When will rehabilitation end?
Septic tank water gushing from a closed hotel.. no one complains because the people have no jobs, are too polite or has got used to such abuses of the environment, and perhaps the virus is more important but no cases on Boracay
Boracay Destruction Zone
Destruction training zone.. where all the destruction workers learn the hard way... it has only been over 2 years, the road has been destroyed many times already
Another high tide... 5m from Epic, the centre of Boracay.. 25+5 ? Easement ?, and places were shut down and demolished if they did not comply.... I don't think that was the real reason...nice waves by the way...
The rain has now finished so here is the other side road from Bolabog beach to the back road. Ugly, dangerous, no one working, and so yet another unfinished project on Boracay...the situation is so sad... watch the piles of garbage at the finish of the video .. it was 10am, no collection..
Boracay, world class tourism, among the rubble and destruction... but who cares and who is in charge?
More than a year now, the path from Bolabog beach to the "back road", next to Aqua Resort has been a disaster. It has been worked on recently but no end in sight, no one is working now and water is going directly to the sea
Warning.. this video should not be viewed by anyone who thinks Boracay is clean, pristine and rehabilitated, or of a nervous disposition .. it will change your mind
The road to Bolabog beach, video of the mess that tourists are seeing every day, no clear up.