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Medinat Habu was known as Djanet and according to a ancient belief was the place were Amun first appeared. Both Hatsheps...

Medinat Habu was known as Djanet and according to a ancient belief was the place were Amun first appeared. Both Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III built a temple dedicated to Amun here and later Ramesses III constructed a larger memorial temple on this site. The whole temple complex was surrounded by a massive fortified enclosure wall, with an unusual gateway at the eastern entrance, known as the pavillion gate. Ramesses III, a military man probably saw the virtue in such as structure. It is likely that Ramesses resided here from time to time because a royal palace was attached at the south of the open forecourt of the temple. Originally a canal with a harbour outside the entrance, connected the temple to the Nile

to Egypt

The Great Pyramid or the Pyramid of Khufu is the only remaining relic of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is l...

The Great Pyramid or the Pyramid of Khufu is the only remaining relic of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is located in the Giza Pyramids area in Egypt, and is considered one of the greatest monuments in the world

The Great Pyramid was built during the reign of King Peacock, one of the kings of the dynasty in ancient Egypt. Construction began around the year 2560 two years ago for a period of 20 years. The average consists of about 2.3 million stone blocks, each weighing 2.5 tons. The stone blocks were moved using a combination of human technology and bank power.

The original Great Pyramid was 146.5 meters high, but lost about 10 meters in height due to erosion. The world's smallest stone block skeleton.

The Great Pyramid includes three burial chambers, one of which is underground and two at the top. The middle chamber contains a complete sarcophagus, while the middle chamber contains a sarcophagus made of granite. The small chamber, known as the King's Chamber, is located at the highest point of the pyramid. Contains detailed details of the black granite stone, also detailed.

As the larger structure was the tomb of the Child King, it also serves as the historical installation of his authority and power. The Great Pyramid is considered one of the greatest achievements in history, and is one of the most famous and influential in the world.

The construction of the Philae Temple began in the Pharaonic era, but was mainly built in the Ptolemaic era. It is dedic...

The construction of the Philae Temple began in the Pharaonic era, but was mainly built in the Ptolemaic era. It is dedicated to the goddess Isis, the goddess of fertility, love and motherhood.

The Temple of Philae consists of a group of buildings, including a large temple, a small temple, a Roman chapel, and a theater. The Great Temple is the largest building on the site, distinguished by its high columns and wide wings. The small temple is dedicated to the goddess Hathor, wife of Isis. The Romanesque chapel is a gift from Emperor Trajan and was built in the 2nd century AD. The theater is a place for religious performances, and was built in the first century AD.

The Temple of Philae was moved to its current location on Agilkia Island in 1970, in order to prevent it from being submerged in water as a result of the construction of the Aswan High Dam. The temple was moved with great care and assembled again to its new location.

The Temple of Philae is one of the most important archaeological sites in Egypt, and a symbol of ancient Egyptian culture.

Sekhmet, the mighty lioness goddess, holds a fascinating and complex place in ancient Egyptian religion. Here's what I c...

Sekhmet, the mighty lioness goddess, holds a fascinating and complex place in ancient Egyptian religion. Here's what I can tell you about her:

Who is Sekhmet?

Powerful: Her name itself translates to "She who is Powerful" or "the One who loves Ma'at" (divine order).
Fierce Warrior: She's the goddess of war, protector of the pharaoh, and destroyer of enemies of the sun god Ra. Imagine a terrifying lioness with fiery eyes and a razor-sharp mane, ready to unleash chaos.
Solar Deity: Connected to the scorching heat of the desert sun, she embodied its destructive and purifying power.
Healer: Despite her fierce nature, Sekhmet also possessed a healing aspect. She was associated with medicine and could avert plagues and cure diseases. This duality reflects the ancient Egyptian belief in the interconnectedness of destruction and creation.
Roles and Associations:

Daughter of Ra: Sekhmet held a prominent position in the Egyptian pantheon, being the daughter of the sun god Ra.
Companion of Ptah: She was often paired with the god Ptah, representing his destructive and creative forces.
Eye of Ra: Like other fierce goddesses, she was referred to as the "Eye of Ra," symbolizing his wrath and power against injustice.
Patron of Physicians: Her connection to healing made her a protector of doctors and healers, and her statues were found in temples dedicated to medicine.

