Patrícia Pinto Serviços de Tradução/Revisão Lda. - English, French, Port.

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Patrícia Pinto Serviços de Tradução/Revisão Lda. - English, French, Port. Translations/Proofreadings- Portuguese, French and English
Traduções/Revisões-Pt, Fr e Inglês
Traductions/Relectures-Portugais, Français et Anglais

Tradutora/Revisora/Freelancer de Inglês e Francês para Português Europeu e vice versa, com alguns conhecimentos de Russo e também Espanhol. Certificada pela ESECB desde 2001, com 16 anos de experiência. Profissional polivalente, com experiências adquiridas em diferentes áreas de formação, trabalhando, igualmente e simultaneamente em ambientes de Administração e Gestão desde 2008. Formadora certifi

cada desde 2009 e Mentora desde 2010. Tradução de documentos, legendas, documentários, livros, glossários, websites e afins, nas áreas das ciências, arte, música, vestuário, artesanato, cultura, cinema, humanidade, religião, filosofias, sociedades, desporto, danças, moda, beleza, mitos e lendas, lei, instituições bancárias, medicinas holísticas e alternativas, medicina convencional, jogos, IA, etc. Certified Translator/Proofreader/Freelance, from English and French into European Portuguese and vice versa; some knowledge of Russian, Italian and Spanish as well. Certified from ESECB since 2001. Certified Manager and Trainer since 2008, and Mentor, since 2009. A multi task professional; experience acquired in different areas of expertise by working, simultaneously, in Administration and Management environments since 2010. Translation of documents, books, glossaries, websites, a.s.on. Areas such as: sciences, art, music, clothing, crafts, culture, cinema, humanity, religion, philosophies, society, cultures, sports, dances, myths, gaming, fashion, healthcare, medical fields, alternative and holistic medicines, IT, banking, law, and others. Traducteur/Correcteur/Freelance du Français et Anglais vers le Portugais et vice versa; une certaine connaissance du Russe, Italien et Espagnol, certifiée depuis 2001. Polyvalent professionnel. Expérience acquise dans différents domaines de la formation et simultanément dans des environnements d'Administration et de Gestion. Formatrice certifiée depuis 2008 et Mentore depuis 2009. Traduction de documents, livres, glossaires, documentaires etc., dans les sciences, l'art, la musique, l'habillement, l'artisanat, la culture, le cinéma, l'humanité, les religions, la philosophie, les mythes, la société, les sports, danses, la mode, les parfums, la beauté, les médecines holistiques et alternatives, domaines médicaux, loit, la banque, etc.



Curiosities 📎

Curiosities 📎

Porque nas línguas mais faladas nessa região do mundo, como o hindi, o persa e o quirguiz, “-istão” quer dizer “lugar de morada” de um determinado povo ou etnia. De acordo com esse princípio, Cazaquistão 🇰🇿, por exemplo, significa “território dos cazaques”; Quirguistão 🇰🇬, “território dos quirguizes”; Afeganistão 🇦🇫, “território dos afegãos” e assim por diante.

É algo equivalente a adicionar os sufixos “-lândia” (que vem de land, “terra”, nas línguas germânicas) ou “-polis” (“cidade”, em grego) ao final de nomes. Petrópolis é a cidade de Pedro, Teresópolis, a de Teresa. Suazilândia é a terra dos suázis – mas, o país mudou de nome para Essuatíni 🇸🇿, que significa justamente “terra dos suázis” na língua local.

“A forma “-stão” deriva de uma antiga raiz linguística indo-europeia. Esse sufixo carregava a ideia de ‘parar’ ou ‘permanecer’ e deu origem, por exemplo, aos verbos stare, em latim, e stand, em inglês”, diz o lingüista Mário Ferreira, da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).

Do stare latino, inclusive, vem o verbo “estar” em português. Ou seja: pensando na raiz etimológica da coisa, você pode traduzir os nomes desses países, ao pé da letra, como “onde estão os afegãos”, “onde estão os cazaques” e assim por diante.

