Territorially, LUQUILLO is a small municipality, located in front of the Atlantic Ocean, with El Yunque and the high mountains in the background. READ AND TELL US…how is so much possible in just 26 square miles?
.…. It is part of the EL YUNQUE NATIONAL FOREST, one of the most studied and important tropical forests IN THE WORLD...... shares with Fajardo the NORTHEAST ECOLOGICAL CORRIDOR NATURAL RESERVE considered one of the areas of HIGHEST ECOLOGICAL VALUE in Puerto Rico...… The Leatherback is the largest living turtle ON THE PLANET and this reserve is one of the largest nesting areas for Leatherbacks in Puerto Rico (and 1 of the 3 most important in the US jurisdiction). The monitoring reports will give you a good idea:
- From 1993 to 2007, 3,188 nests were recorded.
- with an average annual nesting of 213. (excellent)
- on SAN MIGUEL BEACH 1,181 nests.
- at PLAYA LAS PAULINAS 1,159 nests.
- Both with the largest number of nests are in ¡LUQUILLO!
- The SABANA RIVER is 8 miles long and rises in the mountains at an altitude of 1,900'.
- the RĪO PITAHAYA measures 7 miles and is born in the mountains at 1,325' high, it has 2 mouths; about 1,200 meters from each other.
- The JUAN MARTÍN RIVER is 4 miles long and rises in the mountains at an altitude of 843' JUAN MARTÍN was a Spanish conqueror, colonizer and miner living in the City of Puerto Rico (Caparra).
……. LUQUILLO has 12 LINEAR MILES OF BEACH: in addition to Playa Azul, Mameyes, Costa Azul, La Bandera, La Selva; have ..…
……. LA MONSERRATE SPA (LUQUILLO BEACH) is the most famous and one of the busiest in the entire national territory, obtaining the prestigious International Blue Flag Award. Outside the country, in the international tourist world… “LUQUILLO BEACH” is as famous as “EL YUNQUE FOREST” or “OLD SAN JUAN”; have ...
……… LA PARED BEACH … a asandy bottom and good waves to practice SURF almost ALL YEAR has made it VERY popular both nationally and internationally; have ..….…… LAS PAILAS .. in the Sabana River is one of the BEST (and fun) NATURAL JETTING. In the same course of the river you can enjoy 2, or 3, or 4 ponds in just minutes, depending on how far you walk.
YOU ALREADY READ, NOW TELL US… how is so much possible in just 26 square miles?