This sort of amused me on Saturday, not the situation of course but his answer he gave to the Question of "So How did That make you feel" ?
I was expecting to hear Angry, Betrayed etc the usual' but no he completely surprised me with an answer unexpected and found to be rather Refreshing.
Are you paying more for things through doing a quick phone swipe and handing all your information over.
Gₒₛₕ* Don't Spend it All at once ;) 😏 👍 but joking aside..
300 Thousand Child fund accounts allocated by the H.M.R to low income families have so far gone unclaimed worth 800 Million because people simply don't know about it. So I felt it worth me mentioning here .
Gₒₛₕ ! Art not Evidence . in a court for casting murder sentences. Whilst this really isn't my preferable genre of music 'Rap- Drill' I can totally relate to where this lawyer be coming from.
Gₒₛₕ ! Sorta Following on from the previous post (where 'Growing your own food be allegedly ruining our planet' ) . Eggs and Potatoes and at a reasonable price from your local farmer through fake Facebook ads. ? I could ne wrong but - Something may be a little bit fishy about this one . I think... 🧐
Gₒₛₕ DVLA's advise "change your name".
Gₒₛₕ Physician Associates
Gₒₛₕ! Could there be Potentially, 11 thousand NHS Doctors brought in from over-sea's who are currently working for the NHS and who registered with Fake qualifications.
Gₒₛₕ! Quite a Huge Gₒₛₕ actually.
Computer generated / customer Energy bills.
Gₒₛₕ! Number plate cloning Private parking firms
Gₒₛₕ ! Fake QR Codes . Placed over a parking meter
Gₒₛₕ ! Estate Agents selling your property online without your knowledge. Worse still you do not have any rights to claim your property back.