A única exceção a essa regra é o caso do Paquistão 🇵🇰, batizado cerca de 20 anos antes de o território do país ser constituído, em 1947. “Rahmat Ali, o idealizador da independência paquistanesa, juntou ao termo “-istão” o vocábulo “paki”, surgido a partir de uma combinação das iniciais das áreas reivindicadas pela futura nação. O “p” representava a província do Punjab, enquanto o “k” equivalia à região da Caxemira, no noroeste da Índia 🇮🇳”, afirma Mário.

Note que os nomes de países islâmicos localizados no Oriente Médio e no norte da África não carregam o sufixo “istão”. Ali, a língua predominante é o árabe, que não possui raízes indo-europeias – ele pertence a outro tronco, o semítico, compartilhado com o hebraico e o aramaico. Fonte:

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Time to give farewell to 2023, and welcome the 2024 with warm wishes.

Cheers to a sparkling beginning. To a new year that will bring many resolutions. To a year full of small miracles and sizeable happiness.

May all your wishes, dreams and aspirations come true in 2024 and beyond😇


For some, the season is , or time for , a period that marks the beginning of the Christian Church year, and consists of the four Sundays and their weekdays before Christmas.

For others, it is time for the . Acording with the Hebrew ceremonial calendar, the celebration begins on the 25th day of the month of Kislev, since the Jewish calendar is primarily based on the lunar cycle, instead of solar movements.

People may also celebrate - a festival observed historically by Germanic peoples and, in modern times, primarily by Neo-Pagans. Some call it , related to , or they gather for the celebrations.

Other people have a different culture and the - one of the most important annual celebrations of African-American culture - occurs from December 26 to January 1.

There are also people celebrating this winter season, or the Feast of Sacrifice - a major holiday celebrated by Muslims.

Yet, by going through the Chinese lunar calendar, or the Buddhist religious calendar, some people celebrate the .

In fact, the was celebrated 4 centuries before Christianity with feasts that involved the burning of yule logs, decorating homes with fir trees, and providing gifts and food to family members.

became then the perfect time for people to gather together, mainly sharing gifts and food, and it became not only a survival tactic, but also a need for and .

Tolerance, acceptance, and understanding are keys for many people, all over this world, to celebrate this season.

We should put aside our differences, this year, once for all, and and all sorts of against humans, animals and the planet itself, as well.

When saying "Happy Holidays" - the most inclusive greeting - we should be sincere. It should be a truly meaningful act, and it should include all faiths. It should represent respectful good wishes, so that the best good times and treasures of the present, may become the golden memories of tomorrow.

Let us not lose joy, so we can honour the 'sacredness' of this holiday with the same spirit.

There is a plethora of many other multicultural holidays celebrated worldwide, and these are just a few examples of some considerate and inclusive "holidays greeting across cultures" suitable for certain and specific occasions.

Hope you enjoy each and every single occasion.

Happy to one and all!

Arabic: عطل سعيدة

Catalan: Bones Festes!

Chinese: 节日快乐

Dutch: Prettige Feestdagen!

French: Joyeuses Fêtes!

German: Frohe Feiertage!

Greek: καλά Χριστούγεννα

Hebrew: חג שמח

Hindi: Chuttiyo Ki Shubh Kamanayein!

Italian: Buone Feste!

Japanese: 良い休暇を

Korean: 행복 휴일

Portuguese: Boas Festas!

Romanian: Sărbători Fericite!

Spanish: Felices Fiestas!

Swahili: Furaha Likizo!

Swedish: Trevlig Helg!

Turkish: Mutlu Bayramlar!

Fontes: Wikipedia, Cultural Mixology, The Diversity Movement, Quora, AllSides, HuffPost


Join the - ! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls.

The will mark the launch of the UNITE campaign from today, Nov. 25, concluding on the day that commemorates the International Day - the 10th of December.

This Invest to Prevent Violence against Women & Girls will call on citizens to show how much they care about ending violence against women and girls, and call on governments to share how they are investing in gender-based violence prevention.

Dig deeper into the campaign’s proposals - data, prevention, investments - and join the global movement with the slogan to eliminate violence against women and girls .

