Memphis Kriya Yoga Center, TN, USA

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Memphis Kriya Yoga Center, TN, USA Kriya Yoga is an ancient method of living and meditation that cultivates body, mind, intellect and

Kriya Yoga is an ancient method of living and meditation that cultivates body, mind, intellect, and awareness of the soul using powerful meditative and yogic disciplines. It helps us to experience the three divine qualities of
* Light,
*Vibration, and
* Divine Sound ,
by using the techniques of Concentration, Postures, and Breathing. This develops a one-pointed mind, which enables us to pe*****

te the deepest levels of consciousness and to change our lives. Kriya Yoga teaches that any action, kri, is done by ya, the indwelling soul. It is a universal spiritual discipline that crosses all divisions and boundaries. The Lineage is followed through Mahavatar Babaji, Sri Lahari Mahasaya, Sriyukteswar ji, Sanyal Mahasaya, Paramahamsa Yogananda ji, Swami Satyananda ii, Paramahamsa Harihahrananda, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda


Musical instruments in spiritual stories are symbolic clues. For example, Shiva had a small drum, and Narada and Saraswati both hold a Veena. When Krishna was in Dwaraka, he gave up his flute and begun using a conch. The flute has a soothing sound whereas the conch has a strong vibrating sound. The conch is used for battle and in worship. The conch is a symbol of nadabrahma, an ancient Sanskrit phrase meaning “the world is sound”. These symbolic clues teach us to make our life more musical and enjoyable. Human life may be compared to a song; the Song of God. Only a fulfilled person can sing the song of life. In silent meditation many different divine sounds are heard. One who has trained the ear to listen, can hear the sound of God within all sounds.

- - - Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji Maharaj - - -

"We must ponder over our faults again and again to free ourselves from stubbornness and ego. We should be grateful to Go...

"We must ponder over our faults again and again to free ourselves from stubbornness and ego. We should be grateful to God and humble toward all. In this way we can grow and love others. A blooming flower smiles with its beauty and radiates aroma; this is not due to ego or arrogance, this is its nature. We should look at our nature and be good children of God, loving and caring for others in every possible manner."

-- Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji Maharaj - - -


Kriya Yoga is an ancient method of living and meditation that cultivates body, mind, intellect and


Guru Purnima
Loving and divine souls,

Let the choicest blessings of God and the masters be upon all of you. I take this opportunity to pray for you, and I send my best wishes on the occasion of Shri Guru Purnima, which is on Sunday, 21 July, 2024.

This is the annual celebration on the full moon day of July in the month of Ashadha in the Vedic calendar. It is the birthday of Sage Vyasa Deva, who represents all the gurus of all times and places. On this auspicious day students and disciples visit the abode of the guru and offer their love and adoration with gratitude. The gurus, on the other hand, shower their love and blessings abundantly on the disciples. It is a special event, only once every year.

On this day the ashram or home of the guru–preceptor is filled with an environment of celebration. Shri Gurudev was always present at the feet of his Gurudev or in his ashram since he was a teen, after he was initiated by Shri Bijoy Krishna. Then he was with Swami Shriyukteshwarji. In 1938 he went to Puri and started his austere sadhana that led him to the state of perfection. Later he accepted the life of a guru–preceptor. Guru Purnima had double significance for him as a disciple and as a guru–preceptor. He was always respectful and worshipful toward his gurus. He was caring and inspiring to his disciples.

Let us examine his life that took a new turn in 1974, about half a century ago. He was born on the full moon day. He left his home in 1938 and reached Puri on the full moon day of June for his life of renunciation and sadhana. In 1974 Shri Gurudev left India for the first time. He landed in the West on June 4, which coincidentally was the full moon day.

It is a beautiful point to note that July 4, 1974 was Guru Purnima. Fifty years ago Shri Gurudev was for the first time away from India in Europe, and he brought Vedic culture and the age-old spiritual practice of Kriya Yoga with him. In our lineage this might have been the first Guru Purnima in the West, and it was in Germany. Shri Gurudev left Europe on July 12, 1974 at the instruction of his beloved Gurudev Swami Shriyukteshwarji.

Fifty years have passed. We now celebrate Guru Purnima in many countries in the world and in different ashrams all over the world.

