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ArboursAbroad Hey there! We're Jason and Heather. With ArboursAbroad we're sharing travel inspiration and advice t

My uncle asked us if there was any place we’re looking forward to seeing again.. any place we’d go back to that we’ve be...

My uncle asked us if there was any place we’re looking forward to seeing again.. any place we’d go back to that we’ve been.

And while the list started off with the obvious —

1. Scotland
2. Croatia
3. Patagonia

We also added in a couple places that surprised us…

4. Puerto Vallarta
5. Sedona

We didn’t think we’d really like those places, but shoot we really did.

So much so that they’re two places we’re making it a point to head back to in the upcoming months! Anyone want to join?!

planning a trip to

My uncle asked us if there was any place we’re looking forward to seeing again.. any place we’d go back to that we’ve be...

My uncle asked us if there was any place we’re looking forward to seeing again.. any place we’d go back to that we’ve been.

And while the list started off with the obvious —

1. Scotland
2. Croatia
3. Patagonia

We also added in a couple places that surprised us…

4. Puerto Vallarta
5. Sedona

We didn’t think we’d really like those places, but shoot we really did.

So much so that they’re two places we’re making it a point to head back to in the upcoming months! Anyone want to join?!

planning a trip back to

Every time we’re back “on the road” a renewed gratitude for this life hits. Sure, we don’t have the conveniences the hou...

Every time we’re back “on the road” a renewed gratitude for this life hits.

Sure, we don’t have the conveniences the houses we’ve stayed at bring.

Things like showers and washing my hair are less frequent (see also, “non-existent”).

Wifi / internet has been hard to find.

And using pit toilets, the great outdoors, or our *cute* camper toilet for the bathroom isn’t as easy as walking to a flushing toilet with running water to wash our hands after.

But shoot — I’d choose the “inconveniences” of this lifestyle time and time again.


A little bit of fall sprinkled with winter. 🍂🏔️  in

A little bit of fall sprinkled with winter. 🍂🏔️


Life | always reminding me how little I am in this big, big world. Crappy days filled with constant reminders of God’s G...

Life | always reminding me how little I am in this big, big world.

Crappy days filled with constant reminders of God’s Goodness and Glory in the good and the bad.

Yesterday, I got off the trails (after crying at a SUPER STEEP downhill section of the ride), and sat and journaled while Jay jumped back on the trails to run.

I listed out all the crappy things going on, followed by all the good. The good being far more.

It doesn’t make the crappy go away, but it highlights the things to be thankful for in the ruts.

Give it a try! It’s a great reminder of the good we’re constantly surrounded by.


Just some unedited + unfiltered shots from the past few days. 1. Our first snowfall in . 2. The most perfect free campsi...

Just some unedited + unfiltered shots from the past few days.

1. Our first snowfall in .

2. The most perfect free campsite near some much needed hot springs.

3. Our workspace setup (2 minutes before I broke Jay’s computer).. featuring THE BEST maple syrup… way better than our usual Kirkland Maple!

4. Finishing our whisky gifted from the best friends + — Can’t take it back across the border, so had to finish it now!

5. A photo that looks like a painting, straight from the iPhone.

In case you missed it… we survived a very close bear encounter on this hike, but look at the pictures… Totally worth it,...

In case you missed it… we survived a very close bear encounter on this hike, but look at the pictures…

Totally worth it, right?!

After shared about this hike, and we read it was one of the best hikes in , we knew we had to do it.

Coming in at nearly 12 miles + more than 2k feet of elevation gain, it’s a doozy.

We saw moose, mountain goats, and a big, fat, huge, massive, beautiful grizzly on this hike.

Along with multiple glaciers, beautiful fall foliage, and mountain peaks on peaks on peaks.

Grinnell Glacier — an absolute must in Glacier National Park!

and hiking in

Life lately 🏕️Why wait for retirement to do something you’ve dreamed of doing for years?! We’ve always said that about t...

Life lately 🏕️

Why wait for retirement to do something you’ve dreamed of doing for years?!

We’ve always said that about things more travel oriented.. never really thought about them work wise.

