I'm More Romanian Than You

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I'm More Romanian Than You Keeping an eye on Romania Everything you ever needed or wanted to know about Romania!


Saptamana trecuta, Ministrul de Educatie pentru RM, domnul Dan Perciun, a semnat un decret secret care interzice nevasta mea sa lucreze la liceul Lucian Blaga in Tiraspol. Domnul mininstru a facut acest lucru in CIUDA faptului ca este un deficit grav de profesori la liceu, mai ales ce care sunt capabil sa predea limba romana.

Mai mult, domnul ministru a asteptat pana noaptea cand toti angajatii ministerului au plecat acasa pentru a promulga acest decret ILEGAL pentru ca el nu dorea sa fi niciun marton la acest act.

Nevasta mea este beneficiara de BURSA DE MERIT precum si BURSA DE EXCELENTA si a primit o scrisoara din partea Ministerului Educatiei din Moldova pentru contributiile sale academice. Nevasta mea este o savanta respectata cu mai multe articole publicate in reviste academice moldovenesti, romanesti, si internationale.

Nevasta mea este acum doctorand si are un master in filologie romania din USM. Ea si-a dedicat ultimii cince ani din viata predara limbii romane copiilor din Republicii Moldova. Si sute de elevii si colegii ei pot marturisi dragostea ei pentru limba si pasiunea ei de a construi un viitor mai bun pentra Moldova.

Atunci oare de ce ar vrea domnul ministrul Dan Perciu sa-i interzica sotiei mele sa predea limba romana la liceu in Tiraspol? Raspunsul e simplu. Dan Perciun a facut asta pentru ca vechiul sau prieten si membru partidului PAS Ion Iovcev i-a ordonat sa o faca.

Domnul Ion Iovcev este un bulgar care, in copilarie, a suferit o cadere psihotica si s-a convins ca este, in secret, un roman. Domnul Iovcev a declarat public de mai multe ori ca este mandru sa fie un fascist si ca Ion Antonescu (executat in 1946 pentru crime improtriva umanitatii) a fost cel mai mare lider al Romaniei si eroul sau personal.

Domnul Iovcev este un antisemit vicios care posteaza in fiecare an un citat de Antonescu pe pagina sa personal de Facebook de Ziua Internationala a Holocaustului. Si dl Iovcev crede ca este misiunea sau personal de a "completeze ceea ce a inceput Antonescu," deci eradicarea toti evreii, tiganii, rusii, si ucrainienii din Tiraspol.

Chiar pt 2 septembrie 2024, dl Iovcev a facut o declaratie publica la liceul Lucian Blaga (unde a fost invitatul de onoare) unde s-a rugat pentru ca armata sa invadeze Tiraspolul si sa oblige toti locuitorii sa cante imnul natonalul romanesc.

Dar nevasta mea nu este evreica sau rusa sau ucraineana, atunci de ce o uraste dl Iovcev atat de mult? De ce l-a sunat pe dl ministru Dan Perciun si l-a ordonat sa o interzice sa lucreze la liceul din Tiraspol? Raspunsul e simplu: dl Iovcev este un las si un tiran si vrea sa-mi pedepseasca nevasta pentru un articol jurnalistic pe care EU am scris despre el acum sase ani.

Daca lui Iovcev nu-i plac faptele pe care le-am scris in articolul meu, ar trebuie sa ma confrunte direct pentru ca sunt barbat si ma pot apara. Dar dl Iovcev este prea las pentru a face asta (cum a demonstrat in 1992 cand a petrecut toata vara ascuns in subsol).

In schimb, el a hartuit-o in mod continuu pe sotia mea, care este cu 50 de ani mai tanara decat el. Odata, dl Iovcev a tipat la sotia mea in fata si i-a spus, "Daca este ultimul lucru pe care fac in viata mea, iti voi distruge cariera." Evident, asta include sa-l sun pe domnul minstru pentra ca el sa interzice sotia mea sa lucreze in scolile aflata sub controlul lui.

