Seasonal Escapade is the result of a creative collaboration between Magda Assanowicz and Alexandra Stratou. We organize a travel workshop that offers a different way of discovering places for curious individuals in search of adventure. Find connection to people, nature and tradition through a carefully curated week of experiences. Stay in local havens that combine simplicity and beauty. Meet local
producers. Learn about seasonality and traditional sustainability. Join us on our next trip to Tinos, Greece starting in May 2017!
A few words about Magda and Alexandra :
Alexandra Stratou is the author of Cooking with Loula, a Greek cookbook honouring family tradition and life. She trained as a professional chef in San Sebastian Spain, and has since worked as a freelance chef. She is also a trained Feldenkrais Practioner, a somatic educational method that increases the student’s awareness of their body and movement. She currently lives in London and believes that the more you interact with the world and the more you allow yourself to challenge preconceptions, the more you can enjoy and savour life! Magda Assanowicz is the founder of Sezonownik: culinary publishing, events and food consulting. She is also a trained philosopher and urban designer and above all a traveller. She gained her experience in Copenhagen, London and Zurich and was a part of an urban project in Bangkok. Currently based in Warsaw, Poland she is constantly curious to discover new tastes, share knowledge and create meaningful projects that will impact your daily life.