Miskawaan Villas is a luxurious slice of paradise on Koh Samui’s magical Mae Nam Beach. The beach is the longest on the North Coast of Koh Samui, with quieter Bang Po and Baan Tai stretching to the west and busier Bophut set in the east. With beachfront access in this stunning and peaceful location ensures you can achieve the ultimate in relaxation and privacy.
The villas are located just a few steps from the beach and feature private pools and peaceful relaxation and entertaining areas. Guests can check out the nearby attractions including Big Buddha located within a 3-minute drive of the property. Fisherman Village and Chaweng Walking Street is located 2.3 km and 8.3 km away. Samui Airport is a 10-minute ride away. 🎥: @salomeandreaa
Book Now: http://bit.ly/2DshZLm
The Asia Villa Experince - The Aquila Phuket
Amazing time lapse video taken by one of our guests, photographer Dominic Liang @2dominic while staying at The Aquila - Oceanfront Private Luxury Villa in Phuket
Asia Villas Luxury
Let us take your family there.
Asia Villas Private Sunset
Your private sunset comes free with a luxury villa rental from us. 在Asia Villas預訂的豪華別墅不難找到屬於你的夕陽美景
I Click = 1 Tree
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唔好睇少一棵小小的紅樹林,佢地一生中可以為地球吸收1噸二氧化碳, 幫助對抗全球暖化架。
share 出去, 攜手協力去守護我地同下一代的大自然啦🌎
Plant a Mangrove
Do something about climate change right now. It’s easy… just like our page and share this post and we will plant a mangrove tree for you in a climate park in Myanmar.
Yes… a real living tree that will absorb 1 tonne of CO2 in its lifetime.
Help us plant a huge mangrove forest together and join the fight against climate change.🌎
1000 shares = 1000 trees 🙂
Asia Villas Vacation
Make the most of your vacation time!
2017年落成的The Aquila聳立於懸崖頂上, 坐擁景色優美的安達曼海, 是一坐難以抗拒的豪華別墅。
這坐7房間別墅有為小孩而設的子母床房, 最適合有小孩的家庭入住。孩子們可以在30米長的無邊泳池游泳,又或是往下走到寧靜的海灣嬉水。寬敞而設施齊備的臥室和客廳讓你身心都得以放鬆, 悠閑地享受著愉悅的假期。 查看詳情:https://goo.gl/Wr2m74
The ultimate in luxury villas, The Aquila sits high up on a cliif top on the west coast of Phuket overlooking the stunning Andaman Sea. With 7 bedrooms and childrens bunk rooms the Aquila is also very family friendly. Children can swim in the 30 meter infinity pool, watch movies, play games or even look for more excitement from the secluded cove below the villa. More details here: https://goo.gl/Wr2m74
Villa Aye
開始計劃你2017第一個豪華假期未? 位於布吉豪宅區, 坐擁優越地段,豪華舒適的Villa Aye 必j定是你的渡假天堂!
立即預定可享最多15%折扣優惠, 歡迎查詢
Planning a vacation for 2017? Villa Aye is a perfect choice for your dream holiday. Book now with Asia Villas and get up to 15% off. Contact our villa specialist for details.
#thailand #phuket #villa #villaaye
想要一個無敵海景的完美假期? 四海維拉幫到您。
Looking for incredible sea views on your next vacation? Let us help you find the dream location.
#sea #view #beachfront #villa