The campaign was started by activists at the inauguration of the Women’s Global Leadership Institute, in 1991, and it is used as an organizing strategy by individuals and organizations around the world to end violence against genders, in order to create a , particularly towards women and girls, in the context we are in.



Sometimes called American Thanksgiving (outside the U.S.), to distinguish it from the Canadian holiday of the same name and related celebrations in other regions / countries, it is originated as a day of and harvest festival.

It is a national holiday celebrated on various dates mainly in the United States, Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, and unofficially in countries like Brazil and the Philippines.

It is also observed in the Dutch town of Leiden, and the Australian territory of Norfolk Island.

Customs generally include charitable organizations offering thanksgiving dinner for the poor, attending religious services, or events.

Have a great yet conscious beginning of the Christmas and holiday season🌏


Discover the power of philosophy on .

Explore new ideas, join a groip of people or a good friend to discuss your thoughts, new concepts, and open your mind and gain a better .

Read more about 👇

- a bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin.

The work depicts a n**e male figure of heroic size sitting on a stone pedestal.

He is seen leaning over, his right elbow placed on his left thigh, holding the weight of his chin on the back of his right hand. The pose is one of deep thought and contemplation, and the statue is often used as an image to represent .


Also celebrated in other Indian religions (with its variations), the symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness'.

signifies a fresh start. It is the triumph of positivity in our lives.

This year Diwali will be celebrated on the 12th of November.

Are you decorating your home?
A clean and aesthetically pleasing, and stylishly embellished house equals wealth😊

Here are 2 simple steps to follow:

DAY ONE: People clean their homes and shop for gold, or kitchen utensils, to help bring good fortune.

DAY TWO: People decorate their homes with clay lamps and create design patterns called on the floor, using colored powders or sand.

Here is an easy and , prepared in five minutes, using a comb.

Remember - Lights On, every night, specially during the festival.

May the light of Diyas spread joy to your life.

Happy !🕯

One Health is an international campaign that recognises that the health of humans, animals and ecosystems are interconne...

One Health is an international campaign that recognises that the health of humans, animals and ecosystems are interconnected.

Please try to understand the value of working together on issues at the interface of different sectors.

Human populations are growing and expanding.
The Earth has experienced changes in climate and land use, such as deforestation and intensive farming practices.
The movement of people, animals, and products has increased from international travel and trade, and as a result, diseases can spread quickly across borders and around the globe. Antimicrobial-resistant germs can quickly spread through communities, the food supply, healthcare facilities, and the environment.
Vector-borne diseases are on the rise with warmer temperatures and expanded mosquito and tick habitats. Diseases in animals can threaten supplies, livelihoods, and economies. Contamination of water used for drinking, recreation and more, can make people and animals sick...

Remember, the preservation of health is easier than the cure for disease.

November 3, 2023, marks the eighth annual One Health Day.

Join this initiative.


In the early morning hours of October 29, 2023 (Sunday), the Legal Time changes from the summer regime to the winter regime.
– In mainland Portugal and in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, at 02h00 we set the clock back by 60 minutes to 01h00.
– In the Autonomous Region of the Azores the change will be made at 01h00 we set the clock back by 60 minutes to 00h00.

The first time the time was changed was during the First World War, in 1916, in order to save essential resources, such as coal, and increase the hours of sunlight.
Whether this change will continue to make sense in the future is a discussion that has been going on for many years, and why. "The issue of daylighting may not have as much weight today, compared to the 20th century, when this change was implemented. Now we no longer depend exclusively on natural light to illuminate houses and streets, for example".

In view of this long debate - after a 2018 survey that dictated that the overwhelming majority of Europeans are in favor of ending the time change - in March 2019, the European Parliament approved, on a proposal from the European Commission, the end of this measure. However, the adoption of this proposal still depends on a position that awaits a response from the Council of the European Union.


Celebrate National Day on Writing on October 20 and join the many people around the world in honoring this special day! This day was created to recognize the importance of writing, both as a skill and as an art form. It is also meant to encourage people to express their thoughts and feelings through writing. Whether you are a professional writer or someone who just enjoys jotting down their thoughts, this is your chance to take some time out of your day to appreciate the power of words. So grab a pen and paper and start writing!


