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Video Español /Information written in English
Tunisia, officially the Republic of Tunisia,is the northernmost country in Africa. Bordered by Algeria to the west and southwest, Libya the southeast, and the Mediterranean Seato Tunis is the capital and largest city of the country, which is itself named after Tunis. The official language of Tunisia is Arabic, is the most spoken, and French also serves as an
administrative and educational language in some contexts, but it has no official status.
Precio /Price : £560
Includes: Plane, luggage, round-trip transfers, all-inclusive 5-star hotel, 2-day, 1-night excursion through the Sahara Desert.
Incluyo: Avion, maleta de factura, traslados ida y vuelta, Hotel 5 en todo incluido, excursión de 2 días y 1 noche por el desierto Sahara.