Dl Ion Iovcev, domnul ministrul Dan Percium, si partidul PAS va vor spune ca le pasa de copiii din Tiraspol, dar aceasta este o minciuna. Liceul Lucian Blaga are nervoie urgenta de mai multi profesori, si peste jumatate dintre profesorii acolo acum lucreaza in mod illegal (pentru ca depasit varsta obligatorie de pensionare). De fapt, la liceul acum ramane doar o singuara profesora (o femeie de 71 de ani) care preda limba romana, si elevii sunt cei care vor suferi din cauza acestei decizii.

Daca vrei sa stii de ce oamenii din Moldova acum urasc partidul PAS, este din cauza actiunilor lor proaste, nedemocratice, si tiranice, cm ar fi distrugerea carierei unei femei pur si simplu pentru ca sotul ei a scris un singur articol in care a criticat un member al partidului PAS.

Si vrei sa stii faptul cel mai ironic? Sotia mea a votat-o pentru Maia Sandu - President of the Republic of Moldova pentru ca credea ca ea si partidul ei vor face din Moldova un trait mai bun pentru toti, inclusiv pentru copii. In schimb, avem batrani fascisti precum Vasile Soimaru si Ion Iovcev care iau in secret deciziile pentru ca partidul PAS sa recreeze "epoca de aur" ale lui Ion Antonescu.

Si acum trebuie sa ma intreb - cm va incerca guvernul asta sa ma pedepseasca pentru ca i-am criticat pe Facebook?


Last week, the Moldovan Minister of Education, Dan Perciun, signed a secret decree to ban my wife from working at the Lucian Blaga high school in Tiraspol. He did this DESPITE the fact that there is a severe shortage of teachers at the school, especially those who are able to teach the Romanian language.

Furthermore, Dan Perciun waited until nighttime when all of the ministerial employees had gone home to sign this illegal decree because he did not want any witnesses to his act of perfidy.

My wife is the recipient of the prestigious BURSA DE MERIT as well as the BURSA DE EXCELENTA scholarships and received a letter of commendation from the Moldovan Ministry of Education for her outstanding academic contributions. She is a respected scholar with multiple articles published in Moldovan, Romanian, and international academic journals.

My wife is a doctoral candidate and has a master's degree in Romanian philology from USM. She has dedicated the past five years of her life to teaching the Romanian language to the children of Moldova, and hundreds of her students and her colleagues can attest to her love for the language and her commitment to building a better future for her country.

So why in the world would Minister Dan Perciun want to forbid my wife from teaching at the high school in Tiraspol? The answer is simple. Dan Perciun did this because his old friend and political ally Ion Iovcev ordered him to do it.

Ion Iovcev is an elderly Bulgarian man who, as a child, suffered a psychotic breakdown and became convinced that he was actually secretly a Romanian. Mr. Iovcev has publicly stated many times that he is a proud fascist and that Marshal Ion Antonescu (executed by the Romanian government in 1946 for crimes against humanity) was Romania's greatest leader and his personal hero.

Iovcev is a viscious anti-Semite who always posts a quote from Antonescu on his page on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Iovcev believes it is his personal mission to "finish what Antonescu started" and eradicate all Jews, Gypsies, Russians, and Ukrainians from Tiraspol.

Even as recently as September 2, 2024, Iovcev made a public statement at the Lucian Blaga high school (he was the guest of honor) where he prayed for the military to invade Tiraspol and force every single person in the city to sing the Romanian national anthem at gunpoint.

My wife is not a Jew or a Russian or a Ukrainian, so why does Iovcev hate her so much? Why did he call Dan Perciun and order him to prevent her from working at the high school in Tiraspol? The answer is simple: Iovcev is a coward and a bully, and he wants to punish my wife for a journalistic article I wrote about him six years ago.

If Iovcev does not like the facts that I reported in my article, he should confront me because I am a man and I can defend myself. But Iovcev is too much of a coward to do that (as he demonstrated in 1992 when he spent the entire summer hiding in his basement).

