Wasteless World in action again!!!!
“Our Mission is to create a world where we love more and waste less!”
Which phrase is full of energy and full of hope!
This sentence you can find it in https://wastelessworld.com/about-us a new but not so new for Bocas people, foundation with the vision of to “be an a open-source for positive global change, to inspire sustainable living, personal development, and social consciousness through the rewarding community, and conservation programs just like our unique plastic pollution solution.” It would be a wonderful thing if the world was really so into this! Feeling this phrase from a group of young people, in this world is what we really need right now, is all a perhaps a sense of strength.
For months, we have been reading your comments in your page (https://www.facebook.com/worldwithoutwaste2020), watching your video in youtube and we were following you to try to learn more from you and your ideas!!
As you know Bocas needs a lot of work and so much recycling, we will never be tired of saying that Bocas is perhaps one of the first islands ever where the concept of recycling is well accepted and well interpreted. The protagonist of many projects (Plastic Village, the cancellation of plastic shopping bags etc.), so the fact that Tom, one of the founders, was stuck in Panama for the pandemic, will he be a sign of destiny?
BDT: we are here chatting with co-founder Sebastian Mendoza, who’s currently working on the next event, the Wasteless World Machines Presentation that will be held in Bocas next 3rd and 4th of April at SELINA – Isla Colon starting at noon; where they will present the recycling machines, perhaps we also want to say historical, since Bocas has wanted something like this for many years. I think it’s a very important moment for you and the island. What do you think Sebastian? And what do these machines consist of recycling?? And what do we have to do?
SEBASTIAN: We are part of a group of people that for a year have fallen in love with the islands of Bocas del Toro. Now we feel like we can give something back by contributing to the solution of one of its main problems, which is plastic waste management and education. I would definitely say it’s a very important step, not only for us, but for Bocas and its community, since we are going to be able to recycle used plastic by transforming it into new products. This first set of machines that come from an open source “Precious Plastic”, shred, melt and inject the plastic into molds creating new products. There are many ways to contribute, starting by reducing plastic consumption, and then following the guides that we are going to publish on how to manage the plastic we have. Other ways is following us on youtube, facebook, instagram, where we publish events that we’re gonna run helping the environment. As well we receive donations directly at the WastelessWorldWarehouse, or through our gofundme campaign. Our end goal is buying the machines required to produce plastic lumber, or “plastic wood”, which can be used for construction and would a higher environmental and social impact.
BDT: Yours, is a very hard job because it is also a job where you will have to change the local culture and even those who decide to come and live here. How did Bocas reply to this call? How has the local Government and the local businesses helped you with these projects?
SEBASTIAN: The community is having an incredible response by supporting the project and actively participating. For example, many local businesses donated prizes for the “RifaRaffle’ that we did to buy the machines, many people bought tickets to support the project, and the local government has helped us during the “SatudayCleanups”, collecting the bags full of trash.
BDT: I have read that you have already realized events and art classes to involve local people and raise awareness, but don’t think that when all this will end and we will return to normality, there will also be a need to educate tourists who come to our archipelago? Maybe trying to create a law that helps the island with the authorities to track down all of the pollution, and to also to educate the tourists to respect the law?
SEBASTIAN: The events we run bring awareness, but we’re working on creating an educational system where people can learn and understand the situation of the islands that we’re living in. We feel that the first communities that need to understand these problems are Bocas inhabitants. The ones that have a close relationship with the island they call home, understanding the importance of its diversity and the consequences on how plastic can affect a fragile ecosystem that they’re dependent on.
BDT: We could say that the plastic is our biggest condemnation …. but also, what about the masks that we have been using every day now for more than a year, are they difficult to sort. What do you think of this? What could we do?
SEBASTIAN: This is the new plastic problem that we’re facing worldwide. We’ve been studying the materials of the “pharmaceutical masks” or “blue masks” to understand how to recycle them. Through a partnership we did with “Botellas de Amor”, we’re collecting them so they can help us with its recycling.
BDT: Tomorrow you will present this new program, and we imagine that it is too long to explain in a simple interview, but we can go through the main points to those who read the article, and point out what we can do to inform the people that are far away from Bocas?
SEBASTIAN:This project is about having an efficient waste management system and plastic recycling process, and to do so, is very important to understand the community and its members to deliver good educational information. The end goal is making it succeed in order to establish it in other parts of the world, knowing that this is a worldwide problem. It has been a great learn-by-doing experience where people can see, participate and have access to all our experiments and ideas on how to make this project happen. We’re going the right way and we’re looking to establish this project anywhere needed, but we still need support from volunteers or donations to make it work all the way.
Don’t forget about the other members of the group:
Melisa Garce
Emilio Acin
Tom Wright
Carolina Castañeda
Andres Carvajal
Sebastian Mendoza
Always say thank you to the people that are trying to make the world a better place.
For sure we will be talking more about WasteLessWorld, and thank you Sebastian and all the members for your time!
Please support Wastelessworld with donation at or go to their web page for donation and if you are in Bocas don’t miss this appointment! from Noon to 5pm to Selina Hostel!!!!
Go fund me Campaign