Take that road trip with your loved ones. My aunt and I kept making these plans, to travel together after her retirement. She retired too late and passed away too early, for us to enjoy those months together. The past two road trips, have probably been the worst times, one has spent on the road. Loss is never easy but loosing someone who has been by your side through the worst of times, is even harder. But that’s the thing about the road, it makes it easier to grieve, to reminisce and to look at the bigger picture and to enjoy the night. I believe, everyone I love, whether dead or alive, will know how I feel when I look up at them. That the sky connects us through distance and death. So, take that trip and spend time under the skies, so that when they’re gone, it keeps you together.
Happy New Year Jaanemans! Have a great year with your loved ones...make some fabulous memories, take lots of pictures and hug them as tight as you can! For the ones who are struggling... emotionally, physically, mentally or financially- khudda reham kare hum sabke dilo pe! Hope things look up for everyone. Love and light. Rabb Rakha
#vrindavan #notasolotrip #roadtrip #RoadTrip2022 #saadiyakocharphotography #saadiyakochar #saadiyakocharphotography
#solotravels #solotraveller #roadtrip #RoadTrip2022 #roadtripindia #ludhiana
As soon as this pandemic is over, I need to wander aimlessly. This was my 54th day on the road ( tan’s awesome). Driving from Lucknow to Delhi. #Throwback #54daysontheroad #throwback #2017throwback
#agra #roadtrip2021 #photowalli #photowalligadee #photographer
This year one was supposed to spend a month on the road, again. But due to the ongoing pandemic, that’s not possible. To be able to get up and go wherever one wants, drive for as long as one can and stop as one was pleases, traveling for me has always been more about the journey than the destination. I miss seeing the sunrise on an empty highway, sleeping in my car, stopping at a tea stall in the middle of night. I miss the wind blowing through my hair, while the music blares in the background and one hand holds on to the steering wheel and the other plays with the wind. I miss being lost and being afraid and ecstatic, all at the same time and ofcourse I miss arguing with men! #roadtripping #roadtripping2017 #solotravel #solotraveler #solotravelstories #solofemaletravel #solofemaletraveler
The few of us who continue to believe in the idea of a #secularstate. Our numbers are reducing rapidly. #wagahborder #brotherhood #secularindia