Instead, he has continuously harassed my wife, who is 50 years younger than he is. Once, Iovcev screamed at my wife to her face and told her "If it is the last thing I do in my life, I will destroy your career." Evidently, this includes calling Dan Perciun to have him personally intercede in preventing my wife from working in schools under his control.

Ion Iovcev, Dan Perciun, and the PAS party will tell you that they care about the children of Tiraspol, but this is a lie. The Lucian Blaga high school is desperately in need of more teachers, and over half of the teachers now working there are working illegally because they are past the mandatory age of retirement. In fact, there is just one 71-year-old woman left there who is teaching the Romanian language, and it is the students of Lucian Blaga who have to suffer for this stupid decision to ban my wife.

If you want to know why the people of Moldova hate the PAS party, it is because of stupid, undemocratic, and tyrannical actions like destroying a woman's career simply because her husband wrote one journalistic article criticizing a PAS party member six years ago.

And you know what is most ironic? My wife voted for Maia Sandu because she believed that Maia Sandu and her party would make Moldova a better place to live for everyone, including the children. Instead, we have disgusting old men like Vasile Soimaru and Ion Iovcev secretly making the decisions for the PAS party to recreate the "glory days" of Ion Antonescu.

Folks, I apologize for being "missing in action" here lately, but I've been enjoying a well-deserved vacation. To be mor...

Folks, I apologize for being "missing in action" here lately, but I've been enjoying a well-deserved vacation. To be more precise (and annoying), it was a "staycation" because I didn't go anywhere. I'm still right here in Tiraspol, where I am happy to report that life is 99% back to normal. Just about everything is normal, and the only sign of the virus is the obligation to wear a face mask when you're shopping. [ 1,407 more word ]

Time to Telegram!

Yesterday, only on their page, and not on their website or other social media accounts, the US Embassy in Moldo...

Yesterday, only on their page, and not on their website or other social media accounts, the US Embassy in Moldova bragged about their really cheap publicity stunt: Hospitals on the left bank of the Dniestr River today received 10 donated tablet computers funded by the U.S. Embassy in Moldova. Hospitals in Tiraspol and Slobozia got two tablets each, and the others will go to hospitals in Dubasari, Bender, and Rîbnița. [ 369 more words ]

In which the US Embassy breaks all virus quarantine rules to score some cheap propaganda points

You know, folks, I've been writing on this blog for over 10 years now. And along the way, I've discovered some interesti...

You know, folks, I've been writing on this blog for over 10 years now. And along the way, I've discovered some interesting things, one of which is: the type of articles that you write determines the kind of readership that you get If I regularly wrote mediocre, inoffensive pablum like "gosh, those superhero movies sure are fun!" or "kitties are soft and fluffy," this website would attract: [ 994 more words ]

In which I explain the concept of freedom of expression in simple words that even dimwitted N***s can understand.

Just a few days ago, things were looking pretty grim here in Pridnestrovie. Police officers were patrolling the parks an...

Just a few days ago, things were looking pretty grim here in Pridnestrovie. Police officers were patrolling the parks and public areas, fining or arresting anyone caught sitting down, even if they were completely alone. The streets were utterly deserted. A 27-year-old woman who had tested positive for the virus died in the hospital. And no fewer than four doctors tested positive for the coronavirus. [ 354 more words ]

Just when I thought I would go crazy, I’m now enjoying life more than ever before.

In case you were wondering, I have, so far, successfully evaded the patrols trying to catch me for the "crime" of wantin...

In case you were wondering, I have, so far, successfully evaded the patrols trying to catch me for the "crime" of wanting to sit alone in a quiet green spot with some sun on my face. Friday was particularly difficult as they were out in force, many armed with checklists (but not guns) to verify that people on mandatory quarantine were, indeed, inside their homes. [ 2,195 more words ]

Not today, as***le!

I have, against all expectations at this stage of my life, become a fiendish criminal on the run from the authorities, s...

I have, against all expectations at this stage of my life, become a fiendish criminal on the run from the authorities, subject to arrest and imprisonment at any moment. This morning, I left my house with the express intent of breaking the law, dodging the cops to knowingly commit a serious felony. Hear Ye, Hear Ye As I recently mentioned… [ 1,232 more word ]

Good job, Krasnoselsky. You turned me into a criminal!

