Up until now, test preparation for busy professionals usually consists of hours of solitary reading and rereading or a lengthy power point deck with a presenter who reads the slides to a room of passive adults. Robbins Review provides research-based, effective, engaging, and reliable test preparation for aspiring LEED professionals. Robbins Review LEED education and test preparation method is:
) Research-based – You understand the importance of research and data. All of our instructional practices are based on education research. By understanding the science behind how one learns and retains information, we can make the most of your experience with Robbins Review.
2) Effective – You are a taking a test preparation course because you want to pass the LEED exam. We designed our courses to ensure your success.
3) Engaging – You are busy. Studying can be tedious and time-consuming. Robbins Review is committed to making your preparation as interactive and as interesting as possible. We believe that the skills and knowledge you gain through the LEED certification process should be applicable not only to the test, but also your “real-world” professional life.
4) Reliable – You are counting on us. Robbins Review specializes in LEED test preparation. The information we gather and pass along to you is the most current and pertinent to your goals.