Lioness-headed: Sekhmet is most commonly depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness, emphasizing her ferocity and connection to the desert.
Uraeus and Sun Disk: She wears a sun disk and uraeus (cobra) on her head, signifying her solar and royal status.
Red Dress and Fiery Breath: Often portrayed in a red dress, the color of fire and blood, she breathes flames, further highlighting her destructive and purifying power.
Sekhmet's legacy continues to inspire awe and intrigue. Her image adorns ancient temples and artifacts, reminding us of the multifaceted nature of the divine in ancient Egyptian belief.

Do you have any specific questions about Sekhmet, her mythology, or her significance? I'm happy to delve deeper into any aspect that interests you

Egypt is this great, united country in which good origins are well established, its people are full of characteristics, ...

Egypt is this great, united country in which good origins are well established, its people are full of characteristics, and its land is loving for its heritage and soil. Throughout the ages, no invader has been created to invade with its culture or traditions, or to strip its people of their privacy and distinction. Egypt is forever and will remain the echo in which the dreams and illusions of the greedy collapse. Egypt is... The cradle of successive civilizations. Egypt was mentioned by its explicit name in the Qur’an, the Bible, and the Torah. The history of Egypt is the history of human civilization, where the Egyptian beneficiary created an ancient civilization that preceded the civilizations of the peoples of the world. And I noticed in his mind and conscience its imprints. Egypt was the first country in the ancient world that knew the principles of writing and invented hieroglyphic letters and signs. The ancient Egyptians chose to write down and record their history and the events they created and lived. You were fully civilized after Egypt ended its pre-existing forms and became the first country in history in the world. It has a written history, but it is not considered the mother of human civilizations.
Multiple civilizations have followed on the land of Egypt, making Egypt the cradle of the Pharaonic civilization, an incubator for the Greek and Roman civilizations, a beacon for the Coptic civilization, and a protector of the Islamic civilization. The people of Egypt have been characterized throughout history by the success, tolerance, friendliness, and generosity that characterized this people, where the people of Egypt have always mixed together. Egypt is the cradle of civilizations. Consecutive, as it is the link between the past and the present. Egypt, in its times of strength and moments of weakness, has determined to boycott Ali personally the unique nationalism that was formed from its intrinsic components and its civilizational interaction with other civilizations.

Egypt is the mother of civilizations, the mother of the world, and the country of pyramids. These are many titles given by people in the world and the Arab world. It is a country of beauty, authenticity, and modernity. Its people are people of mercy and affection, about whom the Master of Creation said that they will be bound until the Day of Judgment. They are people of generosity and hospitality to the near and the stranger, and a refuge for all Arabs. It is the big sister and supporter. Merciful to the sisters of Arabism, Egypt is the beacon of the East, the best of nations, and the cradle of civilizations.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid and served as the tomb of pharaoh Khufu, who ruled during the ...

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid and served as the tomb of pharaoh Khufu, who ruled during the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. Built in the early 26th century BC, over a period of about 27 years, the pyramid is the oldest of t The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid and served as the tomb of pharaoh Khufu, who ruled during the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. Built in the early 26th century BC, over a period of about 27 years, the pyramid is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only wonder that has remained largely intact. It is the most famous monument of the Giza pyramid complex,,

Sikh with us, “She is the one who is strong,” and embodies the aspect, appearance, and the aggressive and offensive body...