Living in Eastern Europe for nigh on 20 years, I don't really own a lot of paper books. Normally, everything I read thes...

Living in Eastern Europe for nigh on 20 years, I don't really own a lot of paper books. Normally, everything I read these days is electronic. But over the years, I've been gifted or inherited a motley collection of English-language tomes that somehow made their way over to this part of the world. Last week, looking to take a break from the internet (and talk about the f-----g virus), I dug through my box of books. [ 978 more words ]

What happens when a British royal is 25 minutes late for a critically important lunch with the American president?

What you are about to read is going to come across as heretical to many people reading it contemporaneously, but I have ...

What you are about to read is going to come across as heretical to many people reading it contemporaneously, but I have good reason to believe that it is going to become commonplace knowledge in six weeks or less. But before I risk getting arrested or censured, I want to take a brief sidebar and talk about Albert Einstein. Today, he is known as a genius who discovered the fundamental rules underpinning space and time (i.e. [ 2,449 more words ]

Red April is upon us!

Amazingly, things are still holding together here in Pridnestrovie, more or less. There was one big incident, which I wi...

Amazingly, things are still holding together here in Pridnestrovie, more or less. There was one big incident, which I will write about separately, but otherwise, this tiny, ignored, and often vilified country is doing spectacularly better than all of its neighbors. Masks and other protective equipment is being cranked out in enormous volumes by the extensive domestic garment industry. As such, doctors on the front line have all of the equipment they need (so far) even as the number of confirmed cases continues to expand. [ 528 more words ]

The government of “Transnistria” gave my wife a free trip to the lovely village of Varnita!

Democracy, long on critical life support, is now officially dead in Romania. Yesterday, President Klaus Iohannis ordered...

Democracy, long on critical life support, is now officially dead in Romania. Yesterday, President Klaus Iohannis ordered the mobilization of 10,000 soldiers onto the streets of Romanian cities. Just as in Chisinau the day before, these soldiers were deployed in military vehicles and were all heavily armed. Officially, they were supposed to be "helping" the police, but they did nothing of the sort. [ 2,114 more words ]

RIP, Democracy in Romania

Romania Nicolae Ceausescu has to be laughing into his raggedy peasant coat from wherever he is in the afterlife. Militar...

Romania Nicolae Ceausescu has to be laughing into his raggedy peasant coat from wherever he is in the afterlife. Military ordinance 3 (🇷🇴) has been issued by the authorities, mandating that every single person out of their house now possess both an ID card as well as a printed pass justifying their presence on the street. "Acceptable" reasons for being out of your house are limited to: [ 1,363 more word ]

Romania and Moldova go bats**t insane while life in PMR is blessedly close to normal.

Romania Not too much good news to report out of old Romania except to say that the country's fascist, authoritarian tend...

Romania Not too much good news to report out of old Romania except to say that the country's fascist, authoritarian tendencies are really starting to blossom. Anyone outside their homes between 10pm and 6am is now required to fill out a special form justifying their presence. Hilariously, one of the boxes that you can check for why you're out of your house is accompanying a domestic animal, known in regular language as "walking your dog." … [ 1,887 more word ]

My family isn’t going to starve to death this week, which is nice.

Back in 1993, I was living in the United States with two roommates in an apartment on the east coast. I didn't know eith...

Back in 1993, I was living in the United States with two roommates in an apartment on the east coast. I didn't know either one of them before moving in - the landlord was a corporation that owned the entire "bloc" (building) and specialized in renting out one room at a time for their multi-room apartments. All was more or less fine with my roommates until a… [ 1,262 more word ]

We may not be smart, but collectively, we all know something is deeply wrong with the way that the coronavirus pandemic is being handled.

Romania Just as I said last week, martial law has been introduced in Romania. The second military order (🇷🇴) has been an...

