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AST Tours & Travel Expert travel planning service. Groups, Custom tailored trips to Italy, Greece, Spain & France. Hawa

Located in Hayward, serving the Bay and clients nationwide since 1988. Expert Vacation and Trip Planning Service
Denise King, Owner
Jeff Quon, Worldwide Travel Specialist


Question: What is your opinion about Vacation Travel as of this day 7/14?
I would love to hear everyone’s true and transparent opinions.
I’m also cleaning up my emailing list, so if you’d like to opt in or out please message me privately on DM or you can text me at 510-301-3338.
Kind Regards, Denise 😊


Nearly One in Five Americans Get Scammed Booking Travel Online
June 14, 2019

Approximately one in five Americans have been scammed or nearly scammed when booking a vacation online, according to a new survey by virus software giant McAfee.

In a survey of 1,000 adults conducted this May, 18% said that they had or almost had fallen prey to vacation travel scams, and some 30% of travel-related scam victims reported they lost between $1,000 and $3,000.

A third (31%) of those vacation scam victims clicked on “a deal that was too good to be true,” McAfee said. Meanwhile, a small group of victims (13%) shared that their identity was stolen after sharing their passport details during the booking process.

“The last thing that consumers should have to deal with during or after a vacation is an identity scam or personal privacy issue,” said Gary Davis, McAfee’s chief consumer security evangelist. “While cybersecurity threats unfortunately exist during most stages of the booking and travel experience, consumers can take proactive steps to protect themselves and minimize the risk to ensure scams and other nefarious activities don’t spoil summer travel plans.”

The majority (80%) of survey respondents said they worry about having their identity stolen during the research and booking process or while traveling abroad for summer vacations. Despite these worries, less than 25% of travelers feel they have the right security in place to prevent their identity from being stolen.

“One of my clients called me after she paid – with a debit card – for a Mexico trip online with a company that turned out to be in Syria,” said Lynda Phillippi, owner of Renaissance Travel and Events, in McMinnville, Oregon. “They took the money, but their rooms and air were never booked. It was a total scam. We fixed her up, but yes, it happens – and usually when people are trying to get ‘a good deal.’”

“A common event is that those representing themselves as agents purchase domain names that are similar to popular sites. Often, these phony sites are first in the search, have the resort name listed, and end up being a site selling timeshare stays,” said Jeni Chaffer, owner of Journeys Travel Inc.

“So many online sites also do not provide complete information or even all the necessary details. Travel agents pride ourselves on providing every detail, answering every question and handling any hiccup that might happen,” she said.

In a May 23 blogpost, called "Make it a Scam-Free Vacation," the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) suggested consumers, “First, get recommendations from family and friends on good travel agencies, vacation rentals, hotels and travel packages — before responding to offers.”

Popular destinations are potentially more prone than others
In separate research, McAfee also ranked the top five summer destinations that showed the highest concentration of “potentially malicious” websites. They are Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Venice, Italy; and Canmore, Canada.

“Taking advantage of the high search volumes for accommodation and deals in these popular destinations, cybercriminals drive unsuspecting users to potentially malicious websites that can be used to install malware and steal personal information or passwords,” McAfee said.

The riskiest holiday destinations were identified using top holiday destination and search terms, which are more likely to yield potentially malicious websites in the results, including: 2019 vacation, all-inclusive vacation, best vacations 2019, cheap trip deals, last minute vacation, travel deals, vacation and vacation deals.

An overall risk percentage was calculated for each destination using the total number of risky websites divided by the number of search results returned. Using McAfee WebAdvisor data, resulting domains and URLs were measured and assigned a risk of “high,” “medium” and “unverified.”

Travelers don’t keep their data safe
McAfee’s survey also found that 31% of consumers “are leaving the door open to fraud because they do not check the authenticity of a website before booking a trip online.”

Despite 36% of people expressing concerns of having their personal data stolen while on vacation, 42% said they either do not check the security of their internet connection or willingly connect to an unsecured network while traveling.