However, when the opportunity came up and glimpses of this job were popping up time and time again, we figured why wait. Let’s do it now!

I’ll quote multiple guests saying, “You guys are the YOUNGEST CAMP HOSTS I’ve ever seen.” We always reply with, “Us too!!”.

Now, who’s ready to come visit? We’ve got plenty of space and epic views of Mt. Hood! 🏔️

We recently did something that changed a lot of things for us. (Vague, I know.. but I promise, we’re working on a video ...

We recently did something that changed a lot of things for us. (Vague, I know.. but I promise, we’re working on a video to share more!)

Honestly, we pushed away the opportunity time and time again thinking, “Not yet. Not now.”

But, here we are.. sitting in what still feels like a dream. Thinking about how every time we feel the Lord’s nudge, we should go all in. Because when we go all in, He can do His work and turn it into something beautiful.

Any guesses on what this “thing” is that has changed so much for us?


You’re looking at a photo of someone that’s CANCER FREE!!! We got the word that my last four biopsies came back benign (...

You’re looking at a photo of someone that’s CANCER FREE!!!

We got the word that my last four biopsies came back benign (negative for cancer), and while there’s still fear in the unknown.. we’re rejoicing in what we know now.

That the skin cancer is gone!

My next appointment isn’t until the end of November, where I’ll have a full body scan to check for any new spots… For now, onto fully enjoying the summer with lots of sunscreen and UV protective clothing.


An Oregon summer means finding us at the water every single day. If you’re in Southern Oregon, check out some of these  ...

An Oregon summer means finding us at the water every single day.

If you’re in Southern Oregon, check out some of these swimming holes.

1. Finley Bend
2. White Horse Park
3. Robertson Bridge
4. Stratton Creek

Find details on these 4 spots, plus 7 more on

Typically, I’m good with words. But lately, the words just haven’t come. I’ve tried to write this caption multiple times...

Typically, I’m good with words. But lately, the words just haven’t come.

I’ve tried to write this caption multiple times, but keep coming up short.

Maybe because so much is still unknown.

Maybe it’s because saying the four words still catches me off guard and makes my heart skip a beat.

Maybe it’s because we’ve dealt with health problems so much, that while I’m still in shock, I’m also a bit numb to it all.

When my doctor called back within two days, I knew the test results were positive. I didn’t even need to call her back for the confirmation.

But I did.

“Heather, the biopsy came back positive for cancer. You have Basal Cell Carcinoma.”

Skin cancer.

At only 32, I’m not the “typical age”.

With darker complexion, dark eyes, and dark hair, I’m not a “normal case”.

Not spending a lot of time in tanning beds or sunbathing make me an “unlikely bet” for my diagnosis.

And yet, here we are. With a positive biopsy + one we’re still waiting to hear back from.

There’s still so much unknown right now. However, what we do know is there is a plan and a purpose for it all. Something bigger and greater than we can see. And we will make it through to the other side.

Life has been pretty overwhelming lately. We’re going through some things that we’re not quite ready to share about, but...

Life has been pretty overwhelming lately.

We’re going through some things that we’re not quite ready to share about, but this photo makes me happy, so I wanted to share it.

It’s a reminder of the promise that we’ll get to the other side of it all.

over here feeling , , and yet too.

Choosing to find beauty in the little things has been a concept taking up a lot of my mental space lately. This hike was...

Choosing to find beauty in the little things has been a concept taking up a lot of my mental space lately.

This hike was one of my all time favorites in all of Sedona. It had caves, multiple Cliff dwellings, and views that were 360 degrees of jaw-dropping beauty.

However, none of those things made this hike special. Likewise, none of those things made it my favorite hike.

Instead it was this wall.

The raw beauty of a wall painted by the natural elements surrounding it. Something that wasn’t the point of this hike, but instead a small part of the day that we had to pass to get to the viewpoint we were after.

A simple, yet complex, part of Creation… reminding me of the simple, yet complex, parts of the day to day that also hold so much beauty.

What’s a simple part of your day that you usually just pass through that holds beauty if you stop and slow down to acknowledge it?