On Guru Purnima our real love offering will be our devotion, determination, and dedication. If we sincerely follow the teachings of Shri Gurudev in particular and the teachings of our lineage of masters in general, we will truly change our lives. This will be our true offering to the gurus in our lineage.

We are blessed and fortunate to be on the path of Kriya Yoga. We are blessed by its universal message of loving God and God’s creation during every breath. This practice will transform our lives and create dynamic change in the entire world.

Let this Guru Purnima be a day of firm determination to practice sincere sadhana and self-discipline. I bow to all of you again as the living presence of God and gurus.

With Love,


Ego is body-consciousness. Ego is the feeling of “I am the doer”. Ego is the root cause of attachment, aggression and em...

Ego is body-consciousness. Ego is the feeling of “I am the doer”. Ego is the root cause of attachment, aggression and emotion. Find the source of ego and try to erase it. The things valued by ego such as wealth, beauty, status and intelligence, are not permanent. When we die, we must leave everything behind, and we do not know which breath will be our last. Let us overcome ego. An easy way to bend the ego, is to bow. Bow down to your parents; bow down to the teacher and bow down to God. This is an easy, simple yogic technique to free ourselves from the clutches of ego. A life free from ego is peaceful and full of acceptance.

- - - Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji Maharaj - - -

Time has wings; it moves fast. With the passage of time, the body grows older. Along with that, we also gather pleasant ...

Time has wings; it moves fast. With the passage of time, the body grows older. Along with that, we also gather pleasant and unpleasant experiences. A skillful, successful person always keeps him or herself busy, never giving undue attention to unpleasantness, as the goal is more important than the trivial happenings of daily life.

~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

labhyate api tat krupayaiva : Sutra 40: Narad Bhakti Sutra( The company of great souls) is attained by His grace alone. ...

labhyate api tat krupayaiva : Sutra 40: Narad Bhakti Sutra

( The company of great souls) is attained by His grace alone.

Good company is possible only through His (tat) grace and through the grace of great people. With good company, we are in God’s company. Without good company, we cannot achieve clarity of mind.
The grace of God and the compassion of great people help us evolve. Accepting and feeling God’s grace in everything is the foundation of spiritual life. When we experience Satsangh ( good company), we should be thankful to God.

- - - From Eternal Love: the Bhakti Sutra of Narad Explained: by Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji Maharaj - - -

What is time? Life is nothing but time. Just as many small rings join together to make as beautiful chain, every moment ...

What is time?

Life is nothing but time. Just as many small rings join together to make as beautiful chain, every moment joins to the next to create as day or as month, and eventually our lifetimes. We regularly change the calender but we do not change our attitudes so easily. Now is the time to change our lives in as positive way. Life is nothing but as flow of time that can be compared to a wheel that keeps our lives in motion. Everything is gradually influenced by the flux of change that never waits or offers us a choice.

~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Mahamrityunjaya Session to Support Rio Grande do Sul in Southern Brazil -  June 3, 2024 Dear Divine Ones,This is a follo...

Mahamrityunjaya Session to Support Rio Grande do Sul in Southern Brazil - June 3, 2024

Dear Divine Ones,

This is a follow-up to the earlier email about the flooding crisis in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In that email we told you about a Zoom session that is being hosted by Ashram Brasil, in which they will be chanting the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra 108 times to support citizens of Rio Grande do Sul and everyone who needs prayers.

Unfortunately, the link that was shared was incomplete. If you would like to join this session please use the following link:

Also, if needed:

The meeting id is: 2272830664

The passcode is: 100859

We hope that you can participate, on Monday, in both the Chain Meditation and the chanting of Mahamrityunjaya for the benefit of all that are in need.

Thank you so much for your compassionate service.

With humble regards,

Mother Center

Kriya Yoga Institute
24757 SW 167th Ave., Homestead, FL 33031

Global Chain Meditation to Support Rio Grande do Sul in Southern Brazil -  June 3, 2024 Dear Divine Ones,Our humble pran...