Other potentially dangerous travel and technology behaviors included 40% of Americans using work devices while on vacation, 66% of travelers checking and sending e-mails, and 35% managing money through a banking app.

“Despite work devices being connected to a wealth of personal and private data via corporate cloud, email and productivity services, the vast majority admitted they connect to public WiFi in the airport (46%) and the hotel (69%), potentially putting sensitive business information at risk,” McAfee noted in its report.

Additional FTC tips include:

Look up travel companies, hotels, rentals and agents with the words “scam,” “review,” or “complaint.”
Get a copy of the cancellation and refund policies before you pay.
If you’re buying travel insurance, be sure the agency is licensed.
Bring copies of any confirmation details that show the rate and amenities you were promised. This also helps if the hotel or host says your

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Kind Regards,
Denise King, Owner
Sr. Planner and Travel Advisor
[email protected]
Specializing in custom tailored amazing journey's

AST email card Side 2.png

Celebrating over 38 years of travel planning excellence.


Did you know that I can advise, book and manage all these types of vacations in most countries for you?

Active & Adventurous
Beach & Island Escapes
Classics (Bestsellers)
Cruises & Sailing
Day Trips
Escorted Coach Touring
Family Vacations
Go as you Please
Ideas for 18 to 30 Somethings
Luxury and Beyond
Private Experiences
Rail Travel Ideas
Romance & Honeymoon
Single Friendly
Small Group Touring
Specialty Groups & Events
Stays of Distinction
Stopovers/City Breaks
Tailor-made Travel Ideas
Vacation Packages with Airfare
Call/Text Denise @510-301-3338 or email me at [email protected]


10 Reasons You Should Use a Travel Agent in 2019
Ten reasons 2019 be the Year of the Travel Agent.
This year promises to be a busy one for the travel industry, as record numbers of travelers take to the skies, the rivers and the seas. With more ships, more flights and less legroom than ever, Travel Market Report asked travel agents why they think a traveler should never travel without a professional travel advisor behind them. It’s a good list to share with your clients and prospects. Here’s what they said:

1. Travel is more complicated than ever.
With 24 new cruise ships coming online — never mind the new resorts and new airline fare categories — keeping with the options is a full-time job. And the growing trend toward groups of families and friends traveling together makes each trip a much more important purchase. Having a professional help with the planning and logistics can have a big impact on how much you spend on — and how much you enjoy — your vacation.

2. Travel advisors are on top of what’s new and exciting.
The world is full of once-in-a-lifetime experiences in 2019. If you’d like to see The Passion Play at Oberammergau, the Tokyo Summer Olympics, the 2020 World Expo in Dubai, the cricket World Cup in Australia or the inaugural sailing of Virgin Cruise, travel professionals have access to the best tour packages and exclusive events, and they understand how to navigate the logistics, said Ashley Metesh-McCoy.

Why you should use a travel agent2020 Olympic concept. Photo: voyata/Shutterstock

3. They save you so much time and stress.
Sure, reading about places to go is fun — but planning a trip is hard work, and you never know what to believe. Travel agents travel the world, looking at everything, from the size of the rooms in hotels and cruise ships to the dining options on-site and nearby. If they haven't personally been where you want to go, they know someone who has. They can answer your questions quickly and correctly.

4. Travel advisors have your back when you need an advocate.
Blame global warming, acts of God or just the luck of the draw, but 2018 was a year of volcanoes erupting, earthquakes shaking and airlines failing, not to mention just plain bad weather, and 2019 promises to be the same. Whether the problem is getting there, getting in or getting out, your travel agent will get you where you want to go.

5. There is no do-over for a vacation gone wrong.
Life is busier and more demanding than ever, and vacation time is more valuable. Travel agents can save you hours, not just in doing research to find you the perfect vacation, but also just sitting on hold with short-staffed airlines and resorts to make your vacation perfect.