Keep track of all the writing you do
Text message? Birthday card? Tweet? Keep track of them all, and find out how much you really write! Share your numbers with friends and see who writes most.

Play some language games
If not for our writing prowess, we couldn't participate in spelling bees, Scrabble, Scattergories, Taboo, Mad Libs, Hangman, and many others. Celebrate your word power with a round of your favorite word game.

Write something outside your comfort zone
Have you ever written lyrics to a song? A sonnet? A piece of flash fiction? A toast? Venture into an unfamiliar territory, writing-wise, and let those creative juices flow. You may surprise yourself.


The longest possible word
That honor goes to "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", which is a lung disease. ​

​A word that looks the same when turned upside down
That would be "swims." ​

A word that has all the vowels in alphabetical order​
For this one you could choose between "facetious" and "abstemious". ​

A word that doesn't mean anything​
There are several "ghost words" that have appeared in dictionaries thanks to printing errors. The most popular one is "dord," which appeared in several dictionaries in the 20th century. ​

A word that didn't exist yesterday​
Grammarians estimate that a new word is added to the English language every two hours. ​

We write more than we think
It's hard to add up how much a person actually writes, but one study showed that the average office worker writes the length of a novel every year — in emails alone! You're probably relying on your ability to write more than you ever considered.

Too many people can't write
One of the purposes of the National Day on Writing™ is to call attention to the fact that, with our workplaces more computerized than ever, writing is a truly valuable skill. Despite this, there are 32 million adults in the U.S. who can't write a simple email — and that number hasn't changed in ten years.

Writing is crucial to identity
Writing isn't just a way to communicate. By writing we tell stories about ourselves, express our emotions, and draw attention to causes that matter to us. It's hard to overestimate the power that a finely honed writer's craft can bring you.


Let's recognize the importance of , both as a and as an .

Let's encourage people to express their through writing.

Express yourself. Explore new ideas. Get creative with your writing📃🖋

Jot down your thoughts and take some time out to appreciate the , and enjoy it📖

Celebrate today, tomorrow and every day🙂

? Because I L💟VE it!


During the first Friday in October, recognizes the significance of in our daily lives.

Overal, these are silent messages you don't realize you're sending in your interactions with others.


Be respectul, not only in words but also in thoughts, actions and , and feel respected and understood.

Have a great day.
Have a great month of October!
The spooky season is in full swing😊
Are you nicely decorating your home for the next big ? 🎃


When you are determined, unyielding, tenacious, inexorable...

You are invincible, indomitable, unbeatable, insurmountable, unconquerable, invulnerable, impregnable, undefeated.


Help reduce the risk of cognitive decline.


Link in comments.


Fresh happenings and revisiting interesting topics creates an interesting mix.

Interesting content everyday, or learning at least one thing per day, keeps you from being overwhelmed.


Friendly expert Portuguese Tutor at your service, now online, on a .

Aimed at those for whom portuguese is not their mother tongue, and for natives.

Even when students may not enjoy a lesson (or series of lessons) for many reasons outside a teacher's control, I am positive sure you or your child will enjoy his/her 1st lesson as much as my students do😊

Experienced with many different levels and several portuguese subjects as well.

People all ages are welcome!

Book your from 9€ an Hour.

Your 1st trial will be .

Embrace   as an opportunity for all dogs to live a safe, happy and abuse-free life.

Embrace as an opportunity for all dogs to live a safe, happy and abuse-free life.


Pull out the pictures of your dog and share your love for them with the world!

Promote this day to raise awareness about adopting these animals currently in rescue centers.

Promote dog ownership of all breeds, pure and mix.

Happy 🇺🇸


If you could 'delete' anything from the , what would it be?


Sometimes, an understanding silence is better than meaningless words.

When you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything.

Bring peace and you will find time to make your dreams come true.

Happy !

The date is observed in the United States to honor the loyal and eternal couples and true friends for life.

It is a day about love, a day meant to be spent by expressing your love and longing for someone.

Several couples wait patiently for this date to start their commitment and . Start your , today😊



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