So excited for Jenn Zuccone and Briny Andrews to teach a workshop on Chakra yoga & Meditation at the Fall retreat...read on for a taste of their workshop...
'As Mother Earth moves into her resting and restorative time, so does our energy, inviting our minds, our bodies, our spirits to enter into a new season of contemplation and letting go. Fall is a time of shedding of the old, allowing room and space for the new. It is a time to go within, to de-clutter and to restore ourselves. In this class, through yoga and guided mediation, you are invited to align with the season in mind, body and spirit, focusing on your energy centers to become aware of and align to your personal power. This all levels asana practice and guided meditation will open the doors to the third chakra (Manipura) and explore the hidden power of the fire wisdom that lies within. Manipura, thought of as the fire wisdom, holds the qualities of inner strength and nobility. This chakra also governs the body’s sympathetic nervous system, digestion and metabolism. Through this class, align with your right to act and to create a balanced state of happiness within your being.