Romania Just as I said last week, martial law has been introduced in Romania. The second military order (🇷🇴) has been announced which says that anyone in a mandatory home quarantine who leaves their house will be arrested and taken to a government quarantine location with armed guards. That's the second military order. The first one (🇷🇴) now makes it illegal for groups of more than three people to walk on the street (even if you're a family, etc). [ 1,665 more word ]

Blarg… you know what this is about ;)

The habit of despair is worse than despair itself. For the past month or so, I've been watching the events surrounding t...

The habit of despair is worse than despair itself. For the past month or so, I've been watching the events surrounding the spread of the coronavirus with a combination of horror, disbelief, and optimism. The feeling horror, of course, is due to both the short-term and long-term devastation that the virus is causing, both in terms of people becoming ill and/or dying as well as disruptions in the economy, the restriction of civil rights, and an increase in political stability. [ 4,144 more words ]

4,000 words about the one topic that you’ve probably already heard too much about already.

Romania The Italian Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, gave an interview about Romania blocking a shipment of masks and ot...

Romania The Italian Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, gave an interview about Romania blocking a shipment of masks and other emergency medical equipment yesterday, blasting (🇷🇴) Romania for "only thinking of itself." Furthermore, it turns out that the masks had been sold to an Italian company (as opposed to the government), so Romania's blockage of their delivery is a violation of international laws related to commerce. [ 929 more words ]

Honestly, I need a vacation from my “vacation.”

Well, folks, it's been a really interesting 24 hours. First, Montenegro, which had been the only country in Europe witho...

Well, folks, it's been a really interesting 24 hours. First, Montenegro, which had been the only country in Europe without a single confirmed case of the virus, reported that it now had two cases. This after the prime minister said that Montenegro had remained virus-free due to the "cleanliness" of its citizens. Hilarious. That leaves Pridnestrovie the sole country in Europe without a single confirmed case (even Greenland and the Faroe Islands apparently have it now). [ 1,938 more word ]

The bunker mentality is starting to set in.

Well, the gates have come down. Here in Pridnestrovie, we are completely shut off from the rest of the world. All border...

Well, the gates have come down. Here in Pridnestrovie, we are completely shut off from the rest of the world. All borders have been closed, and no tourists are allowed in - only locals. Apparently, Ukraine took it one step further, seen here blocking one of their own citizens from crossing out of PMR and into Ukraine: The international news is saying that… [ 190 more words ]

Here in PMR, we are now sealed off from the rest of the world.

On Friday the 13th, the Republic of Moldova declared a Code Red (🇲🇩). Since nobody had any idea what the hell a Code Red...

On Friday the 13th, the Republic of Moldova declared a Code Red (🇲🇩). Since nobody had any idea what the hell a Code Red was, life went on as usual in Chisinau, one of the most densely inhabited cities in this region. Even scary stock photos didn't help: On Saturday, the police shut down the enormous Central Market and had to fend off angry vendors: [ 320 more words ]

Not being a trained virologist or public health specialist, it’s hard to know what the right level of panic really is.

I have to admit that I never quite realized just how advantageous it is for a country to be "not recognized" in this hyp...

I have to admit that I never quite realized just how advantageous it is for a country to be "not recognized" in this hyper interconnected New World Order. For five long years, I lived in Chisinau, the capital of the Republic of Moldova, and that city is absolutely crawling with foreign diplomats, ambassadors, representatives, EU bureaucrats, United Nations agencies, and NGOs of every possible description. [ 1,162 more word ]

It turns out that REAL democracy is actually pretty cool…

Three years ago, I started paying close attention to the news media here in Pridnestrovie. All of is available online, f...

Three years ago, I started paying close attention to the news media here in Pridnestrovie. All of is available online, for free, without any hidden gimmicks like required logins, paywalls, or paid subscriptions. And yet it truly seems like no one ever reads it. I can partially understand that. Because a non-trivial percentage of the news here is positive. And if all you've ever heard is… [ 1,165 more word ]

Do good things EVER happen in Romania?

I was doing my thing the other day, reading through yet another lengthy patriotic screed on Romanian history, when an un...