Sikh with us, “She is the one who is strong,” and embodies the aspect, appearance, and the aggressive and offensive body of the goddesses for poses, as her body is female and her head is the head of a female horse.
Until Sekhmet was mentioned twice in the texts of the pyramids, which is because she was pregnant with the king, and the texts of the pyramids asked to present ritual and legal texts in the history of Egypt.
The goddess Sekhmet is considered the god of war, as she is the power of the sun, and is also the god of diseases and epidemics, modern, and she also believed that she was healing diseases, since the state from 1550 to 1069 before the “good trinity” became more important, and thus the formation of Sekhmet appeared as an aggressive and offensive appearance The god “mythical death,” and this explains the number of large statues of Sekhmet that were made during the reign of Amenhotep III, who ruled from 1390 to 1352 before Christmas in the Temple of Mut in Karnak, and thus the funerary temple on the western mainland in Luxor.
That there is a historical source that says that there are 730 statues of Sekhmet, and this commercial reason explains more that these interesting numbers of statues of Sekhmet, is the fear of the hidden multiplication of epidemics, so the king made a statue of the goddess Sekhmet so that the epidemics would separate from all.
There are theories that say that the number 730, a statue of Sekhmet, simulates the number of days of two consecutive years, so the king appeared to issue a situation by making a statue of Sekhmet every day doctors from epidemics, and therefore I say that the king himself was afflicted with a disease and he had models of Sekhmet so that he could get closer to her recovery.

That it is at the top of the smelting of Sekhmet in the temples of Karnak, as it is located in the room of the stone refrigerator in which a ray of light shines on the statue and represents a kind of spice, as it is known as the “foot monster” because the Egyptians depicted them for life on moonless nights, where they swallow young children in the committee, They were attacking Sekhmet with thick sticks and stones.
The goddess Sekhmet had two faces, a well-known face that is Sekhmet, and another face in which the cat goddess “Bastet” appears when she enters. The goddess Bastet has a temple in Tell al-Busta in Zagazig in the eastern region, and 7000 men and women, except for children, returned to her feast.
He has a lot of them, that this is not the end of Sekhmet, and he will discover many statues of her in the future. He also confirms that the conference of medicine in Egypt brings together archaeologists and tourists under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, and he chooses the city of Aswan to hold the conference in it, and the conference comes under the title “Sekhmet” for medicine. And begins the work of guided tours and information about medicine in ancient Egypt, and Dr. Magdy Yaqoub is considered to have published books in the world’s languages ​​in partnership with the Egyptians on medicine in ancient Egypt, and in conjunction with the work of a museum of Egyptian football clones in the field of medicine.

Welcome to the White Desert Safari, Egypt's oasis of adventure and relaxation. Located in the heart of the desert, our c...

Welcome to the White Desert Safari, Egypt's oasis of adventure and relaxation. Located in the heart of the desert, our camp provides the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Our premium desert camp offers an exclusive experience, allowing you to immerse yourself in the pristine beauty of the desert. Enjoy the serene sunsets, starry nights and clear waters of the White Safari desert. Book your stay today and begin your journey of exploration and discovery.

40 beauty queens in the Luxor temples .. Flying in a balloon and circling around the scarab of Karnak Temple

40 beauty queens in the Luxor temples .. Flying in a balloon and circling around the scarab of Karnak Temple

رسميا وبعد طول انتظار-الأفتتاح الأسطورى للمتحف المصرى الكبير- أكبر متحف على ظهر الكوكب- نوفمبر 2023 ان شاء اللهConfirmed...

رسميا وبعد طول انتظار-الأفتتاح الأسطورى للمتحف المصرى الكبير- أكبر متحف على ظهر الكوكب- نوفمبر 2023 ان شاء الله
Confirmed, The Grand Egyptian Museum to open in November 2023
Stay tuned for the magic and the glory of Egypt

Imagine with us, Your Honor, that when scientists dissected the female breast muscle from a very short period of time, t...

Imagine with us, Your Honor, that when scientists dissected the female breast muscle from a very short period of time, they discovered that the milk ducts (the mammary glands) in it are in the shape of a rose! 🏵️

But the ancient Egyptians knew him thousands of years ago and drew the same anatomical form for him in the statues of the idol, Sekhmet, the "goddess of war"!!

This means that despite the lack of modern capabilities provided by technology in the modern era, this did not stand in the way of these greats who dazzled the world with their knowledge and civilization.

And what is hidden is greater

Which places would you like to visit in Egypt?

Which places would you like to visit in Egypt?

The Kom El Shoqafa catacombs in Alexandria, Egypt, are a huge necropolis dating back to the 2nd century AD.  With 3 leve...

The Kom El Shoqafa catacombs in Alexandria, Egypt, are a huge necropolis dating back to the 2nd century AD. With 3 levels of tombs that could accommodate up to 300 corpses, the catacombs display a unique blend of Egyptian, Greek and Roman artistic traditions.🇪🇬


Come to visit Egypt.


Cats are the most powerful energy defenses for your home and family
This was known by the Pharaohs, so they sanctified it and respected it very much.

Cats draw negative energy from the house in which they are and negative charges resulting from quarrels, anger, etc
In this way, you soften the atmosphere of the house, and homes with cats whose parents are less likely to quarrel and anger.

Cats repel the waves of hatred and envy that come from others to the members of their house and withdraw them completely.. Those waves that people call the eye.

It is based on sensing any pe*******on into the energy field of its owner, protecting it, fighting it energetically, strengthening its owner's defenses, and dealing with damages, if any.

In a special relationship with the breeder, the cat's ability reaches to guard its owner and his home, even from infectious diseases and epidemics, because it is based on fighting, hunting and eliminating negative entities that cause diseases.

Cats have therapeutic abilities and emit high-frequency therapeutic vibrations, such as cat snoring when petting them.

Cats feel the negative energies and feelings of a person, so they get rid of them by withdrawing them

Ramadan kareem

Ramadan kareem

Tomorrow, Thursday 3/23/2023, the month of Ramadan will begin,🕊️💖🕊️ it is for Muslims the month of fasting, closeness to...

Tomorrow, Thursday 3/23/2023, the month of Ramadan will begin,🕊️💖🕊️
it is for Muslims the month of fasting, closeness to God, doing good and worshiping 🌷🙏🌷
We wish all people well and living in peace 🕊️🌍🕊️
Happy Ramadan to all of you❤️

Gianni Infantino is the FIFA president for the next four years, Congratulations from Egyptian Tours

Gianni Infantino is the FIFA president for the next four years, Congratulations from Egyptian Tours

Love Egipto 🇪🇬El Ankh es uno de los simbolos más reconocibles del antiguo Egipto, conocido como "la llave de la vida" o ...

Love Egipto 🇪🇬

El Ankh es uno de los simbolos más reconocibles del antiguo Egipto, conocido como "la llave de la vida" o "la cruz de la vida", este data del Periodo Dinástico Arcaico (c. 3150- 2613 AEC).
Es una cruz con un lazo en su parte superior, a veces ornamentada con simbolos o detalles decorativos pero que más a menudo es representado con una simple cruz de oro.
El símbolo es el hieroglífico Egipcio para la "vida" o también para el "soplo de vida" (nh= ankh), y como los Egipcios creían que el viaje terrenal era solo era una parte de la vida eterna, el Ankh simbolizaba tanto la existencia mortal como la vida en el más alla.
Es uno de los símbolos más antiguos de Egipto, visto a menudo junto a los símbolos djed y was, llevado por una multitud de dioses egipcios en pinturas de tumbas y en inscripciones usadas por los egipcios como amuletos.

La asociación del Anhk con el más alla se convirtió en un símbolo especialmente potente para los Cristianos Coptos de Egipto en el siglo IV EC quienes lo adoptaron como propio.
El uso del Ankh como el símbolo de la promesa de Cristo de una vida eterna a través de la creencia en su sacrificio y en su resurección es probablemente el origen del uso Cristiano de la cruz como simbolo de fe hoy en día.

The Belgian royal family hosted by the pharaohs.. Queen of Belgium and Princess Elizabeth Tour of LuxorThe Belgian royal...

The Belgian royal family hosted by the pharaohs.. Queen of Belgium and Princess Elizabeth Tour of Luxor

The Belgian royal family in the hospitality of the pharaohs.. The visit of The Queen and Princess Elisabeth of Belgium to Luxor

Belgian royal family at the pharaohs hospitality. Queen and Princess Elisabeth of Belgium tour in Luxor

The Belgian royal family hosting the pharaohs.. Tour of the Queen of Belgium and Princess Elizabeth in Luxor

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