As a company we are not affiliated with any political stance but we made an exception and we’re honored to help spread the word about Navajo nation water rights and some of issues that come from not having running water. We saw so many hardships especially during the Covid pandemic. The need for water was great. The ability to wash your hands or not became a huge issue. In general running water is a necessary part of humanity. Please be aware that this case means a lot to many and the Supreme Court decision will affect many of the first Americans.
Der Navajo-Stamm im Monument Valley leidet unter Wasserknappheit. Doch der Oberste US-Gerichtshof lehnt die Klage der Ureinwohnerinnen und Ureinwohner gegen die US-Regierung ab, wonach diese zuständig für die Wasservorräte sei. Dieses Urteil zeigt, dass immer noch viele grundlegende Fragen ungekl...