6. Travel advisors add a human element — and an element of trust.
Travel advisors are invested in their clients' happiness and satisfaction and want to make sure each and every trip is packed full of positive lifelong memories. They listen, suggest, adjust, understand and become a friend ... not just a search engine or an anonymous voice. They are with you before, during and after your trip.

Why you should use a travel agentThe human connection will always give advisors a leg up. Photo: Shutterstock

7. The world is constantly changing, and travel agents are on the ground experiencing it.
Has the Caribbean recovered from Hurricane Maria? Is it safe to travel to the Middle East? Travel advisors don't just sell a destination. They discover, research and experience the places they offer, over and over.

8. They often save you money — and if not, they deliver more value.
Even if your travel agent charges a fee, the value you receive will be bigger than what you paid. Cruise lines and many resorts get the majority of their customers through travel agents — and they reward the best ones with perks to share with you.

9. Travel agents offer unique services for discerning clients.
It all comes down to who you know. And odds are, they know that guy or gal.

10. Like any professional advisors, they really do know more than you do.
You can cut your own hair and do your own taxes and perk your own coffee, but a professional can do it better. You can plan your own vacation, too. Good luck with that.

More thoughts from the field
We uncovered so much good information on this topic that we just had to share a few more comments with you.

David Liotta, of Flight Centre, offered a compelling insight: “Here’s the Starbucks Analogy. One of the most popular and successful companies in America makes and sells something that almost everyone is capable of making for themselves at home. But people want the experience of buying from Starbucks, which includes the atmosphere and the skills of the barista. Starbucks also creates specialized products and they are experts in putting them together. You can get all sorts of fancy, complex drinks you didn’t even think of before. Sure, you can make coffee at home, but how many of us would be able to create a complex concoction, and do it with the speed and consistency of a Starbucks barista? Because of all this, people readily pay more to buy from Starbucks, and no one would ever think of demanding that they price-match McDonalds coffee or complain to the barista that they could make the same thing themselves.”

The most common theme and benefit of using a travel agent, as it is reiterated in several of the items on our top 10 list above, is how they help consumers sort through the overwhelming amount of travel options available today. Tom Carr, of Preferred Vacations LLC, said: “The evolution of unbundled airfares will continue in 2019. Basic Economy and other ‘innovations’ pose great challenges for the uninformed traveler. When the rules change, agents are uniquely positioned to provide vital advice.”

In full agreement, Teri Hurley, of Endless Love Travel, said: “We have what do-it-yourselfers don’t, including ladders to climb and buttons to push. But most of all, we save people from themselves. Crowd-sourcing strangers on social media sites is a sure-fire recipe for trip disaster.”

Karen Quinn-Panzer, of Dream Vacations Quinn-Panzer Travel, said: “It’s a challenging cruise industry out there, and travel agents help people sort through all the cruise lines with dozens of cabin categories and multiple rate codes, refundable vs. non-refundable rates, guaranteed cabins vs. cabins with free perks. We help people find the best offer based on what’s most important to them.”

“Like an Alexa or Siri in the palm of your hand, I’m just a quick call, text, email or Facebook message away,” said Dillon Guyer, of Guyer Travel International.

Travel advisors can also be heroes for their clients. Mark Gelfand, general counsel at National Dental and a customer of Teri Axel at Herricks Travel, commented: “My travel agent can do anything, from a birthday celebration in Aruba for 120 people to an intimate getaway in Jamaica with my wife. I just love working with her because she takes on all the stress, and I just go and enjoy myself.”

Then, there’s the matter of sorting out travel challenges when a trip goes awry. A frequent traveler, JP Acco, described: “True story … After a 23-hour flight to Bangkok, the hotel front desk told us our reservation had been canceled. We said, ‘Here is the telephone number of our travel agent. Please call him and ask what happened to our reservation.’ Clerk came back 10 minutes later and said he had found it. In the past, we’ve booked with Expedia and Airbnb and have been disappointed, and had to fix problems ourselves. But that takes patience — and after a 23-hour flight, I have no patience. Get an agent, who needs that stress?”

