Oh, How Mighty Art Thou........
Oh, how mighty art Thou my Lord.
Let me be with Thee.
Cover me when it is all darkness that I see.
Let me be perfect in Your eyes.
Polish the vessel of me.
I am Your servant my Lord.
Let me cling to Thee.
There is no one for me to hold.
The world is engulfing many.
Teach me, how I can walk in faithfulness to Thee.
copyright@Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon
The Song of Hearts.......
Why am I here?
A question I always ask, a question within many questions
that lays dormant in my heart.
Will it be heard when I am gone?
Will it be answered when I am here?
Will it asked always as I live?
My question seem to have an answer, life has life.
''There is a time to live and die, a time to laugh and cry''.
There is a time to give and receive, a time to build.
For life is not always perfect but life has beauty.
Life is not always smooth sailing, but after the storm,
the rain, a rainbow will shine.
Why am I here?
An answer!
The world is for all of us to share.
copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon, 2006
True leaders are servants. They are servant to the goal, servant to the people, and servant to the greatest good of all. True leader educates to lead, inspires to build, serves to give. They give all that they are, selflessly. True leaders do not seek for their own glory, its their leadership that gives them glory. Its their faithfulness to God that writes their name in the pages of history. Not to be forgotten, but to be a living memorial of their greatness. copyright C. Ticzon
To lead is to start from nothing, and ultimately achieve many things. True leadership conceives many things, and gives birth to many lasting fruits. copyright C. Ticzon
If every human society is built fundamentally through beliefs in ones potential, that society built for a hundred years and millions of times can end in a split of a second. God can take everything from us if we make ourselves our god, and not Him.
copyright C. Ticzon
We are not on our own, all around us, great or small are contributors to a human society. Each owe to each other what we are, from the men in the past, and in the present. All are living in a co-existence, whether distant or near. A future can be built more, by the present cherishing the past, and a future who will look back behind, as well as the present looking forward for a bright future. All are capable of leaving an inheritance for the generations to come, as long as we learn and continuously strive to learn more. copyright C. Ticzon
Anybody who sacrifices others for their own end claims no page in the beautiful history of humanity. copyright C. Ticzon
Every human society should build all their strength together, and bind all their weakness as one. So they can step towards a learning process in the achievement of their goals. copyright C. Ticzon
If the cosmos, with all its splendor and grandeur evolved spontaneously, then all its beauty and purpose, as well as every life that is therein will be meaningless.
copyright C. Ticzon
The many strangers in every paradox of every human society is a witness of man’s humanity. An ability to rise above any turmoiled environment, and aim for things greater, than any ruin of a corrupt society. copyright C. Ticzon
Ignorance about the Creator of everything in this universe is ignorance. Knowledge is not enough to understand, the coherence of all this state of equilibrium in a very vast space. Knowledge is not enough, to understand all the beauty and purpose of all things we enjoy. If we enjoy everything that is therein, then who created it for our use and enjoyment? copyright C. Ticzon
If we have no Creator, then every journey in this world is comparable to a bubble, that is so ephemeral. Yet in our journey in this world, we find calls and duties we dedicated our life to. The question is, is it not a purpose? If it is not a purpose, then truly each of us are merely like little floating, tattered, dried leaf being blown away by the wind anywhere, everywhere. copyright C. Ticzon
When God is all, and all is with God, our soul dances in peace. Everything is stilled with joy, and surrender, everything sings gently to cradle our heart in bliss. And pain, sorrow and suffering is no more. copyright@Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon
Anything greater than our self, as we sacrifice self, is a road to greatness, and a path towards God. He is the one who builds the road, He, who is greater than the world. At the end of that road is a beautiful cross, of a life that died, and a life that will always live. copyright@Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon
Our visions in life render unto the world a gift. A gift of purpose for the betterment of ones self with others. For the welfare of humanity and all human race. A beautiful book of life carved by love and devotion for the Giver of all our gifts, the Almighty God. So we can use our gifts and be gifts to others. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
What is intrinsic within us, remains within us, and that is our real self. Our external self perceived by others are different, it always depend on the external stimulus within our environments, be it social, or physical. That is not what we really are. If we so question many things, we cannot get the right answers, because people have different kinds of minds and magnitudes in the way of perception and thinking process. That includes one's moral fabric and spiritual fabric. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
There is only one lifetime to live for all, that lifetime should be spent for the betterment of our self, and betterment of our self with others, with the light of God. We all have to face the good and the bad, accept them, but needs to know the difference, and be not a builder of what is un-whole. We only have one human dignity to build, moments of times to cherish and thank God everyday. It is His gifts. We only have one name, that will ring, in every man's ear, who we are, what we were, and what we can be. A lifetime is like a book, that has many pages, many contents, but one theme. What we are when we face God, our Creator, our Redeemer, the Son of the God of Israel, Jesus.copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
With service comes responsibility, our moral responsibility towards the building of our own self. And when our self is clothed with moral responsibility comes the awareness and desire to step towards our moral responsibility for all. The fulfillment of that responsibility is not in its perfection but in learning we cannot be perfect, yet we are given the gift of time and life to learn and unlearn many things in this arena of lives. So standing, yet very descended, as we lost all our precious gift, our beautiful self which is our likeness to our Creator. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
A rude thought and a rude action is an unresolved mind conflict. As well as happiness that cannot be felt, and cannot be found around. It is a form of death in every human existence. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Isolation is not the solution to be with the outcasts of every human society. We should not be building walls with them but rather have the strength to face both the good and bad. Then know the difference so we do not become a builder of it. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Indifference cultivates a barren mind. copyrightCrescenciana C. Ticzon
Any beautiful gift that last is from God, the giver of all gifts. It is not our human potential neither our wealth, nor beauty that bring us to a pedestal of fame. It is His gifts that allow all our gifts to perpetuate. We are nothing as a human being without God. copyrightCrescenciana C. Ticzon
Our own sense of humanity shields us from the sense of inhumanity of others. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
The ignorance of others and how we react towards it, destroys the ignorance of many around us. It is like destroying our own enemy without hating them. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon.
