I asked him "what's the worst thing that has ever happened to you?" He responded, "Someone once gave me a bad sandwich with anchovies."
This is Tony. Tony was born in Wasington D.C. and has been here for fifty years. He has worked full-time at grocery stores, specifically in human resources at executive branches. At fifty years-old, he considers himself retired. He stays in shelters at night, and he told me that the "government helps the people who help themselves, so the government helps me." The entire interview he was laughing and wouldn't stop dancing. Wondering if he would take any question seriously, I asked him "what's the worst thing that has ever happened to you?" He responded, "Someone once gave me a bad sandwich with anchovies." He is most proud of the time when he spoke about Black History Month on Nightline. When I asked for advice he told me, "If you don't have anything good to say then keep your mouth shut."