Global Chain Meditation to Support Rio Grande do Sul in Southern Brazil - June 3, 2024

Dear Divine Ones,

Our humble pranams to you all. We have recently learned that there has been great flooding in the South of Brazil in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. This Southern Brazilian State, which is home to almost 11 million people, has been experiencing historic rain and floods that is most likely associated with global warming. As a result more than 2 million people have been displaced, 169 deaths, 800 injured, and 56 people are missing.

The storms, rain and flooding have been going on since the end of April and only recently has the water begun to recede in some of the cities; others are still under water.

You can read more about this environmental crisis by clicking this link.

Ashram Brazil in Sao Paulo is organizing a Chain Meditation, to take place on Monday, June 3rd from 5 am to 7 pm, in support of the vast number of people that have been dramatically impacted by these events.

If you would like to join this meditation to support those who have been affected by the storms and flooding in Rio Grande do Sul, please register for the meditation by clicking this link and give the hours that you will be meditating.

To see how the registration for the chain meditation is unfolding, you can click on this link:

On the same day, at 7:30 pm Brazilian time (6:30 pm EDT), we will chant the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra 108 times together at the Brazilian Ashram, in Sao Paulo, in favor of the citizens of Rio Grande do Sul and everyone who needs prayers. Afterwards, they will have a guided meditation open to everyone. This event will be in person at the Brazilian Ashram, and broadcast online via zoom:

We hope that you can join this chain meditation and thank you for supporting those in Brazil that are affected by this crisis.

With humble regards,

Mother Center
Kriya Yoga Institute
24757 SW 167th Ave., Homestead, FL 33031

Today is the auspicious Birth Anniversary of Param Pujya Gurudev ( 27 May 2024).  Let us reaffirm our commitment to the ...

Today is the auspicious Birth Anniversary of Param Pujya Gurudev ( 27 May 2024). Let us reaffirm our commitment to the spiritual path shown and treaded by Him. Let us remember Him today with deep love n gratitude and forever. Let us commit our lives to a life of discipline and service.
With love n gratitude 🙏 🙏🙏

Paramahamsa Hariharananda Giri~ a brief glimpse into the life of the great divine Yogi and Master

Paramahamsa Hariharananda Giri was born on 27th May 1907 in the hamlet of Habibpur , on the banks of the sacred river Ganga in the district of Nadia in West Bengal, India which is few kilometers away from the birth place of famous saint, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu of 15th Century to the divine couple of Nabinkali Devi and Haripada Bhattacharya. His childhood name was Rabindranath.
A child prodigy well versed in Vedic mantras and hymns, he took the vow of Brahmacharya ( Upanayan Ceremony) at the age of 11 and was initiated into Jnana Yoga at the age of 12 by Bijoy Krishna Chattopadhya, a householder realized Master.
He completed his degree in Textile Engineering and got into a service career which he left to further his spiritual journey through Kriya Yoga.

1932 was a momentous year. He met Swami Shriyukteshwarji in the Serampore ashram and was initiated into Kriya Yoga. Swami Shriyukteshwarji taught him cosmic astrology and entreated him to move in and take charge of the famous Karar Ashram in Puri, Orissa. In Swami Shriyukteshwarji’s gracious company, he crossed the stages of first Kriya. He then received second Kriya from Paramahamsa Yogananda after witnessing Yoganandaji’s samadhi during Yoganandaji’s return to India in 1935.

Two years after the mahasamadhi of Swami Shriyukteshwarji in 1938, he went to Puri and stayed in a rented house near the seashore in Puri. Many people reported having seen the physical body of Swami Shriyukteshwarji after his worldly departure. Before he moved to Puri, he instructed a friend to find a house to rent there. His friend met an old monk who directed him to rent a certain house near the sea, where he lived for some time. The old monk who showed the place to his friend was actually Swami Shriyukteshwarji. Later, Swami Shriyukteshwarji instructed him to henceforth live in the Karar Ashram. From that day onward, he lived in the ashram as Brahmachari Rabinarayan, leading an ascetic life, fulfilling the grand wish of Swami Shriyukteshwarji

In 1940, he mastered kechari, bhramari, and shambhavi. During this time, an effulgence of supernatural divine light started glowing around his body, producing ineffable awe and spiritual ecstasy in many. In 1940 and 1941, he learned third Kriya from Swami Satyananda Giri. From 1943 to 1945, the last higher Kriya initiations were given by Shrimat Bhupendranath Sanyal, a realized householder disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya. In 1944, he was taught some intricacies of meditation and spiritual life by a mysterious, anonymous yogi. From 1946 to 1948, he attained different states of samadhi, including nirvikalpa samadhi.

After following a strict spiritual practice of sincere meditation and maintaining silence for many years, Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj graced him with two long-cherished visits in 1949 at Karar Ashram, showering him with blessings and prophesizing that his mission would be to spread Kriya Yoga to the East and West. He later traveled to the famous Ranikhet in the Himalayas to visit Babaji Maharaj, but only heard Babaji’s voice instruct him to spread Kriya Yoga throughout the world.

In 1950, he was appointed by Paramahamsa Yogananda as the acharya of the Karar Ashram. From that day on, he worked tirelessly for the spiritual advancement of the disciples on the spiritual path. Aware of his spiritual attainment, in 1951 Paramahamsa Yogananda empowered Brahmachari Rabinarayan to initiate sincere seekers into Kriya Yoga. Thus, he started his long missionary work that took him to the length and breadth of his beloved India. He was also blessed with the highest spiritual attainment, the paramahamsa stage.

On September 27, 1958, Mother Goddess Kali, his presiding deity, appeared before him with all effulgence of light and radiant splendor, instructing him to work ceaselessly for the spiritual uplifting of the world, assuring him of her blessings on his work teaching Kriya Yoga.

On his fifty-second birthday on May 27, 1959, he was initiated into sannyasa by the world renowned sannyasi Jagadguru Bharati Krishna, the Shankaracharya of Gobardhana Peetha, Puri. Casting off his previous name Brahmachari Rabinarayan, he became Swami Hariharananda Giri.

He first went to west 1974. He went to Switzerland and later on to Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, England and many other European countries. In 1975, he went to USA, Canada and South America.
He was the head of Karar Ashram for a longtime. He founded Kriya Yoga Institute in USA in 1976 and Kriya Yoga Foundation in Holland in 1993 and Kriya Yoga Centre in Austria in 1995. These organizations are actively propagating India’s spiritual wisdom to aspiring seekers. He also guided the start of Prajnana Mission to teach spiritual wisdom and conduct charitable activities.
He had authored many books with yogic and metaphorical interpretations in scientific ways. His books on Kriya Yoga, Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads are highly valued.
Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji entered into Mahasamadhi on December 3, 2002 at Miami, Florida. His blessed body was brought to Odisha where it was given State Guard of Honor by the Government of Odisha. His sacred body was laid to rest in the premises of Hariharananda Gurukulam premises at Balighai, 10 kms from the sacred city of Puri.

APARIGRAHA- Non-covetousness- Yama 5aparigraha sthairya janma kathamta sambodhah . Sutra 39When one is steady in non-cov...

APARIGRAHA- Non-covetousness- Yama 5

aparigraha sthairya janma kathamta sambodhah . Sutra 39

When one is steady in non-covetousness, then arises the knowledge of the how and wherefore of birth.

Parigraha means “holding, possessing and acceptance.” The first acceptance or possession is body. From possession comes attachment. With passage of time one develops attachment to family, friends, and other possessions.
Aparigraha is not to receive, not to accept, and not to desire what belongs to others. It is the attitude or practice of removal of greed. A sincere seeker should be moderate and simple in life style should not keep or hanker after whatever is non-essential.
Aparigraha in reality is non-attachment to the body and body related activities. It is the art of living a simple life without possessiveness and attachment. It is plain living and high thinking.
Doing one’s own work without depending upon others is also aparigraha.
What is the benefit ?
One gains the knowledge of the mysteries of life- the why and how - as well as knowledge about the law of karma. The sage has used the word sambodha; perfect knowledge.
If you want to posses anything, possess your beloved, God, in your thoughts, words and activities.

Excerpts from The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali by Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji Maharaj

Dear Divine Ones,It is so good to connect with you. This is an announcement about talks that Shri Guruji Paramahamsa Pra...

