Yoga Therapy is: therapeutic yoga for transforming musculoskeletal pain, emotional and physical symptoms of autoimmune disease, injury rehabilitation, and the modern-day afflictions of anxiety, insomnia, addiction and depression. Yoga Therapy is: an excellent preventative medicine. It reduces stress and increases mindfulness, strength, flexibility, physical and emotional resilience. Sessions last
60 to 90 minutes and often incorporate adapted asanas (poses), pranayama (breath), props like blankets, bolsters, blocks and straps, and meditation. Ayurvedic counseling (food, herbs and lifestyle as medicine) may be included. Depending on client needs, yoga therapy is in the client's home or in the Santa Monica wellness studio. It is typical to complete a yoga therapy session experiencing balance, bliss and a feeling of well-being. Simone's Method:
Combining the traditions of Restorative, Hatha, Kundalini and Viniyoga with a decade's experience as a personal development coach, Simone guides clients through personalized mind-body wellness programs informed by profound grace and self-acceptance. Simone's methodology and approach are based on the Viniyoga lineage of Krishnamacharya as taught by Gary Kraftstow and Michelle Mazur. This lineage focuses on yoga as a source for physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Did you know that originally yoga was taught only one-on-one between student and teacher? Yoga is a uniquely individual path to balance and health. For this reason Simone rarely teaches group classes, teaching almost exclusively private, one-on-one sessions and workshops. Each yoga therapy session is tailored to the needs of the client. Asana (postures) are adapted to the client's physical and emotional needs that day. Sessions will likely incorporate prescribed pranayama (breathing). This is because the Vedic traditions teach that all health issues whether physical, emotional or psychological, are caused by energetic blockages in the body. Conscious breath moves prana (energy) through the body resulting in improved mood and health. By combining specifically applied conscious breathing and asanas specific to the clients emotional and physical state, healing occurs more rapidly. Movement, music, meditation or creative visualization may be used if these forwards the intention of the practitioner. About Simone:
A yoga practitioner since 1991, Simone spent 14 years as a successful sales manager in the property development industry. Eventually experiencing a crash and diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, it was therapeutic yoga and nutrition that gave Simone her life back. A "citizen of the world", Simone is originally from New Zealand, and now divides her time between California and South Asia. She meditates and studies in the ashrams and jungles of India and teaches in Nepal's Himalayas and California's beach cities. Most of her programs are available as online sessions. Her businesses are focus:create, Past Life Healings and Simone Bricci Yoga Therapy. Simone holds a BA (Honors) from University College London in History of Art and Material Studies. She is a Success Coach and Master Clinical Hypnotherapist since 2004. Simone is a Master NLP Practitioner (NLPU - UC Santa Cruz), and is an internationally certified with Yoga Alliance as a Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist (RYT500) and is a Supporting Member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT).