Panama Surfing Tours

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Panama Surfing Tours Panama Surfing Tours provides personalized guided surf tours tailored to your surfing level, surfing

About last week...

About last week...

Just yellow

Just yellow

Renzo was one of our first clients back in  2018 and we were so stoke when he told us he had finally found some free tim...

Renzo was one of our first clients back in 2018 and we were so stoke when he told us he had finally found some free time from work to come back to visit us.

Renzo hadn't surfed in long time as he is land lock and his work agenda barely gives him enough time for some skating and snowboarding on the weekends, so we where very happy when we found some fun waves just a few hours after he arrived.

Renzo had just bought a new surfborad he was dying to try out so we tailored his surftrip with different types of waves from shorebreaks to beachbreaks to pointbreaks. Not sure if it was the board or Renzo’s raw talent, but the board look fun in all breaks and in all conditions. Offshore, onshore or sideshore, Renzo just surfed through it all and always fun ones. Always happy, always making friends, always smiling. We were just so impressed on how good he surfs considering the few days he actually surfs a year.

Ghost on the wall!! Rainy season bug control

Ghost on the wall!! Rainy season bug control

We have been having so much fun with so many surf trips and meeting incredible people that we have not been able to post...

We have been having so much fun with so many surf trips and meeting incredible people that we have not been able to post for awhile. This our friend Hannes back in September of 2022. Hannes was looking to stay about a month in Panama touring the different breaks and enjoying the local culture; but before he went off on his own, he wanted to go on a surf trip with us so to get to know some surf breaks, learn about swells and weather in September and get to know the local environment so that he could better plan the rest of his month

September is right in the middle of the rainy season and it is mostly cloudy and rainy, but if you know where to go, you can find some really fun waves with few people around and Hannes took the opportunity to just get as many waves as he could

One day while searching for a surf break that could manage the side shore winds common in September, we found a weird beachbreak that offered some really fun long lefts. The waves started somewhat soft which made is great for long cutbacks and Hannes was relentless just practicing longer and rounder cutbacks.

Hannes is just such a great person and so fun to go surfing with. He really did not need much for him to be happy, some hours of surf in the morning and a couple more hours in the afternoon and he was all smile

Muñecos de Año Viejo. Panamanians burn them on new years. I've been told  each represents something that is left behind ...

Muñecos de Año Viejo. Panamanians burn them on new years. I've been told each represents something that is left behind in the old year when burned so that you can start the new year without it... many political figures this year, a virus and even sports figures... it seems somebody really did not like Argrntina winning the World Cup

A couple of weeks ago our good friend Chris from Nappy Dog Surf called us to plan a quick surf trip. Apparently the wave...

A couple of weeks ago our good friend Chris from Nappy Dog Surf called us to plan a quick surf trip. Apparently the waves in Florida had been pretty small for awhile and Chris was edging for some surf. The ocean seemed to listen to Chris wishes as he got treated to some long rights at a secret sport right off the plane. Coming from small beach-break Florida, Chris was caught off-guard by a couple of waves but quickly got in rhythm and build his wave count.

Swell did drop after a few days and although we were all tired, surfed-out and some of us with aching leg muscles from the long rights, we did manage to wind-down and settled into a surf-lazy, enjoy live routine: early morning surf, eat, read and a siesta then wake-up for a late evening surf to close the day with a big dinner and maybe a movie.

Purple Haze morning at Panama City

Purple Haze morning at Panama City

After having spent New Years on a Kite and Surf Trip with us, we where very happy when Gergo contacted us asking if we c...

After having spent New Years on a Kite and Surf Trip with us, we where very happy when Gergo contacted us asking if we could tailor a quick surf focus training trip with some surf touring around some different surf spots so that he could practice on different waves.

And just like that we immediately settled into an intense surf and training routine. Surf all morning until the wind picked up, then rest or drive to a new surf sport, do some video analysis, train all afternoon and get a good nights rest to be back in the water at dawn the next day

“Mobility training is the key” was Gergo's constant reminder to all as we warmed up and got ready for the 3 to 4 hour surf session ahead. It did not matter if it was small or big, Gergo was the first one out and the last one in

Waves were really fun throughout the week, and even challenging at some of the spots; so we were all impressed to see how Gergo was able to adapt to the different waves and different conditions. Sometimes it took him an hour, sometimes just a few waves but he always seemed to adapt and to push his surfing no matter where we went.

Just like with his last trip this past New Years, we had a really good time training with Gergo, and the staff and friends will always be so grateful for his advice as he always found an exercise or series or exercises that would fix some posture issue and even a persistent muscle or tendon pain.

Gergo claims he is just a photography aficionado but most of his photographs are just beautiful art.

Gergo claims he is just a photography aficionado but most of his photographs are just beautiful art.

Bruno contacted us excited that he had found some cheap tickets to Panama and was able free up a few  days for a quick s...

Bruno contacted us excited that he had found some cheap tickets to Panama and was able free up a few days for a quick surf escape. Being that this was Bruno.s sixth surf tour with us he already had an idea of the swell and even hinted on some surf spots he thought would be fun. So we followed Brunos advice and set off to his favorite spots and although we had to organice some last minute changes and different destinations due to some swell changes, we did manage to surf fun waves everyday and at least 2 sessions each day.

Bruno was a little bit anxious a the beginning of the tour as work had kept him from surfing for almost a month but the anxiety quickly evaporated by the second turn on his first wave. From that moment the only anxiety he felt was how quick heis body would recharge for the next surf session

Although it was a short surf tour, it was fun and intense. Bruno was so happy he was already organizing his seventh Surf Tour.

About last week...

About last week...

Panama was the first stop for Mark and Marco’s “return to surf” tour. After being landlock for almost 3 years with restr...

Panama was the first stop for Mark and Marco’s “return to surf” tour. After being landlock for almost 3 years with restrictions, lockdowns and work, Mark and Marco decided that it was time to get back to surfing and what better way to do it than with a Central America all out surf trip which would start with a short surf tour in Panama. Their plan was set to start with small easy surf to slowly get back to the basics, back to surfing stamina and back to finding rhythm with the ocean; however reality ended up being much more fun than that

Interestingly enough, just about two surf sessions after the “return to surfing” both Mark and Marco had not only gotten their ocean rhythm back, but where managing crowds, taking the bigger sets and even asking for more challenging waves

From early dawn half awake sessions, to mid day burning sun sessions and late dusk “can’t feel my arms” sessions, both Mark and Marco just wouldn’t stop surfing. It seemed that they both wanted to really challenge the definition of surfing stamina.

Overall we had quite a fun few days of the “return to surf” mission, even as it seemed that they had already “returned to surf” after pretty much their first day! We hope we did help them get ready to face the waves of their next stop…. Costa Rica.

Guard dog?

Guard dog?

After two years of delays and last minute cancelations because of COVID Restrictions, Gergo was finally able to come bac...

After two years of delays and last minute cancelations because of COVID Restrictions, Gergo was finally able to come back down to Panama for a couple of weeks of surf and kite-surf. Not sure if it was the lockdowns and the many months away from the ocean but Gergo was determined not only to get back to his surfing level from a couple of years back, but to progress above it. He would be the first person to paddle out and the last to come back in, didn’t matter the conditions. He was always reviewing the video analysis and working on posture and timing.

Soon Gergo settled into a routine, surf all morning kite surf all afternoon, sleep then repeat… with the ocasional hiking or river tour when the tide wouldn’t allow surfing or kitesurfing

Gergo focuses on mobility, strength and functionality training and he was always happy to share his knowledge with us. By the second week he had eliminating all of our muscle aches and movement afflictions and had us all taking time out of our days to work on nurturing our bodies. We then understood how he could surf, kite surf and hike all in one day

It was really impressive to see how much Gergo progressed after two weeks. From getting back into surfing an having a hard time making sections, to actually managing the crowd and styling his way into some of the bigger and longer waves and riding them to the shore.

Doesn’t matter if you are having a great time travelling and exploring Panama with your family during the holidays; if y...

Doesn’t matter if you are having a great time travelling and exploring Panama with your family during the holidays; if you are a surfer and you know there might be waves near, you are going to find a way to take a few hours of your family trip to get some waves. And that is exactly what Martine did, she was able to sneak some time off her family trip and drive with us to the closest break with waves.

At the end of the trip neither the holiday crowds, the long holiday traffic jams or the detours and alternative roads to get back on time could take away Martine’s smil

Last sunset of 2021!!

Last sunset of 2021!!

This was one of the most unique and fun surftrips we have ever organized. Both Dave and Josh wanted more of a coached su...

This was one of the most unique and fun surftrips we have ever organized. Both Dave and Josh wanted more of a coached surftrip with in-water coaching and video analysis for each to work on specific aspects to improve their surfing. This meant we had to find one or two spots with the right type of waves and setting for Dave and Josh to work on their surfing goals. Fortunately the Panamanian Pacific ocean seemed to be aligned with Dave and Josh intent and although we only had two mid size swells during the week they where on tour, both swells had a similar angle so waves where mostly the same shape all week and only varied in size. And Dave and Josh were focused and determine to take the opportunity and work on improving their surfing. Some days they surfed 4 to 5 hours straight fueled by a Clif Bar and tropical fruits. They surfed so much that most of our camara, SoloShot, tags and even phone batteries ran out... daylight ran out turning into dusk... hell even restaurants were closed by the time we got out of the water and changed. Still Josh and Dave seemed to always be happy and always having fun and it was inspirational to see how much they progressed in just one week.

Next generation

Next generation

Javier came to Panama on a business trip and somehow managed  to set up all of his meetings either after mid morning or ...

Javier came to Panama on a business trip and somehow managed to set up all of his meetings either after mid morning or just the afternoon which allowed him enough time for daily morning surftrips pretty much every day of his 10 day business trip . There was therefore a lot of driving involved and very early morning coffees to wake Javier up; but we did manage to surf at least 2 hours everyday and a few days we even got to surf until we could no longer move… and yes a lot of mid morning coffee to wake Javier up for work

Duck season... mostly just ducks enjoying Panama"s rainy season

Duck season... mostly just ducks enjoying Panama"s rainy season

Sebas and Santiago contacted us as they where stock in Panama City on a layover from Costa Rica back to Europe. They had...

Sebas and Santiago contacted us as they where stock in Panama City on a layover from Costa Rica back to Europe. They had spent a month surfing Costa Rica and although they where ready to go back home, they where not to thrilled spending their last day and a half in the city smacked between skyscrapers.

The plan was simple, pick-up at the city, rush through traffic to make it to the late afternoon surf, quick unpack, surf as long as we can no matter wind, sun or rain, relax, eat dinner, sleep early wake up, dawn patrol, maybe eat something, surf again, re-pack everything and rush through traffic back to the city

Conditions were not ideal, shifting winds, rain and even thunder at some point, and to top it off, the swell was also as shifty as the wind. Still Sebas and Santiago were on a mission to surf as much as possible and only to rest in the plane back home…. if they mae it to the plane that is.

We had small waves, rainy waves, windy waves and fun waves… not bad for a day an a half surf trip… and yes, Sebas and Santiago made it to the plane

Mother making a "nest" for the next generation

Mother making a "nest" for the next generation

Frank’s surftrip was an interesting mix between surfing as many right pointbreak as your arms and legs would allow, and ...

Frank’s surftrip was an interesting mix between surfing as many right pointbreak as your arms and legs would allow, and exploring the many real-state investment opportunities Panama has to offer…. specially around the right pointbreaks. This lead to long days full with morning surfing, afternoon exploration with some hill side semi-off-roading and really interesting dinner time investment analysis with various side conversations about the surf forecast for the next day

Moon rise

Moon rise

This was Bruno’s fifth surftour with us and it was pretty much an all day surf fest from day1… which is hard to imagine ...

This was Bruno’s fifth surftour with us and it was pretty much an all day surf fest from day1… which is hard to imagine considering it was also a family trip…. still, we managed to find a very consistent surf location for the time of year and with a great mix of family activities like hikes, whale watching and tours

Sun bathing in Panama

Sun bathing in Panama

This was Debora’s third surf trip with us, her first surf trip after all the many lock downs and travel restrictions in ...

This was Debora’s third surf trip with us, her first surf trip after all the many lock downs and travel restrictions in Europe and our first surf tour after the Panama lockdowns. Like with her previous surf tours, this was also a short weekend surf to take advantage of the weekend layover from her Panama business trip. Like with all weekend surftips, her goal was to maximize her time in the water and although time and weather where not in our favor, we did manage to find some really fun surf and even surf a super fun pointbreak that rarely breaks.

That mixed feeling you get when  watching empty waves go unridden... but then knowing that the few waves that do, are ju...

That mixed feeling you get when watching empty waves go unridden... but then knowing that the few waves that do, are just by you and a few friends.

After more than a year managing lockdowns, safety protocols and permits we are finally back with our Surf Trips and Surf...

After more than a year managing lockdowns, safety protocols and permits we are finally back with our Surf Trips and Surf Tales. We have taken all necessary precautions and have worked along side our different hotel/hostal and restaurant partners to make sure our clients have access to most surf spots with comfort, quality and all COVID safety protocols; so that you can just focus on surfing.



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