Sitting thinking, “I hiked all the way up here for this?!” Just joking… while the hike was not really a hike at all, and...

Sitting thinking, “I hiked all the way up here for this?!”

Just joking… while the hike was not really a hike at all, and instead a total rock scramble (swipe over to see) it was WELL WORTH IT!!

In fact, this place made our list of 5 BEST sunsets in Sedona.. and I think if you head to the post linked in our stories, you’ll see why!

Chasing sunsets and hiking until our legs couldn't take another step brought us to what we'd say are the BEST sunset loc...

Chasing sunsets and hiking until our legs couldn't take another step brought us to what we'd say are the BEST sunset locations in Sedona.

Which of the five is your favorite?

Watching the sun set in Sedona is something everyone should experience. However, the best sunsets in Sedona aren't from platforms and viewpoints! Check out these FIVE BEST sunsets in Sedona locations!

Someone recently told us, you know.. this life you’re living is good now, but you’re not building a net worth for the fu...

Someone recently told us, you know.. this life you’re living is good now, but you’re not building a net worth for the future.

And I wanted to give him a little wave with one finger, followed by a comment about how I don’t want my future to look like his.

Instead, I tried to end the conversation…(continually learning that some people just aren’t worth our time and energy) but he proceeded with another comment that about made me blow a freaking fuse. (That’s for another day)

For now, our future, our past, and our lives currently are not measured by our “net worth” in dollar signs.

Our net value won’t go to the grave with us, but the memories and life we’re truly living will.

In our eyes, our current net worth is priceless.

and our whole in one photo 😉

Three Easy Hikes from Airport Mesa in Sedona with Great Views and Minimal Elevation Gain 1️⃣ Airport Mesa Vortex 2️⃣ Sed...

Three Easy Hikes from Airport Mesa in Sedona with Great Views and Minimal Elevation Gain

1️⃣ Airport Mesa Vortex
2️⃣ Sedona View Trail
3️⃣ Airport Loop Trail

Airport Mesa is a table top mountain that is home to Sedona’s tiny airport. It’s right in town and offers great views of everything Sedona is famed for.

We recommend getting to the Mesa about 3 hours before sunset to hike the 3.5 mile loop around the airport and the Sedona View Trail before heading up the vortex for a dreamy Sedona sunset.

Save this post for a future trip to Sedona.. and if you’re looking for more details on these hikes, head over to with the link in our bio!


Our first full hiking guide to Sedona just went live on ArboursAbroad + I’m so excited for it! Keyhole Cave is a cave in...

Our first full hiking guide to Sedona just went live on ArboursAbroad + I’m so excited for it!

Keyhole Cave is a cave in Sedona that super easy to get to, the hard part is getting in.

A short 1 mile hike from right in town, and this view awaits! Can you believe it?! I had a mini freak out once, but put on my brave pants and went inside!

Swipe to see the rock climbing involved… would you do it?


It’s all fun and games hiking and trail finding… until you’re literally crying on a ledge, crapping your pants because y...

It’s all fun and games hiking and trail finding… until you’re literally crying on a ledge, crapping your pants because you have to go back the same way you just came.

Never knew I was afraid of falling to my death until we came to Sedona. I only cried on a couple hikes 🫣 but the tears were totally worth the view!


Heading back to Sedona, three weeks there just wasn’t enough! Swipe to zoom out… I think the red rocks are still just as...

Heading back to Sedona, three weeks there just wasn’t enough!

Swipe to zoom out… I think the red rocks are still just as insane! Which one do you feel shows their grandeur more?!


We’ve been hiding out in caves and cliff dwellings for nearly a month and reckon it’s about time we pop back on here and...

We’ve been hiding out in caves and cliff dwellings for nearly a month and reckon it’s about time we pop back on here and start to share.

Let’s rewind to before Christmas… remember we were planning a trip to somewhere we had both really wanted to go for years now. Well.. we went. And it was everything we hoped it would be.

But it was also everything we hoped it wouldn’t.

Sedona was both a dream come true and a nightmare. And honestly, I’m excited to share it all with you.. the good, the bad, the freaking frustrating, and the days filled with tears too.

