with donation at or go to their web page for donation and if you are in Bocas don’t miss this appointment! from Noon to 5pm to Selina Hostel!!!!

Go fund me Campaign

Floating Island📸

Floating Island


There is always a rainbow  after the storm in Bocas!!!!📸

There is always a rainbow after the storm in Bocas!!!!


Bocas Isla Colón!!!! All Natural all true!!!📸

Bocas Isla Colón!!!!
All Natural all true!!!

....normal day in Bocas!!!!!📸

....normal day in Bocas!!!!!


Lost in   📸.pictures (Incredible shot as usual!!!!!)

Lost in

(Incredible shot as usual!!!!!)



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