I was doing my thing the other day, reading through yet another lengthy patriotic screed on Romanian history, when an unexpected fact caught my eye. Scrambling to my keyboard, it didn't take me long to find this: Why Didn't the United States Recognize the Union of Romania with ? And here's the short answer: The international recognition of the union of with Romania proved to be a rather difficult process. [ 1,158 more word ]

The United States refused to recognize the 1920 annexation of Bessarabia (Moldova) to the Kingdom of Romania, a fact very few people want you to know.

In 2014, I came to Chisinau (the capital of the Republic of Moldova) after having traveled and lived in Romania for 14 y...

In 2014, I came to Chisinau (the capital of the Republic of Moldova) after having traveled and lived in Romania for 14 years. As such, I expected Chisinau to be not much different than places like Iasi and Botosani (in Romanian Moldova) - in other words, a bit of an accent, but more or less the same as anywhere else I'd been to in the Romanian-speaking world. [ 1,640 more word ]

Stalin did plenty of REAL bad s**t during his lifetime, but Romanian patriots prefer to blame him for things he had absolutely nothing to do with.

As soon as I told my friends that I was thinking of moving to Tiraspol, they all immediately began joking that I was "co...

As soon as I told my friends that I was thinking of moving to Tiraspol, they all immediately began joking that I was "coming out of the closet" as a Communist. Even my wife bought me a copy of the Communist Manifesto last year because of my "love" for Communism. But here's the thing - I really am not a Communist. [ 2,302 more words ]

Diversity is the lifeblood for any country, and Romania and Moldova urgently need to learn that.

Sometimes, I wonder if the name "Nastase" is secret Romanian code for "stupid as hell." Last week, the "journalist" Cris...

Sometimes, I wonder if the name "Nastase" is secret Romanian code for "stupid as hell." Last week, the "journalist" Cristian Tudor Popescu (who goes by the initials CTP) was speaking on his show about the recent arrest of Mircea Beuran (🇺🇸), a "respected" doctor in Bucharest who was caught red-handed accepting a bribe of 10,000 euros. CTP then segued into the 2012 "su***de attempt" of former Prime Minister Adrian Nastase (not to be confused with Moldova's… [ 1,406 more word ]

As pathetic as always, Adrian Nastase is sticking to his 2012 “su***de attempt” story.

It truly never fails to surprise me how blindly every single foreign analyst (including Romanians, who truly should know...

It truly never fails to surprise me how blindly every single foreign analyst (including Romanians, who truly should know better) treats the internal politics of the Republic of Moldova as a simple, binary battle between "pro-EU" and "pro-Russian" camps. I suppose it's because Moldova is a really small country, and so the presupposition is that such a tiny place shouldn't have staggeringly complex internal politicals. [ 2,590 more words ]

It was a very good week for the devil himself, Andrian Candu.

It's been an exceptionally warm winter in Tiraspol, perhaps the warmest in modern history. We've had absolutely no snow ...

It's been an exceptionally warm winter in Tiraspol, perhaps the warmest in modern history. We've had absolutely no snow at all except for one brief dusting that was gone by the next morning. But that wasn't the case a century ago. In January of 1920, this region of the world was experiencing severe cold and lots of snow. And it was during this frigid winter that a group of desperate refugees made a long overland march from Odessa to the Dniester River. [ 1,816 more word ]

In 1920, Romanian forces in Bender cut out the ice of the frozen Dniester River in order to prevent refugees from entering their newly-won territory.

As far as I can tell, no Romanian leader has ever apologized for anything. No matter how bad the scandal, the failure, t...

As far as I can tell, no Romanian leader has ever apologized for anything. No matter how bad the scandal, the failure, the corruption, the number of deaths, the abuse... Romanian politicians never apologize, ever. Even Nicolai Ceausescu, on the day before he was shot like a dog by Ionel Boieru against a wall in Targoviste, never once apologized for anything. [ 942 more words ]

Prosecutors in Romania don’t wear masks. Judges in Romania don’t wear masks. So why is it okay for police officers to wear masks?



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