A super late to #2023. Hope it’s off to a good start!

|| Scotland || I’ve been catching myself daydreaming of Scotland a lot lately.. that must mean it’s about time to go bac...

|| Scotland ||

I’ve been catching myself daydreaming of Scotland a lot lately.. that must mean it’s about time to go back!

take me there, pretty, pretty please 🙏🏼

We finally made it to Arizona, and it feels so good. It truly felt like a breath of fresh air when we crossed the Nevada...

We finally made it to Arizona, and it feels so good. It truly felt like a breath of fresh air when we crossed the Nevada/Arizona state line.

Last year, we were really hoping to make it to AZ, however, never made it. Our rental agreement changed, making us turn around and head back to Oregon to sort it out.

Long story short.. we decided it was time for us to move on, so into the van full time we went. And here we are, having a full circle moment.. thinking we would be where we are now a year ago, almost to the day.

When we finally crossed the Arizona state line, we were high on life. We got to visit with friends we haven’t seen in ages and are finding a groove after a couple rough days.

Currently, we’re just hanging around. Popping from parking lot park-ups to breakfast at the park, and work days in a library. We’re waiting for the cold front to blow through so we can head just a bit north for some mountain biking and Christmas in a place we’ve both been dreaming of going for ages.

Any guesses where we’ll be heading?


🚨Open to Vehicles🚨Did you know Zion has a park shuttle that takes people into Zion Canyon where all the famous hikes sta...

🚨Open to Vehicles🚨

Did you know Zion has a park shuttle that takes people into Zion Canyon where all the famous hikes start? It’s a super great way to have less cars on the canyon road, and less congestion in general.

Every year, the shuttle stops between Thanksgiving and Christmas, then again after the new year through late winter.

If you’ve ever wanted to drive through Zion Canyon, now is your chance!


Bison!! 🦬 🦬 We recently passed by some bison in the south of Utah and were dumbfounded that they’re on a ranch down here...

Bison!! 🦬 🦬

We recently passed by some bison in the south of Utah and were dumbfounded that they’re on a ranch down here!

Naturally, we said we’d get pictures of them on our way back to our campsite that evening, but ended up never going back that way. So, instead… here are some bison in from last year.

🙋🏻‍♀️Show of hands, who knew these big guys existed in the southwest?!

We braved the 9 degree overnight temps to see Bryce Canyon with a dusting of snow. This was our third time at  and we’re...

We braved the 9 degree overnight temps to see Bryce Canyon with a dusting of snow.

This was our third time at and we’re still happy to have woken up frozen just to see it like this!

Honestly, any time of the year here is great, but with fewer crowds this time of year may just be perfect!

Would you brave the cold to see the snow?!


Continually amazed at Idaho’s beauty! With colder temps at night creepin’ in here in Idaho, we’re on a hot spring hunt.H...

Continually amazed at Idaho’s beauty!

With colder temps at night creepin’ in here in Idaho, we’re on a hot spring hunt.

Hot springs are a great way to escape the cold, and Idaho has no shortage of them! In fact, it’s believed that Idaho is home to over 100 natural hot springs! 🤯

The past five days we hit gold, finding three different hot springs, and spending the past two nights just feet away from one of them!

And!!!! We’re heading to another tonight that’s meant to have camping right at it too!

We’re working on a super fun project for you, and it’s safe to say, we’re enjoying the R&D side of this one 🙈


This counts as a shower, right? Wild camping, boondocking, dispersed camping, camping for free… whatever you want to cal...

This counts as a shower, right?

Wild camping, boondocking, dispersed camping, camping for free… whatever you want to call it — it typically never comes with a .

Diving down and finding this in the lake may just make our best lake showers list.. if we had one 🤭

For real though, if all looked like this, wouldn’t you jump in for a shower too?!

with our trusty

*No soap was used in this

Olympic National Park has three easily accessible waterfalls right within the park. In fact, each of these waterfalls ar...

Olympic National Park has three easily accessible waterfalls right within the park. In fact, each of these waterfalls are less than a 2 mile walk round trip.