Dear Divine Ones,

It is so good to connect with you. This is an announcement about talks that Shri Guruji Paramahamsa Prajnanananda will be giving from the Temple of Compassion on May 18 and 19.

On Saturday, May 18, he will be speaking at 6:00 pm CDT. And on Sunday he will be speaking again from TOC at 4:00 pm. The theme of his talks has not been shared; it will be a surprise that we look forward to.

We are grateful for this opportunity to listening to Shri Guruji's teachings. Both of his talks will be live-streamed on our Kriya Yoga Masters Live YouTube Channel.

Schedule of Shri Guruji's Talks:

● Saturday, May 18 - Temple of Compassion
6:00 pm CDT (7:00 pm EDT, 12:00 am BST*, 1:00 am CEST*, 4:30 am IST*)

● Sunday, May 19 - Temple of Compassion
4:00 pm CDT (5:00 pm EDT, 10:00 pm BST, 11:00 pm CEST, 2:30 am IST*)

* In these time zones, the actual time for Shri Guruji's talk will be one day later than the time in Texas.

You can view both the live and recorded versions of this talk on our
Kriya Yoga Masters Live YouTube Channel.

We hope you can join these sessions and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to listen to Shri Guruji's teachings.

With loving and humble regards,

The Mother Center

Kriya Yoga Institute
24757 SW 167th Ave
Homestead, FL 33031
Tel: 305-247-1960

Kriya Yoga Institute24757 SW 167th Ave.Homestead, FL 33031-1364

Memphis Kriya yoga centre initiation event successfully done this weekend and Mother’s Day celebration as well!

Memphis Kriya yoga centre initiation event successfully done this weekend and Mother’s Day celebration as well!

Jai Guru,On this auspicious occasion of 169 Birth Anniversary ( 10 May 2024) of our loving Master Sw Shriyukteshwar Giri...

Jai Guru,
On this auspicious occasion of 169 Birth Anniversary ( 10 May 2024) of our loving Master Sw Shriyukteshwar Giri, let us offer our deep love and heartfelt gratitude at His lotus feet and at the feet of all the Masters.
With love n humility.
Sw Shriyukteshwar Giri
Birth Anniversary (10 May 1855)

A worthy disciple of Lahiri Mahashaya, Priyanath Karar, constantly absorbed in God consciousness, deep in the shambhavi state, and introverted, was none other than the world renowned Swami Shriyukteshwar Giri.

What ancient sages and saints had practiced and put into scriptures, he translated in his own life by passing through all the four ashramas (stages) of Hindu life: brahmacharya(celibacy), grihastha (householder, family life), vanaprastha (life of seclusion), andsannyasa (renunciation) with achievement of four purusarthas: dharma, artha, k**a, andmoksha to mark his illustrious life as complete and all perfect.

Swami Shriyukteshwar Giri was born to a disciplined, punctilious, and diligent landowner father, Kshetranath Karar, and a devout, pious, and pure mother, Kadambini Devi, on the tenth of May, 1855 in Serampore on the banks of the holy river Ganga. Originally named Priyanath Karar, he was brilliant, inquisitive, fearless, bold, highly spiritual, reasonable, and logical from his very childhood. His innate, deep-rooted tendency to quest inwardly and his unquenchable thirst for knowledge helped him pass all his school examinations successfully and then attend college and medical school.

After the death of his father, under the guidance of his God-conscious mother, he married according to his mother's wish. Despite his many achievements, his family life, his medical knowledge, his mastery of astronomy and astrology, and his knowledge of many languages, including English, French, Hindi, Bengali, and Sanskrit, he still thirsted for something more. An intense desire for God-realization drove him to visit sages and saints. His quest remained unanswered until he met Shri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahashaya in Kashi (Benares) and became his disciple. From the auspicious day of his initiation into Kriya Yoga, Priyanath devoted himself sincerely to meditation and Kriya practice in close correspondence and company with Lahiri Mahashaya. He was so dear to Lahiri Mahashaya’s heart and mind that Lahiri Mahashaya addressed him as Priya (loved one) to show his special affection for him.

