I am a bit late posting this. We have added a new block to the trail. I enjoyed meeting Mrs. Judy. Very sweet and she is writing and article that will be published in the 501 which will include everyone that is on the trail. The name of her block is Diamond Dimensions. The following is their story:
Judy and Tom Riley’s barn quilt – El Paso, White County
“Diamond Dimensions” is the pattern of the barn quilt displayed on a red barn at 1991 Highway 64 West
in El Paso. The quilt can be observed by way of the highway, or by one of two drives entering the
property. Visitors looking at the barn quilt should pull into the westmost drive. Places to turn around are
available. The property was owned by the McCorkle family for generations and is now an Airbnb. The
current owners, who live next door, purchased the property in 2023 and wanted to keep the traditions
established by the original owners. Danny McCorkle was known as “The Trunk Man.” He refinished the
exteriors and his wife Lynne restored the interiors. They sold the refurbished trunks at various antique
stores in the area. Five of his restored trunks are used as décor in the house, known as “The Farmhouse”
on Airbnb. The McCorkles also raised sweet corn and sold on a U-Pick basis, calling their farm “Easy
The current owners, both retired from the Cooperative Extension Service, purchased the barn quilt
through a live auction raising funds for the Vines Center, the Arkansas 4-H Center, west of Little Rock.
The artist is a fellow retired county Extension agent, Carla Vaught. The quilts are marketed through
“Traveling Sister’s Barn Quilts.” She and her business partner Teresa Griffin, have painted over 25 quilts.
Some have been sold, some donated and some created specifically for others.