In order of the photos:

1️⃣ Marymere Falls | 1.8 miles round trip with 500 feet of elevation gain.

2️⃣ Madison Falls | .2 miles round trip with 46 feet of elevation gain.

3️⃣ Sol Duc Falls | 1.6 mile round trip with 200 feet of elevation gain.

Which waterfall is your favorite, 1️⃣,2️⃣, or 3️⃣?

Full post with more details of each waterfall hike live on


Went on this hike to see the waterfall — instead was just blown away by everything else. That’s all… well except for the...

Went on this hike to see the waterfall — instead was just blown away by everything else.

That’s all… well except for the fish… those was pretty epic too!


Yesterday in our stories, we unintentionally left you hanging on if we got Georgie back or not…So here’s a picture the m...

Yesterday in our stories, we unintentionally left you hanging on if we got Georgie back or not…So here’s a picture the moment we found her!!

Really posting it on here instead of in the stories because I need the second picture to live on here forever 😽🫶🏼

In all seriousness, we LOVE being able to let Georgie out to explore freely. She has only given us a scare one time not coming back right away. This past time we knew she was close (we could hear her bell) but couldn’t find her anywhere.

She ended up being just a few steps away from the van, tucked deep in the bushes, where we couldn’t see her until the lighting changed TWO HOURS later!

Most of the time she’s out and comes back when she’s called or her treat container gets shaken. But lately, she’s turning on the sass — as you can see in the second picture!

Since being on the road, we’ve been getting lots of questions about having our cat with us!! Drop yours below 👇🏼 We’re thinking we need to post more, sharing the answers to them all!!


We moved out of our place in June with no real plans of “what’s next”. And while our choice has been questioned both to ...

We moved out of our place in June with no real plans of “what’s next”.

And while our choice has been questioned both to our faces and we’re sure behind closed doors, we’re confident in our decision.

It may not make sense to many. But to us, sunsets on the beach + thought-provoking conversations that turn strangers into friends make us know this is where we’re meant to be.

This day. This night. This sunset. Everything about this beach literally takes my breath away. I’m truly at a loss for words. And while I hope I can put into words and share a proper post on it later, for now — I’ve got to share these pictures to share.

This place is beautiful!


Family hike in the  ! After seeing the hike was only half a mile long, we knew we had to take Georgie on it! At first, s...

Family hike in the !

After seeing the hike was only half a mile long, we knew we had to take Georgie on it! At first, she wasn’t impressed, as the trail was near a road in the beginning… but she soon enjoyed smelling everything and trotting along the trail with us!

Be sure to swipe over to see all her puurrrfect paw placements along the hike!
Thanks to fantastic hot spot data at our current campsite, a full post on this beautiful place is live on 🙌

Head over to the link below (also in our stories) to learn more about this rainforest and see more pictures of our time there and in the surrounding area!


After the first few nights driving from Southern Oregon to the Olympic Peninsula were spent at rest stops and janky pull...

After the first few nights driving from Southern Oregon to the Olympic Peninsula were spent at rest stops and janky pullouts, we were besides ourselves finding this place.

Was there a time (or two) when people drove by, stopped, reversed, and drove by again slowly making us grab our personal protection… that’s a definite yes… but still can’t get over how beautiful this spot (and really all of the peninsula thus far) have been!

Swipe on over to see how we do the doo more often than not … and yes..we promise, a video will be coming soon on how to properly do your duty outside!


Everything about this!!!!! Affording travel is all about how you spend your money, not how much you have!

Everything about this!!!!! Affording travel is all about how you spend your money, not how much you have!

More Memes: 👉

Jay went mountain biking today with a friend while I stayed back and worked.Don’t worry, I had fun too.. Found this pict...

Jay went mountain biking today with a friend while I stayed back and worked.

Don’t worry, I had fun too..

Found this picture from us swimming in the pouring down rain (hello, hurricane) in …

And I now have a perfect image of what my hair would look like these days if it wasn’t so grey! 👵🏼

I’ll just sit back and wait for the beer they’re bringing me 🍻




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