Upon returning to Serampore from the Kumbha Mela, he started the holy project, as directed by Babaji Maharaj, of writing a synthesis between Western philosophy and Eastern mysticism. He soon completed the work titled Kaivalya Darshana (The Holy Science), and Babaji Maharaj, as promised, privileged Priyanath with his darshan when he was coming out from his bath in the river Ganga after meditating the whole night. Babaji Maharaj declined visiting the ashram even with Priyanath's heart moistening entreaties. The elation he had while rushing to the ashram and returning with milk and fruits to offer to Babaji Maharaj soon withered away when he found Babaji no more, and in great wrath he threw them away. This fury of anger did not remain hidden from Babaji Maharaj. On the occasion of his meeting with Babaji Maharaj in Lahiri Mahashaya's house, the great master admonished him not to be angry and show conceit.

On March 22, 1903, the day of Vernal Equinox according to Priyanath’s cosmic astrology, not the conventional April 13 or 14, he established a hermitage named Karar Ashram in Puri Nilachaladham and adjacent to the seashore. It was a milestone in the history of Kriya Yoga. Brought from the labyrinthine caverns of the Himalayas to the plains by his master, Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahashaya, Kriya Yoga was spread by his worthy disciple Shriyukteshwarji to mingle with the infinite ocean.

As revealed beforehand to his disciple Narayan, Swami Shriyukteshwar entered intomahasamadhi on the 9th of March, 1936, in Puri Karar Ashram. A worthy disciple can be a worthy master. He produced many worthy God-realized and world-renowned disciples such as Paramahamsa Yogananda and Paramahamsa Hariharananda, who successfully fructified their master's dream by spreading Kriya Yoga to every nook and corner of the world. The stunning account of his resurrection before Yoganandaji in a Mumbai hotel after his mahasamadhi, narrating his sojourn in hiranyaloka, and appearing before Paramahamsa Hariharananda and other disciples many times, fills devotees with spiritual vibrations. His five quintessential nuances — self-control, steadiness in spiritual practice, deep scriptural insight, self-surrender, and strict discipline — remain as priceless treasures for Kriya practitioners wishing to ascend to the Ultimate.

Easter Message from GURUJI , Mar 31, 2024 Loving and divine souls, Let the choicest blessings of God and the masters be ...

Easter Message from GURUJI , Mar 31, 2024

Loving and divine souls,

Let the choicest blessings of God and the masters be upon all of you.

On the occasion of Holy Easter I invoke the blessings of Jesus on the entire creation.

Jesus is the son of God, and he proved it during his divine life. All of us are the children of Divinity, but most of us do not think about this truth.

Jesus knew very well that his body was the temple and that the spirit of God dwelled in it. Do we remember this? Realizing this truth is far away.

We visit man-made temples, synagogues, churches, and mosques and pray and worship there with our sense organs.

However, we constantly forget that our bodies, all living bodies, are temples of the Divine. A constant flow of breath moves through all living beings, in plants, insects, and animals.

With every breath we should love our bodies and all living bodies as the loving temples of living Divinity. We should rise above all forms of fear, including death. We should realize our true nature of immortality.

Let us not waste a single breath in ego and ignorance. Let us not waste a single thought in negativity and arrogance. Let us not waste a single word with pride and jealousy. Let us not miss the opportunity to serve creation with our healing hands.

On the occasion of Holy Easter, I bow to all of you and pray for the entire creation.
With Love,

Jai Guru 🪷Pujya Shri Guruji's  Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji'sUSA Program Schedule(April - May, 2024) April 17th: Public D...

Jai Guru 🪷
Pujya Shri Guruji's Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji's
USA Program Schedule
(April - May, 2024)

April 17th: Public Discourse @
Los Angeles, CA
Topic - Manifesting Peace in Challenging Times
Time: 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm
Location: Holy Spirit Retreat Center Chapel, 4316 Lanai Road, Encino, CA 91436
Contacts and Registration:

April 23: Discourse and Blessings @ Phoenix, AZ
5:30 pm – Guided Meditation (for kriyavans)
7:00 pm – Blessings and Discourse from Shri Guruji
Contacts and Registration:

April 24: Public Discourse @ Phoenix, AZ
Topic: The Science of Breath and the Path to Freedom
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Mesa Community College (LB - 145)
Contacts and Registration:

