The flip side of the dance parties and joy, was me reeling in solo time tossed in a sea of grief. I would cry and write, or in this case, skin uphill and poetry would spill from my broken heart into the camera for lack of writing utensil. In our tight mountain community, grief is an ever present wave that ebbs and flows, and lately in Alaska, has felt a bit too much like a tidal wave. You may not connect with the words that chose to spill forth from me on this day, but my guess is that you know heartbreak and loss, grief and trauma… even if you’ve never been given the language to share it. I’ve decided that my new life’s work will be around supporting people through loss/trauma/stress injury. I have no idea where this path will lead. I only know that it is needed, so I will figure it out. Somehow, some way. We need more systems of support, healing and love. We need to acknowledge each other’s pain and truly see each other at the depths of the ocean. We are not alone. We have each other. It is wildly ok to ask for help. Please reach out. Sending an abundance of love to all. Live with your heart out loud. #grief #loss #trauma #stressinjury #heartbreak #skicommunity #hambone #reese #harmsy #mcmanhoney #chuck #dad #donnyd #BT #viking #shootingstars
I didn’t plan to speak at Mike’s memorial. I didn’t write a speech or even consider what I would say about this larger than life friend and brother I had just lost, i just showed UP. As Mike would have done. And indeed thats what my speech became about … is that the best legacy we could ever leave about ourselves is that we showed UP. And by showing up , i mean your raw vulnerable wild hearted genuine authenicity. You don’t need to be what you think the world wants you to be, you just need to be YOU, in all your clumsy glory of the human becoming that you are. We are messy, we don’t often have words that equate to feelings or vice versa, but it doesn’t matter. Just. Show. Up. I am full of gratitude for all the tears, hugs, laughter, cuddle puddles, dance, song and deep deep communal love and loss I just got the privilege to share with everyone who was there both in presence and spirit. We got this. We have each other. @valdezheliskiguides @aksundog76 @mjhamilton76 #livelove #toomanytotag #somuchlovesomuchloss #dontblowit #showup
Aww the freedom of being the first to make art on a beautiful mountain face… that’s #atomiclove! @atomicski @flylowgear @corbeaux_clothing @baistgloves @sansmealbar @fitssocks @valdezheliskiguides #throwbackthursday #skiing #heliskiing #weareskiing #ownyourtime #skialaska #powder #lifechoices #valdez vc: @devinelleg
It’s official! I have given up getting @brookeshinyedwards back from my Turkish hackers holding it ransom. So please help me spread the word that I’ll be operating out of here meow! @atomicski @powderhoundak @baistgloves @sansmealbar @flylowgear @unicornpicnic @lynseydyer @fitssocks @mentalmojome @coachingwithmarta @wildlandcoffeeco @sapporobeerusa @voilemfg @voilestraps @alaskaguidecollective @akavalancheschool @valdezheliskiguides @resortalyeska @ortovox @swoop.underwear @american_avalanche_association @kirstenakremer @silvertonmountainguides @thirdedgeheli #skiing #powder #getoutside #explore #alaska #avalancheeducation #adventure #spreadtheword #spreadlove #spreadjoy
Pura vida compliments of Costa Rican hospitality of @esterotours !!! #puravida #experiencecostarica #ecotourism #horsebackriding #naturalhistory
This is a workout challenge started by my friend @joeychandler70 to create a workout from your junk! Here’s my full workout! I challenge @kashalaclare @karawilliard @lynseydyer @zach_husted to grab your junk!
Slow skipping with @chugachadventures and @robert.rodamer4 #rockskipping #camping #glaciers #icebergs #chugachnationalforest #rafting #seakayaking
Come rafting with us! @chugachadventures #rafting #alaska #optoutside #getout #exploremore