No weapon is needed to destroy our enemy except love. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
In every beauty and wonder that we see is the hand of God that created it. In every creation that is around us is the wisdom of purpose and existence of everything that belongs to God. It is our responsibility to pay reverence to the original creations, free of human plow and exploitation, for our own end and benefit alone. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Love exist in all creations of God. To multiply and replenish the earth. Love is the perfection of God's gifts. Love is the water that fills the abundance of all. Love is the wind that makes life, life by itself. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Love is the lingering perfume of our human dignity. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Love is the singular, and only standing unseen monument of us, that will live tall through ages. It brings fame and glory to our name, and our human existence. It brings color to many that will never fade away. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Nobility and greatness never die. It lives in the heart of many. It lives in the heart of oppression of the oppressed. It lives in the heart of the ones who are born heroes for other man. And the ones who are called to fight for the weak and the oppressed. In every human society the strong, the gifted, should help protect the weak and the unfortunate. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Love does not divide away from everything. Love unites, builds, nurtures, and teaches the highest lesson in life which is love itself. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon.
Nature and its abundance is the loving mercy of our Creator. copyrightCrescenciana C. Ticzon
The panorama of the beauty of creation speaks anywhere, anytime. It has a thousand language but has no tongue to speak. But it has arms to embrace us in our aloneness. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon.
Love is an immeasurable. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon.
Love is like two pillars standing apart yet loving together. copyright@Cresesenciana C. Ticzon.
The universe and all its gifts is a perfection of God. The universe and all its chaos are the collective evil in man. A characteristic of a descended human race. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon.
Each time that we love selflessly, our own self is filled. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon.
The beautiful specimens of humanity are those who know how to create peace anywhere, bring peace everywhere, and show peace and love wherever it may be. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon.
Peace resides in the heart of a beautiful mind. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Love is nothing but beauty and perfection. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon.
Peace is not only a gift. It is a part of an intelligent character. copyright@Cresenciana Crescenciana C. Ticzon.
Love brings togetherness in spite of distance. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon.
Whether people understand us or not, it is still the same. We do what we need to do and be the highest self that we can be. We do not need any welcoming spirit if there is none. We just have to accept all walks of life. Living our journey in this world is a choice, a freedom, and a vision. The choices are many. But our oneness to goodness is only one. copyright Crescenciana C. Ticzon.
Pain goes with love. Loving someone does not mean our life will be perfectly happy. In the weighing scale of love, the one whom we love the most, is the same one who can make us laugh. It is the same one who can make us cry. Without pain, sacrifice and suffering, love will not reach its summit of perfection and depth of loving. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
In the unflipped page of a man's destiny, lay his greatness which only him and God see. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
God is my dwelling place, God is my hiding place. God is a fortress of refuge where I hide from my rocks of fear. He is the harbor of peace where I walk, when I cannot walk no more. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Our highest vision comes from the inner peace and wisdom given by God. It is a mission we have to accomplish, no matter how bleak the path ahead is. No matter how many crosses we see in front of us are. At the end of the crucifixion of us is the beauty of a life we lived and a faith in Him as strong as a rock. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Love is the highest expression of what we are, of what we were, and what we can be. In the field of love are the fertile seasons of ones heart and the beautiful pages of a memory. Not to be forgotten but carved by the hands of our heart. And to be lived by the mind of unforgetfulness. Like a book that is always left open to be flipped by the fingers of our soul. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
The most beautiful part of us, the most beautiful feeling of us, the most beautiful moment of us, should be kept in a beautiful sanctuary, where only our heart alone can open and close. When the night sings and the sun seemingly shines. In an evening time of a sweet moon's nightingale. copyright@Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon
Inferiority of the mind is telling others we are better than them because of our own potential. And not because of our gifts from God. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Each human journey that we see teaches us of how we want to be. If we know the difference.copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Division is a garden always cultivated by the poor in spirit. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Any human being should not be made as object of mockery and fun. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
It is not the people around our environment that measure who we are, what we are, and what we can be. It is what is within us that gives revelation of everything. It is not other man that will give us honor, it is our own human dignity as we carry it around us and is visible and heard by every heart. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Ignorance is a choice. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
A man maybe born with natural ignorance, and can stay ignorant through the ignorance of choice. A man maybe born surrounded with lesser ignorance, but can compound ignorance all the more. It is through the ignorance of knowing only how to love one's self. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Divisiveness towards a person is ignorance. Divisiveness towards an idea of a person is search for knowledge. A pathway towards our own quest for goodness not inherent within us, but inherent to one. A very serene mind can follow that quest, characteristic of intelligence itself. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Peace is a face of perfection. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
A person maybe be academically brilliant and still have the mind of a fool.
copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
In our most poignant moment is a clear mirror of what we lost and what we long to have back. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
War siphons the wealth of each nation and the destruction of each. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
War increases the wealth of greed of the manufacturers of weapons of war. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Great leaders and great nations do not colonize other nations for their possession. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
War is the timeless defeat of everything. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
Self assertion without weighing the moral right closes open doors for self growth. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
To isolate self and to divide away from others is a form of mediocrity. Our failure to live ethical and productive life. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon
God whispers to our hearts, that the fingers of our hands write the message of His love. He makes our hands, a painter for Him. copyright@Crescenciana C. Ticzon