Good morning from Newgrange, it’s dark, damp and very windy here this morning but we’re waiting on a miracle!
The livestream of the event can be seen using the link in the comments.
Pictured is Dr. Frank Prendergast watching the midwinter dawn light up the chamber of Newgrange, with the beam of light projected from the special aperture above the door. This structure is known as the ‘roof box’. The base of the opening is above your head as you enter, however, due to the upwards slope of the passage, the light strikes the floor as it reaches the chamber. This must be intentional, as the roof box and floor of the chamber are almost exactly level due to this upwards slope.
Frank has been involved in a project to scientifically study the phenomenon, alongside the National Monuments Service and Office of Public Works. The study took place while the chamber was closed in 2020 and 2021, with the National Monuments Service photographer, John Lalor, capturing the most spectacular photographs yet of the light spectacle. The first preliminary article based on this study was published in Archaeology Ireland.
Enjoy the solstice wherever you are!