A customer of travel advisor Sandy Farber said: “We just returned from a trip to Eastern Europe where we had a problem with one of the airlines, and Sandy had us booked on another flight before anyone else on the plane even knew there was a problem.”

In dealing with clients, travel agent John Sposato likes to add in some extras. He said: “I’m a believer in investing in my clients. I purchase things for them to help enhance their trip (a specific excursion, a goodie bag of maps and other items); I email checklists and other documents I have compiled over the years about things to do and top concerns.”

The depth of one agent’s passion for the industry and her clients is demonstrated in a comment She said: “Beyond the industry basics – the industry and product knowledge, time and cost savings, truthful and honest information and some upgraded perks, it really comes down to the fact that I run my business on a ‘Know me, like me, and trust me’ basis. Please DO friend me on Facebook. Please DO ask me questions or tell me things you just want to get off your mind. Please DO come to my Client Appreciation nights so we can say hello.”

Travel is my passion. I opened AST Travel at age 23, this is my 32nd year! My total years in the industry are 38. Once a...

Travel is my passion. I opened AST Travel at age 23, this is my 32nd year! My total years in the industry are 38. Once a client hires me we become friends and I treat everyone as if they are my own Ohana = Family. I love my job working with clients to create their travel experience as a dream come true. I plan groups, custom tailored vacations to Europe. I am a Italy destination expert. I am also a Hawai'i certified expert. With almost 40 years in the travel industry, I can book just about any destination. I have recently booked a custom trip to Ghana and one family to Greece and Italy. Shoot me a text and we can schedule a complementary phone consult.
Feel free to reach out anytime via text/call to Denise @ 510-301-3338. You can also view my home page here on FB, just type Denise Travelqueen King and send a friend request.

Denise King ,Owner
Sr.Travel planner/advisor


Cabanas @ Sheraton Kaua’i. $150 for the entire day! Call or text me to book your Hawaii vacation . Your TravelQueen- Denise @ AST Travel 510.301.3338 text /call


Nothing like a room with a view! Life is good. I ❤️ Kapa’a:-) Call or text me to book your next Hawaii vacation 510.301.3338 Aloha !

I love my job and am so passionate about my clients happiness

I love my job and am so passionate about my clients happiness


Expert travel planning service. Groups, Custom tailored trips to Italy, Greece, Spain & France. Hawa

Specialties: AST Travel & Tours will curate the perfect trip for you. We have over 35 years of travel planning expertise. Experience the ease of how a travel professional can take away your frustration, stress and save you time. We will…


I am offering my cash back of $50 or more for your referrals that book a bundle of flights, hotel, car rental, shuttle serve and activities. Referral must book and begin travel.
***This offer not good on airfare alone, airbnb, or other private home rentals.


Agents Are Travelers’ Best Friends in a Crisis.

I got an email today informing me that the hotel was undergoing renovations and 1/2 of the hotel would be closed. Nice... I have 2 families arriving at this hotel on FRIDAY MARCH 9. After several hours of doing my due diligence, I now know my clients will be ok, and if not, I won't stop trying to get them compensation. No matter who you choose as your travel planner- make sure they are also your advocate.

Rio de Janiero is a bucket list trip for me. What are your bucket list destinations? Call or text Denise 510-301-3338 em...

Rio de Janiero is a bucket list trip for me. What are your bucket list destinations? Call or text Denise 510-301-3338 email: [email protected]


Travel professionals and cruise executives agree there are at least 10 advantages to using the free services offered by a travel agent.


I always tell my clients, Beware of reviews on Trip Advisor, Use instead.

This article below just reaffirms my advise. They delete negative accounts and they allow hotel reviews that are paid for to write good/bad reviews back and forth about hotels next to one another. SMH. Not cool!
“TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel site, enables travelers to unleash the full potential of every trip. With more than 535 million reviews and opinions covering the world's largest selection of travel listings worldwide — over 7 million accommodations, airlines, attractions, and restaurants — TripAdvisor provides travelers with the wisdom of the crowds to help them decide where to stay, how to fly, what to do and where to eat.