April 25 - 29: Spring Retreat @
Temple of Peace
Theme: Freedom from Unwanted Thoughts
Contacts and Registration:

April 27: Public Discourse @
Lakewood, CO
Topic: Values to cultivate for a happy family life.
Time: 5:oo pm - 7:00 pm
Location: Lakewood Cultural Center, 470 S Allison Pkwy, Lakewood, CO 80226
Contacts and Registration -

April 30: Public Discourse @
Columbus, OH
Topic: Be Calm & Be Active! How?
Time: 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: American Legion, 393 E College Ave., Westerville, OH 43081
Contacts and Registration:

May 1: Darshan and Satsang @ Columbus, OH
6pm - Guided Kriya Meditation (for kriyavans)
7 pm - Discourse
Topic - Meditation for Self-Transformation
Location: 6797 N High St. Suite #333, Worthington, OH 43085
Contacts and Registration:

May 2-7: Darshan and Retreat @
Temple of Harmony
Theme: Rejoicing in the holy company of beloved Gurudev
Contacts and Registration:

May 4: Public Discourse @ Palatine, IL
Topic: Mindfulness and Mental Health
Time: 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: Harper College (Wojcik conference center), Palatine
Contacts and Registration:

May 8: Public Discourse @ Bay Area, CA
Topic: Integral Health, Meditation : Mental and Spiritual Well-Being
Time: 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Jain Center of North California, Milpitas, CA 95035
Contacts and Registration -

May 11 - 15: Foundation Day retreat @ Temple of Meditation
Contacts and Registration:

May 16: Public Discourse @
Dallas, TX
Contacts and Registration:

May 17: Public Discourse @
Dallas, TX
Contacts and Registration:

May 18-19: Darshan and Satsang @ Temple of Compassion
Contacts and Registration:

May 21-27: Shri Gurudev's Birthday program @ Kriya Yoga Institute
Contacts and Registration:

May 25: Mind Body Wellness Symposium @ Coral Gables, FL

Topic: Mind Body Wellness - Integrating Medical Science and Spirituality
Time: 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Location: Shalala Student Center - University of Miami
Contacts and Registration:

Kriya Yoga Institute
24757 SW 167th Ave.
Homestead, FL 33031-1364
Phone - (305) 247-1960
Email - [email protected]

As long as your breath does not flow through the middle path of the sushumna, as long as your mind is not fixed steadily...

As long as your breath does not flow through the middle path of the sushumna, as long as your mind is not fixed steadily in the atom point because of restless breathing and thoughts, as long as meditation does not become natural and easy, whatever knowledge one speaks is full of vanity, falsehood and babbling.

~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda


Gurudev not only loved his fellow humans, he also loves animals. He had a special love for cows and at each Ashram in India, he carefully supervises the cowshed, and looks after the health of each animal. When I was still a student and started living in the Ashram of Bhubaneswar, I also took care of the cows. Among many other duties, I had to clean the cowshed, and feed the cows twice a day. Once in the Karar Ashram, one of the cows was having a very difficult delivery. The veterinarian was delayed. The situation was getting critical, Gurudev asked me bring some soap, oil and hot water. After cleaning his hands, he put some oil on them, and expertly helped the cow in what was a very complicated delivery. At this point the veterinarian arrived, and between them the calf was delivered. The cow was safe but the calf, due to its traumatic birth, was having difficulty in breathing. The pulse was very low and it was about to die. The veterinarian was helpless. Gurudev told me immediately to go to his room and bring two medicines; one was a homeopathic medicine, Pulsatilla and the other was Decadron, a life saving injection that increases the pulse, circulation and blood pressure. I hurried away. A human dose was appropriate for a calf also. The doctor was really amazed that Gurudev was so quick-witted to use these two life-saving drugs. He gave the injection to the calf, while Gurudev put some Pulsatilla drops inside the calf’s mouth. Within a few minutes, the calf regained its strength and stood up and started sucking milk from its mother. The doctor was so relieved at the unexpected outcome that he came and took some fruits in the Ashram. The next day he came, together with his wife and took initiation from Gurudev. Both became devoted disciples. Gurudev’s love for cows is special, he says that cow is the beauty of an Ashram.

- - - Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji Maharaj - - -



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