TripAdvisor Accused of Deleting Negative Accounts of Mexican Resorts

"TripAdvisor also compares prices from more than 200 hotel booking sites, so travelers can find the lowest price on the hotel that is right for them. TripAdvisor-branded sites are available in 49 markets, and are home to the world’s largest travel community of 415 million average unique monthly visitors, all looking to get the most out of every trip. TripAdvisor: Know better. Book better. Go better,” so says TripAdvisor about itself on its website.

The revelation earlier this week, was that TripAdvisor deleted warnings by r**e and assault victims of resorts where the incidents occurred. The story broke in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Nov. 1, and was covered in TMR on Nov. 2, along with The New York Times, CBS News, AOL, BBC, and many more consumer outlets.
For those in the travel industry, it is no secret that Trip Advisor removes at least some of the 535 million reviews that “provides travelers with the wisdom of the crowds to help them decide where to stay.”

Italy 2017

Italy 2017

Positano , Italy

Positano , Italy


Here's Why You Should Use A Travel Agent Instead Of Booking Online

Travel agents make travel less stressful.
When booking a vacation, small or large groups or honeymoons to families that love cruising, the last thing a traveler should have to do is worry.
“It is a special memory in your lifetime that should only result in a pleasant experience all the way through. A travel agent is vital in planning these special memories as they take the worry off of you and let you focus solely on the exciting events to come and what you shall pack"
They save you time which =money…
Travel professionals can have access to special discount codes and promotions through trusted suppliers. They often can save an additional amount or provide clients with a dining or spa credit that wouldn’t be available when booking through an OTA.

…and time.
In a 2016 survey of more than 1,200 consumers, nearly one-third spent in excess of 6 hours, over multiple days, planning their own vacations. Travel advisors create a custom itinerary, pulling together flights, transfers, accommodation, tours, visits, meals and exclusive visits based on your preferences—so you can spend your time on other things.
They don’t charge hidden fees. All service fees are discussed up front.

In a column for Business Insider, Avery Hartmans described her experience using the Hotels Tonight app for a staycation in New York City – and noted that the prices listed did not include taxes and fees. Hartmans said she was charged an additional $121 in fees for the weekend, an expense she wasn’t expecting; “the extra fees were a bad surprise, and they put us well over budget for the trip,” she said.

They advocate on your behalf.
A Washington state family, as TMR previously reported, received an email a few weeks before its $874 vacation was cancelled due to overbooking. After hours on the phone, Holly Parsons walked away with $500 in Expedia vouchers and three nights in a Holiday Inn Express.

“I feel for this family that has suffered a horrendous experience not only were they left with no refund but also a cancelled trip. That would never have happened if they used a travel agent. “Using one of those websites is taking a risk and can be a setup for a disaster. During peak seasons to find out your trip is cancelled and have no refund is the worst news – but on top of that, trying to scramble to plan something at the last minute is even worse.”

They provide personalized attention.
OTAs provide a one-size-fits-all service, not taking into account the numerous variables that are in play. Travel advisors tailor their services to their clients’ individual needs. Have concerns? They’ll talk you through them. Need a hotel that can cater to your allergies? A travel advisor can speak to hotel managers to make sure it’s taken care of.

“Despite all the websites, clients by the truckload are desperate for a real human voice on the phone. They are clamoring for truly dedicated, genuine customer service and someone willing and eager to sell them what they want,” said Denise King, Owner & Senior consultant at AST Travel.

They offer insurance.
From guaranteeing your hotel is available to knowing if the excursion company is legitimate, booking through a travel agent ensures travelers will not get duped. And they provide insurance for medical emergencies and trip cancellations.

They’re there just about 24/7.
Travel agents are on call . They’re there with you throughout the booking process and follow up afterward. On the other hand, contacting an OTA’s customer service line often means wading through a chain of people. King said she spent six and a half hours over three days speaking with Expedia’s customer service department.

They’re specialists.
Agents have a personal understanding of your interests and insight into a specific destinations and segments of travel, like LGBT or custom tailored vacations. A good travel agent spends time getting to know the customer and so can make recommendations tailored to what you want to do.


Family Left Stranded When Expedia Booking Goes Wrong.

FYI: This just happened to me. I did a friend a favor and it turned into a very stressful situation. I was on the phone for 5 1/2 hours. No compensation from Expedia. This was over and above what anyone should have to endure, especially without pay for all the "extra".

A Washington state family learned how easy it is to find themselves stranded when online travel agent reservations go awry, when a resort overbooked them through Expedia.

Holly Parsons told ABC News in Seattle that she booked a three-night, $874-stay in a condominium at the WorldMark Seventh Mountain Resort in Bend, OR, four months in advance. A few weeks before the getaway, Parsons said she received an email saying that her reservation was cancelled due to overbooking. She was offered no refund at that time.

Expedia told the ABC News affiliate that since the cancellation was “caused by external factors beyond the direct control of Expedia," a policy listed in the company’s terms and conditions, Expedia had “no liability and will make no refund.”

Parsons told ABC that she spent about 6 ½ hours over three days on the phone with Expedia customer service before they offered her $500 in Expedia vouchers and three nights in a Holiday Inn Express near her destination, a lacrosse tournament where one of her sons was competing.

She called her Expedia customer service experience “awful,” “dealing with multiple, multiple people and repeating myself,” and considered the vouchers and offer to do business with Expedia again “a ripoff.”

"I wasn't receiving cash in return. I'm receiving vouchers to do business with an entity that I'm not sure that I ever would want to do — or ever would recommend to do — business with ever again," Parsons said.

Expedia told the ABC News affiliate that "We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration Holly Parsons experienced and can confirm our team contacted her to successfully resolve this case. At Expedia, we strive to provide the highest level of customer service, and any time there is an issue with an Expedia booking, we recommend that our customers contact our excellent customer service team."
Please- this is considered EXCELLENT customer service ?

In an ABC News Good Morning America segment about the story, ABC News pointed out that Expedia and the lodging industry are only obligated by “practice” to rebook overbooked clients, and that there are no laws protecting consumers from these situations.

Here are some tips to reach me. 1. Text 510-301-3338., I usually reply till 10pm 7 days a week. 2. Send me a message fro...

Here are some tips to reach me. 1. Text 510-301-3338., I usually reply till 10pm 7 days a week. 2. Send me a message from the contact form on 3. Go to type in AST TRAVEL Hayward CA , you will see a link saying contact or message the business and 4. Send an email to [email protected]. #1 works best, because text messages literally pop up in front of me . Give it a try and let's make a complimentary telephone consultation about you trip. After we chat we both can see if we are a good fit for one another :=)
I appreciate everyone of you that have reached out to me.

Expert travel planning service. Groups, Custom tailored trips to Italy, Greece, Spain & France. Hawa


Hey friends, just another reminder that we are having a group meet up on Saturday June 24 @ 2pm. I currently only 5 people confirmed. Please let me know if you can attend and I will add you to the group that is under my own page: Denise obligation, we just want to throw around some ideas as see if we can make it work. Looking forward to your replies! I also be reached by text 510-301-3339.
Id be so happy to have 8-10 people. Hit me up friends!!


My short blog is here under Denise TravelQueen King. The page is public. If you care to send me a friend request, please do so. You are all very welcome into my slice of life💜


Please post on my wall the places you really want to travel too in 2018. I think it would be AWESOME if we ended up with one spot a lot of people are thinking of. I will plan a group, the bigger the group, the more discounts I can offer.
LET's do this my travelers. I will be watching out foe your posts!


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Monday 10:30 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:30 - 18:00
Thursday 10:30 - 17:00
Friday 10:30 - 17:00
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